
Hastighet 最近的评测

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总时数 334.8 小时 (评测时 116.0 小时)
Freedom has been preserved... for now.
发布于 5 月 7 日。
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总时数 62.0 小时 (评测时 5.4 小时)
Getting really irritated with the constant freezing issues. Tried turning off all the different things that people suggested that worked for some of them, tried the windows 95 compatibility fix, tried verifying file integrity, tried altering the resolution, tried everything I can think of. Also, my PC is well above the recommended specs, so this is some real buggy BS on Ubisoft's part that they refuse to patch and fix.
发布于 4 月 14 日。
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总时数 5.9 小时
Played the original on Xbox 360 way back when, and whilst I hated some things about the game (such as the main character's VA delivery of his lines. Dude sounded so bloody boring and emotionless. Should've had the guy who VA'd his childhood friend that he wound up killing later in the game be the VA for the main character), I could at least enjoy the theme they were going for, how the scenes and environments were presented, and the combat. This "remastered" version took the Assassin's Creed that I enjoyed the least out of all of them, and somehow made it worse. The lighting and character models are presented in a very off putting manner, and they have ruined entire scenes. Furthermore, there's a sync issue with the cut scenes where the audio and the visuals don't always match, and even some characters' mouths do not move when they should be speaking some lines. A real bang-up job of a remaster. Terrible, truly.
发布于 4 月 14 日。
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总时数 0.6 小时
Fun, quick little game. A bit pricey sure, but its more than acceptable when you take into account its for a good cause. Keep up the fight Mr. Jones & team, and maybe consider coming out with a video game dev studio in the future. Hell maybe make a MugClub Game Studio that makes non-woke games with good stories and gameplay. At the very least make a part 2 to this game with some tales of Jesus. That'd be a good time.
发布于 1 月 9 日。
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总时数 169.8 小时 (评测时 64.6 小时)
2023, September 19th Update

7/10, formerly I thought 8/10, but had to reduce the rating due to some immersion breaking bugs and also immersion breaking ideology, all that I've come to discover after many hours in the game. I'm mostly ok with the ideology as a concept, not in practice, due to the high level of SciFi in the game but still think it was only put in there to help push a certain narrative in a somewhat subtle way. There is a lot here that I like, and a fair amount of things I don't like or disagree with (like not having any form of vehicular transportation on planets), but overall I really enjoy the game. It could be a lot better though if the devs gave the players the option to OPT OUT of some of the more woke/controversial stuff (like with the pronouns, so you could choose to not have the option to choose pronouns), obviously fix as many of the game breaking and immersion breaking bugs as possible (like the bug that has made most NPCs in my playthrough lose their clothes), and also add in features and QoL updates that make things more intuitive, functional, and user-friendly (like some bloody land or hover vehicles for planetary exploration). Still a great game, but needs some serious polish and some reassessment on certain concepts. Oh, and give us more than just the four options for romantic partners. I really thought that the girl on the colony ship that wanted permission to leave it was going to become a recruitable crew member, and possible love interest, but nope. No dice. Lame.
发布于 2023 年 9 月 7 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 9 月 19 日。
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总时数 37.8 小时
I love this game. The gameplay is fast paced and hectic (not in a weird glitchy, buggy way) at times, which can be very fun and engaging. Switching up your powers to figure out how you want to combo them and your weapons together can be pretty fun, and you don't have to worry about a level cap either. You keep earning the materials and whatnot that you need to unlock your abilities constantly, so long as you're putting down enemies. The only time that the gameplay gets frustrating and pisses people off is when you get to the outside area and have to constantly fight enemies that you just beat a moment ago (and that those same enemies you just beat and got repaired don't give you anymore loot). Its not really that big of a deal though, and there are ways you can stop them from respawning, but you won't figure that out without looking them up most likely. The theme is awesome, I love the fallout/bioshock vibes I get from the game, the atmosphere and graphical representations are phenomenal. I only have one graphical gripe, and that has to do with the Jelly man looking like some weird CGI from the late 1990's to early 2000's. Well that and that we were told via P-3's dialogue that Larisa was rather pretty, and I gotta disagree. Above all though, I'm in love with the music. Right after I get done with this review, I'm buying the soundtrack, which is something I never do no matter how much I love a game. I love how the combat music actually sounds like it's trying to get your adrenaline pumping and pairs with the more difficult encounters perfectly. They really knew what they were doing when it came to music, even more so than gameplay, honest opinion. The story was also pretty sweet. I had a general idea where it was going, and then every once in awhile it'd throw a curve ball. Final gripe though, I didn't really care for the ending. I get that they were probably setting up for Atomic Heart 2, but the fact that there are two endings that pretty much result in the same thing with slight differences, and that thing is kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥... Did not like that. All in all though, really solid game. I just wish I had known that I can play the game in the Russian language with English subtitles before I beat the whole damn thing. Oh well, time to launch it back up and beat it on hard mode with the DLC, the authentic way.
发布于 2023 年 8 月 20 日。
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总时数 25.3 小时
Maybe this game was good on consoles way back in the day, but on PC its beyond frustrating. If you want the story just go to youtube and watch a playthrough. Don't make yourself suffer like I did.
发布于 2023 年 8 月 1 日。
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总时数 77.2 小时
TL;DR - 6/10 Poor man's Indie 'Medieval 3 Total War'. Good but could be a lot better. Have not tried out the multiplayer aspect so no idea how that goes.

There's a lot here that I like about the game, mainly the political and economic systems, but there are a lot of things that leave much to be desired. Mainly I am talking about the battles, the military units variety and balancing, UI/details for your units that do not provide all the details and stats that you would find very useful, and some other things that you'll find throughout the campaign. Also, as I am writing up this review I'm seeing the preview videos of battles and the like and I gotta say that they look far better than any of the battles I've played on max settings. There just seems to be a lot more variety in the videos' maps than what I've seen personally, and I've fought battles all over the place. Not sure what's up with that but just putting it out there. One of the biggest disappointments though is that the best units in the game for the player's starting culture seem to be over in England with Man-at-Arms, Longbows, and Feudal Knights. Other than these, the better units for all the different types and tiers are the generic types. If you have any culture replacements (such as Slavic Bowmen, Slavic Light Infantry, Desert Infantry, etc.) more likely than not they will be worse overall than the generic types offered from most European countries. I have no idea if this was intentional, but it makes things kinda lame if you're trying to spice things up with a different nation/culture but don't necessarily want a more difficult game.

All-in-all, the game can still be pretty fun but I'd wait for a sale/price-drop (not worth $45), or just buy a different game that's in a similar vein. The only reason why I bought it was for a new game set in the Medieval era since Medieval 3 Total War has yet to even be announced.
发布于 2023 年 6 月 10 日。
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有 27 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 31.2 小时
I only have just over 31hrs in this game, which is much less than most games I play and review. Regardless, from what I've played thus far, this game is pretty good. I get why so many people 'review bombed' the game, believing the game to have been abandoned, but I have to disagree after seeing their latest news post about the game. The devs, a very small indie team, have stated that there have been setbacks and the like in the development of the game, but also that they have not abandoned the game. Just as an aside, I've seen far more games be in early access for far longer, and with larger dev teams. For a team of TWO people to produce something like this with the level of quality that can currently be seen in the game, I gotta say that's pretty impressive. A lot of y'all don't seem to realize that real life tends to get in the way of previously conceived plans, and making video games (as far as I can see) is no different. Pretty hard to keep working on your passion project, hoping to deliver something amazing to those that have supported you, when you're not sure if you'll be able to continue putting food on the table. Learn to slow down and have some patience, its a virtue.
发布于 2023 年 1 月 2 日。
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总时数 70.7 小时 (评测时 60.0 小时)
TLDR Version: Game was intimidating at first due to the potential of custom ship building, but was surprisingly simple and straightforward in the more important areas. Very fun purchase.

Honestly surprised by how much I have enjoyed this game thus far. My cousin told me about it seeing that it had coop, yet at first I was intimidated by the sheer amount/size of constructions you could make for your ship(s). Also did not realize at first that you could have multiple custom designed ships. After I watched a YouTube video of two guys playing the game in coop, however, I knew I wanted the game. I was five minutes into the video when I decided to close it and head to the Steam Page to make my purchase. After playing it for a few hours I was surprised by how simple building a ship was. I set forth with making a giant, all-rounder ship that could do all tasks set for it yet did not excel in any areas, and later started building fleets of cheap simplistic ships as well as highly specialized combat, mining, and scouting ships. Everything seemed to flow together quite naturally and organically. Whilst there are a few things that I would like to see added/adjusted to the game, such as enemies that repopulate inside systems and asteroids that eventually replace the ones that you previously mined away, at this time I can honestly say this is a really great game. The fact that its an indie game as well is a nice bonus too.
发布于 2022 年 11 月 2 日。
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