Sup! :whiteward: Just a dude who loves video games

Favourite games:
The Walking Dead series
Life is Strange series
Beyond: Two Souls
Detroid: Become Human
The WItcher series
Tomb Raider series
Disco Elysium
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Fallout series
The Evil Within series
Dying Light series
Subnautica series
Gothic series
The Forest
South Park series
They are Billions
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18.8 Hours played
The Walking Dead series from Telltale Games is my favorite game series ever. Honestly, I've never played a better game, and I've played quite a few of them. The stories told are incredibly engaging, interesting, intriguing and heartwarming. The soundtrack is amazing and fits in every moment. Whether we are in a fight, during stressful choices or in a tragic, sad situation. Especially in this last aspect, the music is chosen perfectly and really affects the player... There are plenty of moments where things happen that we don't expect at all. Each part of this game is very atmospheric and the world during the zombie apocalypse was presented brilliantly. The fight for survival, the smallest scrap of food and a drop of water, land, the fight for our people. As for the characters, they are written very well and the player becomes very, very attached to them. Everything we say and do, every decision we make matters. We create our own history and the choices in this game are never easy. The only bad thing I can say is that it will happen rarely, but sometimes when we are faced with a choice, it won't matter what we choose anyway. In closing, the game is 11/10. Evening, silence around you, take some snacks, start this game and immediately forget about the problems of the real world and immerse yourself in this world. The most beautiful memories I have had in games and I will never be able to forget them. I just wish I could forget about it all and play this series of games again...
My favourite gaming quotes
"Still. Not. Bitten." - Clementine, The Walking Dead Season 2

"You ain't a girl, you ain't a boy. You ain't small or strong, you're alive." - Chuck, The Walking Dead

"Part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about, even if sometimes, that means hurting someone else." - Lee Everett, The Walking Dead

"That's what's good about a broken heart. When you're looking at it all broken and shattered on the floor... You figure out the pieces you need versus the ones you liked." - Javier Garcia, The Walking Dead Season 3

"Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling... Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition's blurred. If I'm to choose between one evil and another... I'd rather not choose at all." - Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

"Drinking alone is as bad as shi*ting in company." - Zoltan Chivay, The WItcher 2 Assasins of Kings

"Everything lost is meant to be found." - Lara Croft

"A scar means I survived." - Lara Croft

"Good night, good luck." - Dying Light

"I regret nothing" - The Postal Dude, Postal 2

"Real darkness has love for a face. The first death is in the heart, Harry." - Dolores Dei / Dora Ingerlund, Disco Elysium
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last played on 19 Jun
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last played on 19 Jun
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last played on 13 Jun
Suq Maddiq 30 Aug, 2022 @ 10:24am 
Wotaher 22 Dec, 2021 @ 5:19am 
+Rep Przepis na bigos SKŁADNIKI: Nogawka śmierdzących portek jarczyka 2 kg kapusty 0,5 kg boczku świeżego 0,5 kg karkówki lub łopatki 0,5 kg kiełbasy głogowskiej(śląskiej) 20 dkg kiełbasy jałowcowej 30 dkg pieczarek lub grzybów suszonych 4 sztuki śliwek suszonych(bez pestek) ziele angielskie,liście laurowe,,sól 2 cebule 1 słoiczek koncentratu PRZYGOTOWANIE: Kapustę zalać wodą, dodać ziele angielskie, liście laurowe. Mięso podsmażyć na tłuszczu, pokroić w kostkę, dodać do kapusty. Kiełbasę pokroić w kostkę podsmażyć razem z cebulką na tłuszczu, dodać do kapusty. Dodać pieczarki pokrojone lub grzybki suszone wcześniej namoczone i obgotowane w wodzie, w której się moczyły, oraz śliwki. Gotować bigos na wolnym ogniu,następnie śmierdzącą nogawke pociąć na drobne części i wrzucić do całego wywaru i gotowac przez 5-10 minut aby cały smród wyparował. Pod koniec gotowania dodać koncentrat pomidorowy, dobrze wymieszać,
TheHauabaua 22 Dec, 2021 @ 5:13am 
Tępy c h u j
Nox 8 Feb, 2021 @ 8:36am 
+rep good men gg