Fattymcfatty > Brokering CS⇆TF
United States
Always looking to buy and trade CS and TF2 items
I am being impersonated, I will always have an open backpack and comments
Hellmet collector
Kirjautunut ulos
1 106
tuntia pelattu
Brokering services
Backpack.tf link: https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198337378097

Trade link: https://steamproxy.net/tradeoffer/new/?partner=377112369&token=hudCUOjD


Items brokered so far! ( Haven't updated in a while)

- Sunbeams Onimann (2800 keys)

- RA Whirly (2000 keys)

- Blizzardy Storm Antlers (1700 keys)

- Chiroptera Venenata Nasty Norsemann (1500 keys)

- Phosphorous Pyromancer (1200 keys)

- Demonflame Crotchleather (1200 keys)

- Demonflame Blokes bucket hat (950 keys)

- CC Cloudy Moon Trophy Belt (750 keys)

- Strange Burning Flames Seared Sorcerer (666 keys)

- Haunted Forever Mr. Bones (600 keys)

- Strange Natural Lights Wandering Wraith (600 keys)

- Glitched Anti-Freeze Killer Kabuto (500 keys)

- Power surge Large Lucha (450 keys)

-Burning Flames Brotherhood of Arms (450keys)

- Morning Glory Tossle Cap (400 keys)

- Electrostatic Killer Exclusive (400 keys)

- Nebula Universal Translator (385 keys)

- Chiroptera Venenata Electric Escorte (320 keys)

- Horsemann’s hack Cowl (300 keys)

-Smoking Rack (300 keys)

- Strange Mystery to Everyone Duck billed Hatypus (250 keys)

- Hot Professional killstreak Broken Bones Sniper Rifle (250 keys)

- Scorching flames Reindoonihorns (200 keys)

- Isotope Field-Tested Pink Elephant Stickybomb Launcher (200 keys)

- Sunbeams Pipe (180 keys)

- PE One Man Army (150 keys)

- Severed Serration Antarctic EyeWear (115 keys)

- Malevolent Monoculi Sophisticated Smoker (100 keys)

- Strange professional killstreak Shot to Hell Scattergun (70 keys)

- Pro Ks Aussie Stickybomb launcher (TS/55 keys)

- WW Yeti-Coated Rocket Launcher (50 keys)

- KAW Surgeons Stalhem (30 keys)

- G-Fetti Herald's Helm (30 keys)

- Smoking Trapper (25 keys)

- DBD brim (26 keys)

Thundering spirit square dance (8 keys)

- 700 keys worth of spells

- Global Cluster Antarctic Eyewear (???)
Saadut palkinnot
Annetut palkinnot
Dream Hellmet never traded before :D
19 7
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 126 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 15.11.
yhteensä 1 106 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 15.11.
yhteensä 2 216 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 11.11.
Backdraft🔥 11.11. klo 7.55 
Added ab brokering
❤️ Nmyy 💖 10.11. klo 18.15 
No interest in katos, sorry.
InkQ † 10.11. klo 8.44 
added to discuss
Careful with any impersonator! Make sure it's always the real me.
gnar 6.11. klo 19.33 
btw you have an imposter that adds from these comments
gnar 6.11. klo 19.16 
are you interested in the offer by chance?