
Hastighet 最近的评测

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总时数 2.3 小时
Sure it has some good points, like graphics, controls (mostly), and general gameplay overall. However, when you have higher BR players that have been playing for bloody ever kill you in just three to five shots, or destroy your tank within seconds without using anti-tank weapons, its not fun anymore. YES, they have skill, A LOT of skill, because they have been playing A LOT longer than you, but they also have MUCH more durable and damaging equipment in a FPS. No fun to be had by the casual gamer here. Two big thumbs down.
发布于 2018 年 5 月 1 日。
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总时数 112.4 小时 (评测时 59.1 小时)
EDIT - 20181127 - I actually really like this game. Hoping that my angry review was taken as angry humour. Not sure if I successfully conveyed that or not. 10/10 will die again and again.

Fu@$ this game. There is no fu@$ing easy setting. Its all just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and your heroes that you spend time training will all fu@$ing die. I hate this piece of garbage, but I'm still gonna play it.

10/10 will get fu@$ed up and die again... And again... And again... And again... And again... And again... And again... And again...

PS: Do not mess with the Shambler. Just DONT
发布于 2018 年 4 月 27 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 11 月 27 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 19.5 小时
I played this game for several hours over three separate days during the play-free-weekend event they had going on. Was really tempted to buy it, but chose not to due to the combat. I still recommend it, just not for me. Further explanation below.

I like the empire management, the random story encounters, the resource and research generation, and I really like the ship customization. Don't really see that too often with 4x rts/tbs (real time strategy/turn based strategy) games. The only real gripes I have is that the combat is kinda lame, especially the ground 'battles' and the tutorial is not really a tradtional tutorial. It's more like the advisor that pops up from Total War games. I like the way the ship battles look, but not how they play out. It very repetitive, and the only thing that makes it different is when you slap some different types of weapons on your ships. Overall the game is good on the empire management part, but it could really improve in the combat department. It'd be better if the space battles were kinda like Battlefleet Gothic Armada, and if there were at least some kind of 3d rendered ground battles, even if just as cinematics. Hopefully the next one, if there is a next one, will greatly improve and drastically change in the combat department.
发布于 2017 年 11 月 20 日。
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总时数 32.1 小时 (评测时 30.8 小时)
While I've never played Rust, I've researched it and chose that it was not for me.
This is Rust with magic and broomsticks. Wish I knew that before hand. Regardless I have enjoyed myself while playing this game, until recently. Read below for more info, or just skip to the final paragraph.

Graphics- pretty good, could be better.

Sound- The voice chat is a hit or miss, leaning more towards the miss with choppiness and incomprensible speech.

Gameplay- Good, though if you're a melee user then you're garbage. Melee attacks and spells are the most inferior play style in this game, not to mention the 'Iron' armor tree at this time.

AI- Pretty stupid. Needs a serious upgrade or even an overhaul. I tamed a giant and it refused to fight, just staring at me with a constant "Urgh" look on its face. And fighting wild creatures is horrible. Sprite, dragons, and orcs are the only real enemies in terms of AI. Everything else is too stupid to do anything significant. Orcs for their part are extremely stupid though. The crossbowmen throw knives instead of shooting arrows/bolts for ♥♥♥♥♥ sake! I thought they were arrows till I looked down and saw I got hit by a kinfe, and the melee orcs are somehow worse cuz they can throw three knives at once. The arc of those knives is pretty bad too. All in all, the AI are really stupid and need to be redone.

Servers- The connections are garbage. The server that I played on for most of my time with this game had to restart nearly every hour, and it would be offline for up to 30 minutes or more. One night it was off for about 4-5 hours. It was an unofficial server sure, but with the official servers you have no way to naturally regenerate mana. Kind of a garbage concept if you're playing a mage game like this, you know? If you're not going to have naturally regenerating mana, at least make some better melee options.

Community- Mixed feelings. Again, like Rust (probably because many Rust players are now playing this game to an extent). I was playing on a PvP server and was thinking it would be like the PvP servers of Ark. In one way it is, in another not at all. You can walk up to people and not even know who they are which makes any encounter with another player dicey. You won't know if they are the ones that just raided and killed you, or just some random people trying to play the game. I myself just got base wiped and I only know two of the people's names cuz they fessed up to it in chat. The Devs really need floating name tags or something so you don't have to be right up on them and pointed directly at them to know who the ♥♥♥♥ they are. I've played on that PvP server I mentioned for about 30-31 hours since I bought this game, and for the first 31ish hours the player base was alright. You had people that thrived in PvP, but most weren't griefing so it was all good. Then out of nowhere comes the highest level players in the server and they completely base wiped myself and several others merely for giggles.

I realize that the community point is the most lengthy, but that is the main reason that I can not recommend this game. As long as this game is played by those that enjoy playing as griefers, I can not recommend it in any way, shape, or form. The game itself has promise. The current community on the other hand, who can tell?
发布于 2017 年 7 月 30 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 7 月 30 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 163.8 小时 (评测时 117.5 小时)

I like this game, its fun to play alone or with friends and it looks nice to boot. But no, it is not worth the $60 price tag. Get it when it drops back down to $30 or less during a sale.


Ark is fun regardless as to whether or not you play it solo, with friends, or online in a public server. The base building is great, the graphics are the best as far as I have seen for an Early Access game with only maybe one exception but even then there are more things to see in Ark so it still wins in my opinion. The gameplay could be a little better, but with everything else that is in this game it is more than acceptable. The only thing thus far that I would really like to be fixed is;

1) some pretty heavy dino balancing (Spino can get surrounded, swarmed and killed easily by troodons and other small and quick dinos, and it can't really fight back cuz it's head can't reach them when they attack it's sides, then there's the raft-killing-whale-sized-fish in the ocean. I mean really? At least make it hostile to 'ALL' except the other ocean predators unless they're player-owned. Also, when a Rex, Spino, Carno, or whatever else is surrounded by a ♥♥♥♥-ton of other species' predators like Dilos, Raptors, and what have you, THAT should be turning into a damn bloodbath, not a 'gang-up-on-the-herbivore/player' party. Getting pretty tired of going to the edge of the swamplands and seeing everything attack one Trike or Parasaur, kill it, and then walk off like they have paperwork to file.)

2) possibly vehicle construction to be expanded into a jurassic park theme (right now the raft is the main thing I can build as a vehicle, then theres the more advanced ♥♥♥♥ but that takes a much longer than I'd like)

3) and of course it goes without saying but bug fixes as well.

I have yet to try out the primitive plus game mode, but I'm looking forward to it since it seems like it'll be a throwback the original goal of the game. Survival.

Lastly, this is probably the most controversial thing but, the price tag. I'll say this in caps so that it's understood where I stand.


This is a good game. A great game when playing with friends. Even so it is only worth in it's current state the original $30 price tag. Maybe after some more heavy balancing and bug fixes it will be worth $40-50, but not $60. For $60 I would need to be seeing in addition to everything else, 1) Cinematics/Cut-Scenes, 2) NPCs and NPC settlements/structures with quests/missions and a plot-line, and 3) Reasonably priced DLC. I'll tell you right now, I will never pay $20 or more for DLC unless it fully expands on the gameplay, story, mechanics, and game modes of a game, and I suggest you do as I do as well.
发布于 2017 年 7 月 14 日。
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总时数 654.5 小时 (评测时 51.9 小时)
Original Posting: January 29th 2015

I love this game, BUT...
I'll start with the bad, just to get it out of the way. (This will include certain BUGS and GLITCHES that I have run into that I feel are major issues)

-Mainly just HATE the glitches, which I know will be fixed eventually.
-The game crashes at least once every 2-3 hours for me. Randomly and very annoying.
-Every once in awhile when I'm trying to kill a ton of enemies one after the other the game doesn't register that I'm trying to cut someone up with my melee key.
-Rarely, my point of view ends up where the center of my screen is just about where my character's ass is, or right inside his head so its 'almost' like a first person shooter. I DO NOT LIKE EITHER OF THESE.
-Very rarely, (only happened to me once, maybe twice so far) the minimap glitched and when I was doing an immensly difficult survival mission I was trying to escape with all my objectives done while I was running to get to the extraction point. Problem was that the minimap did not guide me on the proper path like it should, since the 'guide' marker was stuck in the top left of the minimap, just hanging out up there.
-Only non-glitch/bug thing that I can not agree with at all is the fact that the game doesn't explain the plot (if there really is one) very well. More backstory and plot would be really awesome.
-Only other things that I HATE that the game doesn't warn you before hand that you can't switch out your warframe after you choose it at the start UNLESS you build a new warframe, which would be fine, if you didn't also have to build EACH component of the new warframe and that you ALSO have a VERY limited amount of space for Warframes by default. (Only enough room for one extra Warframe at first) Also limited space for weapons, BOTH SUCK ASS

-Combines hack and slash, role playing game, and third person shooter elements almost completely flawlessly into one really awesome MMO game.
-Customization of your Warframe(s) and Weapons is awesome, and I LOVE that you have a realtime crafting system, that awesome.
-Love the idea of clans actually owning areas of space and making players pay tribute to do missions in those specific zones. (Usually its reasonable tribute costs, but not always. Hate when then say "We get >50% and you get what is left")
-The game can be both challenging to the point where you want to take a sledge hammer to every computer within a hundred mile radius, as well as so sadistically satisfying when you're blowing away hundreds upon hundreds of enemies 10 to 50 at a time.
-Graphics, artwork, cinematics, etc... leaves nothing to be desired. Love it all.
-Controls are simple and easy to get used to, as well as customizable.
-The game is VERY original in its overall design, plot, backstory, Etc as far as I can tell. Again, just wish there was a little more to the backstory and plot and that they were explained a bit better.
-Honestly one of the greatest games I have EVER played on the PC.
发布于 2015 年 1 月 28 日。
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总时数 0.5 小时 (评测时 0.2 小时)
I am sorry. I really am, but I can NOT recommend this game at this time.

Honestly, I have yet to even play it. I tried to do a tutorial/training mission but it seems as if I get booted from the game for one reason or another every 30-45 seconds. I got to the boosting part and then was greeted by an error message, and then my computer crashed. I've had it for maybe a month and it has not done that even once before. Besides the constant booting from the game, all the error messages left and right, the game just takes too freaking long to load from one the login to the garage, to anywhere you click. Half the time it takes so long I get booted and greeted with some other random error message. Nothing is wrong with my computer or my internet. I don't know what is wrong, but it's something with this game.

I know it's early access. I know it's free. I know that, in theory, the game has IMMENSE potential. But right now it's not even worth looking at. Dev's, PLEASE, fix the loading times, the booting, and the inumerable ammount of error messages. I would have made a ticket describing my problem(s), but there are just far too many for me to be patient and write them down and then send you all a ticket about them. I'm usually a patient person, but I will NOT play a game that I can't even call a game. I'm sorry for the negative reveiw, but a game is not a game if it can not be played. It's just an idea and code. Once more, at this time I do not recommend this game. I really hope the issues are fixed later on, at which point I will gladly start playing and trying to help with improving the game, but till then it's just taking up space on my hardrive.
发布于 2014 年 4 月 16 日。
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