

617 ratings
How To Recover Your Account
By Ara
This is a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the Steam Support Help page to recover an account that you no longer have access to.

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Step 1: Lock your account (optional but recommended)

If your account was hijacked, in most cases your email address on that account will have been changed. Steam will send you an email informing you about the change:

If you receive that email even though you did not change anything, then click "use this account specific recovery link" to lock your account, to prevent the hijacker from doing anything harmful with it.

If you had email verification instead of mobile authentication, you will see this instead:

Make sure to write down the unlock code, you will need it to unlock your account later.

Afterwards, you can then contact Steam Support.

If you are unable to lock your account, do not panic. Skip to the next step.
Step 2: "I forgot my password"
Begin the process of contacting Steam Support

You will see this:

Enter your account login name, which the hijacker cannot change.

Then click "I'm not a robot". You will be required to do the CAPTCHA.

If the CAPTCHA keeps giving you an error, try one of the following:
  • Try using another browser/device on recovering the account.
  • Disable extensions on the browser.
  • Make sure you're not using any proxies/VPNs when doing the recovery process.
  • Enable Pop-Ups site permission
  • Refresh it multiple times.
If none of the above suggestions work, please comment below with the Reference ID.

Step 3: "I no longer have access to mobile authenticator"

Steam will now ask you how you want to reset your password. If you have Steam Guard mobile authenticator enabled on your account, they will ask you if you want to reset with that.

As most hijacked accounts do not use the mobile authenticator, most of you who are using this guide will not see this section. Feel free to scroll to the next step.

But if Steam does ask you if you want to reset using the mobile authenticator, click on "I no longer have access to my Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator".

Step 4: "I no longer have access to this phone number"

Next, if you have entered a phone number on Steam, Steam will ask you if you want to reset your password through SMS verification.

Hijackers will commonly change your number or remove them, so if you see this part, click on "I no longer have access to this phone number".

Step 5: "I no longer have access to this email address"

Next, Steam will ask if you want to reset your password by sending verification code to your email address.

Assuming that the hijacker has changed your email address (which happens a lot), click on "I no longer have access to this email address".

Step 6: "I forgot my password"

Now, Steam will ask you to enter your account's password.

In most cases your password will have been changed by whoever hijacked your account, so click on "I forgot my password".

Step 7: Contact Steam Support with proof of ownership

Now you will finally reach the page that allows you to contact Steam Support regarding recovering your stolen account.

Fill in all the relevant information that you think will help you recover your account.

Things that are necessary:

  • Your current contact email address.

  • Proof of ownership. This can either be the payment method that you used to purchase games/Wallet funds and/or the retail CD key(s) that you have activated on your Steam account.

    Please check here to see what constitutes "proof of ownership".

And remember, in your words to Steam Support, try to be polite! After all, nobody wants to help someone who is rude.

However, if you have recently made a purchase on your account, you may see this screen instead:

If the information matches yours, proceed to verify your card. Otherwise, click "I no longer have access to this card anymore" at the bottom.

Final step: Send and wait for Steam Support to respond

Click "Send" after you are done.

Now you wait for Steam Support to respond to you. There is not a fixed amount of time for Steam Support to respond, it depends on how many tickets they have to handle. All I can advise is to be patient.

You may check the current Steam Support statistics and average response times here:

As a reminder, if you get CAPTCHA issues, try one of the following:
  • Try using another browser/device on recovering the account.
  • Disable extensions on the browser.
  • Make sure you're not using any proxies/VPNs when doing the recovery process.
  • Enable Pop-Ups site permission
  • Refresh it multiple times.

Closing words and credits

I hope that this guide has aided you in the process of recovering your account. Good luck, and check out the following guides to help you make your account more secure, as well as learn about current scams:

The information provided within this guide was obtained from the Steam Support self-help site.

Most of the screenshots were taken and edited by me. Other miscellaneous images were provided by UniQ, GREY, Cohih and various Steam community moderators. The guide design was inspired by Aevoa. Captcha issue solutions provided by Yoskazwa.

If you find any errors, inconsistencies or outdated information in this guide, please leave feedback in the guide comments below.

milkshakopatate 6 Mar @ 6:35pm 
The email account linked to the Steam account was hacked by bruteforcing even though she had Authenticator On. Received Unsuccessful attempts to login to her account from everywhere in the world and they finally got in (we still don't know how....). Microsoft changed the email for a new address and now we can't login to Steam.......
milkshakopatate 6 Mar @ 6:32pm 
We did all those steps, filled out the form, but never received the confirmation code by email to enter in order to send them... Tried writing to them by email to and got an answer back just saying "we do not monitor that email anymore, go send a request on the app"......... Thinking very hard about never buying anything on steam ever again
aussie gabe newell 20 Feb @ 4:37am 
I think I did everything right
Changed the email
The password and logged out of all devices
Marvel 16 Jan @ 3:18pm 
Thank you, account recovery should not be this difficult.
Proste_Wrax 6 Jan @ 6:25am 
I had a prepaid faceit there but I would ask you to ban him or block him from accessing steam pls
Proste_Wrax 6 Jan @ 6:23am 
gg dude you changed everything so hmm but thanks for the help
hangman being hanged 3 Jan @ 7:25am 
2. The domain was registered on cloudflar's system - when I reported this to steam, they interestingly deleted it from the system - it had been there for a long time because I found it on the existing blacklists afterwards.. whoever registered it set google's mail server in the dns record - so it can be traced back to google's API - according to. (I think)
hangman being hanged 3 Jan @ 7:24am 
I went through the same thing with a phishing website. It was my fault, it was a spoofed site. I didn't put on my glasses and the domain link seemed to be good. After I recognised, reported it immediatly to the support. I gave all the info, account number, etc. I copied also the website that performed an xss attack on steam, which worked.. - so it's not just my fault... Unfortunately I didn't get a single response yet - that they would "investigate" it - or something like that...
I saved the website in time, here is the xss that was used to hack steam's system: "/^ https://st [ace][ae][a-z]{1,4}o[mn][a-z]{4,8}y[a-z] ?/.com/$document,|com" - this unfortunately works...
Brad 18 Dec, 2024 @ 10:23am 
Thanks - Very helpful
東(Higashi) 28 Oct, 2024 @ 10:09am 