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2,050.6 timer totalt (21.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

The game has significantly improved from the time of my original review. Most bugs, glitches, pathfinding issues, etc have been addressed and fixed. Most but not all, but that's to be expected honestly. After putting 228hrs into TW:W3, I have warmed up to most of the factions at this time, though it did take a major update or two in order for progress to be made. Even though five of the eight factions are basically just different demons like factions, they play so differently from each other I have to begrudgingly agree that they are their own full-fledged factions that required quite a bit of work to design and develop. The map, though I still feel is smaller than the maps from the other two games, I have also warmed up to it for the most part. The detail and little snippets of lore included in the campaign map itself from points of interest that are mainly just there to look at is a nice touch. On the topic of lore, I did not previously notice that the unit/spell browser now lists a small but fair amount of lore for ALL the units across ALL three games; I apologize. This is something I find very meaningful as a fan of the game itself, and thanks to these three games, a fan of Warhammer as a whole. I also failed to mention some of the good things in my original review, such as the new level 50 cap, in comparison to TW:W2's level 40 cap. Also, I really like how all the equipment and ancillaries menus are set up, as well as how they function. No more having to wait a turn for equipment and followers to become 'attached' to a character. Its now instantaneous, and you can unequip and re-equip any piece of equipment an unlimited number of times. Whilst I am still hopeful for the Immortal Empires map to not become a scaled down disappointment when it releases (which I still have some major fears and anxiety about), I hope that CA continues to redeem themselves and this game with the work they have done, are doing, and will do in the future. I would really love for this game to continue becoming something that I can look back on and say, "One of the best damn games of all time," but time will tell. For now I will continue playing. I will leave my original review below for context, but to be clear, this is now a good game.


I have 2227hrs in Total War: Warhammer II, and 301hrs in Total War: Warhammer, so I am obviously a fan of the series. I am not, however, a fan of Total War: Warhammer III thus far.

EDIT: March 21st 2022 - Tried to give the game a second shot, and while playing it only in the campaign mode and auto-resolving all the battles makes the game semi-passable, still getting irritated and disappointed by the game. While I have come to find several things about the game that I enjoy, such as the equipment menus, the outpost system, and the fact that confederations don't apply any negative effects. I am, however, finding more bugs by the HOUR and none of the previously mentioned issues have thus far been addressed. @CA, fix your damn game. I actually started to find the story of the campaign somewhat interesting, until I had to recruit several Boyars/Lords to check them for equipment after a confederation, just to then give them the boot afterwards. Then I found that the supply lines do not get updated after you've given them the boot. So the game acts as though you have 20 armies when you have 5 and all your units' upkeep is insanely expensive now. Deleted my save files. FIX THE DAMN GAME CA. This is the biggest disappointment I've seen in a game in a long time.

-For current and potential customers, read below for more detailed and explained issues that I found earlier in exploring this game. I will not be playing this game again for probably a month at a minimum until they fix the game. CA deserves the negative reviews.

The prologue was mostly fine and fun to play, though I did not like how, given that it is supposed to be a tutorial sort of campaign, it plays 100% differently from how to normal campaign plays. No provinces, no local recruitment, all the buildings, the research tree, and the skill trees are all different from the normal Kislev campaign, etc.

Moving on to the main campaign; I have not been more disappointed in something than I am with the world map in this game. Warhammer 3 was supposed to give us the rest of the Warhammer Fantasy world to play, and instead we get a section of the old world that has been in the series SINCE THE FIRST GAME, a little bit of chaos wastes above the seas in the north, a small portion of the world that lies to the east of the mountains where the dwarves are holed up at, and a few small islands in "the chaos realms." Everything that is here looks amazing, yes, but its so meager in terms of the actual quantity of whats here regarding the Warhammer Fantasy World as a whole. When they come out with the Immortal Empires Campaign Map, they sure as hell better include the entirety of all 3 games, as well as the rest of the Warhammer Fantasy World, or its gonna be a huge middle finger to all their fans and customers. On top of all this for the map in general, in an interview game director Ian Roxburgh said, "...I don’t think the map will be much bigger, because the map in Warhammer III is twice as big as before, and bigger than Mortal Empires.” WTF. This map is TINY. If we're going by settlement numbers its about tied with TW:W2, but that one had massive oceans and the like to traverse, which this one does not, so TW:W2 is still bigger. Mortal Empires needless to say, is FAR bigger than that, both by counting the settlements and by simple surface area of the playable world. Now he may be talking about the Immortal Empires map, but from what he actually said, it is safe to assume he actually is talking about TW:W3's current map, which is stupidly insane. If they jip us the remainder of the Warhammer Fantasy World, I think I'm done with CA for awhile.

Last thing I wanted to hit; Bugs/glitches. SO MANY BUGS, and not just a few to do with pathfinding (THE ABSOLUTE WORST OF ALL THE BUGS). I literally watched as I told one of my units to intercept and attack an enemy cavalry unit trying to attack my archers, and my unit that I told to intercept took a stance like they were going to charge, then stood there with each man doing a slow 180 as they watched the cavalry run right by them. They would not move, at all. Also, when I tell a unit like a snow leopard to disengage and run away from a melee, they should not just stand in the middle of the melee and then spazz out like they're having a seizure with their body constantly jumping backwards a half foot as they get swarmed. Another thing, how is it that in TW:W2 my archers and other ranged units rotate on an axis that is located at their center or pretty damn close, and in this one its as though their rotation axis is located at one of the guys in the very corner edge of the formation? How the hell does that work? Archers and the like are far less useful now than in TW:W2.

I don't know what y'all did over there to muck up TW:W3 so much when comparing it to TW:W2, but you need to fix that pronto if you expect me, and those like me, to buy any of your upcoming DLC for this game. Seriously, been a long time since I've been so disappointed and pissed off at a game and game developer/company.

If they fix ALL this stuff later on, I'll update my review, but damn. Y'all have quite a bit of work to do.
Publisert 26. februar 2022. Sist endret 17. mai 2022.
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707.5 timer totalt (555.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Really good game. Gets updated constantly and has a pretty dedicated modding community. There are a few things that have been present since the beginning that could be improved just make the QoL a bit better. The only two things I can think of in the game currently that provide any sort of detriment would be that sometimes the ai can act a little odd, especially in sieges, and that with every-other major update (something along the lines of 1.4.2->1.5.1 for example) the armor values and costs of certain armors and other items can suddenly take a drastic change because the dev's are aiming for balance. So a piece of armor you had to hunt down and spend 50k for to get something that had a armor rating of 30 now has a rating of 13 and is worth next to nothing.
Publisert 25. november 2020.
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81.5 timer totalt (67.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I was one of the original preorderers, and I was more than disappointed in the game, I was pissed. There was of course the controversy and the outrage all over the world from players that felt betrayed by Hello Games, and I was one of them. Then Hello Games fixed their game, and actually made it practically everything that we had ever asked for and then some. This is, now, one of the best games I have ever played, and that is saying something considering that I used to consider this one of the worst games I had ever played. Hello Games did something that many developers and producers would never do; they listened to their customers and fixed their game through hard work, frustration, and near endless insults and attacks. Hello Games and No Man's Sky are shining examples of what can be done through hard work and determination, especially after some major over sights and missteps. Excellent work Hello Games.
Publisert 9. mars 2020.
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6.2 timer totalt (4.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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The community is nice and helpful, but I really don't like the gameplay mechanic of go out and fight for less than a minute or two if you are not in an armored vehicle, then die, then wait 5-15 or so seconds to respawn, then repeat. Oh, and you have to restock/remake whatever you lost. How is this fun? The concept is ok, but I can't get behind this. Would've been more enjoyable for me if it was a single player real-time-strategy/top-down-shooter. Very niche type of game that is only for those that enjoy this style of gameplay. Also really hate the aiming system, but whatever. Have fun with this if you can, but if you are not sure if its for you or not, just give it a pass. Don't buy it until you at least watch some gameplay videos and know for sure.
Publisert 20. september 2019.
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12.8 timer totalt (11.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Bought this game to play with my brother, and turns out we both really like everything about this game, except the PvP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Good luck getting a fair match with equally skilled and leveled players. New players that are even remotely interested in this game should either wait till a sale to get it for cheap, or wait till they put in some reasonable matchmaking.
I paid full price instead of waiting for a sale only because my brother is an impatient little ♥♥♥♥. Still love him though, but I do NOT love this game. I like killing the zombies and the bounties, and I like finding the clues, but I hate all you piece of ♥♥♥♥ PvP players that live off this game. Give the new players a damn handicap before you headshot us with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ revolver while we try desperately to hit you with our noob rifles.
Publisert 21. juni 2019.
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34.6 timer totalt
Publisert 8. mai 2019.
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135.4 timer totalt (91.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Short Review;
9/10 Brutal game at times but very satisfying. Remember to save using beds, a lot.

Long Review:
The game is more like a simulation at first before eventually becoming what you think of with 'games'. You start as a peasant named Henry. Regardless of your first few choices that give you some bonus stats at the start of the game, you will be horrible at pretty much everything. During the intro quest(s) there is a single cuman that will be chasing you from the castle, and though you have a sword, you will NOT win that fight. Ever. Something that is nice at the start though is that when 3 cumans are chasing you on horseback you can just whack their horses with your sword once and they'll fall off them and chase you on foot. But enough about that. The combat system is a lot like a first-person version of For Honor, but much more brutal. I only do melee engagments if its 1v1, or maybe 1v2. Best strategy I've found is to shoot them with the bow, which can be very difficult if you haven't trained that skill up a lot. All in all I have only one major gripe with the game; Movement. When you're moving over objects and the like, you can get snagged on them and it will trip you up quite often. It can be quite annoying. Other than that its a great game. Just move across flat, unobstructed ground and you will be fine.

About the Controversy:
Oh, and apparently there is some controversy to this game because there are no black characters, and because the Cumans are seen as brutal savages, rapists, and murderers in the game. My response to that is that this was already addressed by German magazine M! Games when they asked the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany their thoughts on the matter. The University's response; "there were at most Turkic peoples, like Cumans (who appear in the game as enemies), but otherwise the presence of non-whites is "questionable"." As for the Cuman controversy; they're enemies. They're supposed to be viewed like that, and in almost all portrayals of soldiers of those time periods where they were allowed to loot and plunder, they did the same stuff. They raped, murdered, and brutalized their enemies peoples. But maybe at some point there will be some DLC that will introduce an option to learn more about their people and their culture. Till then, don't get upset over something so trivial.
Publisert 3. januar 2019.
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254.5 timer totalt (95.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Very happy with this game and very, VERY surprised that it's recent reviews (as of 2018 Aug 27th) are mixed at 56% positive. This boggles my mind. You have a lance/squad of mechs, go out into battle and blow up other mechs. Simple yet artfully done. The mechs each show variation as you load them up with different weapons and whatnot, actual, visual variation. Have an arm that can hold either an energy weapon or a ballistic weapon? You will see a visual difference when changing that PPC into a AC 10. Mech customization is the main selling point for me, but in addition, that combat is really good too if you know what you're doing and what you can and can not handle. I want to go on and on about this game, but if I did, this review would be more like a manuscript. To break it down simply'

Art/Graphics - 10/10 - Love seeing the various sections of enemy mechs get blasted to scrap.

Sound/Music - 8/10 I don't have anything too wordy to say, but I like it all the same. It sounds... epic. I also absolutely love the voice acting for Glitch and Buckshot. Those two ladies crack me up.

Story/Plot - 8/10 - Very easy to lose yourself in the story and get immersed into feeling almost like a real merc commander. I also really like how you can choose to stick closely to the story or freelance for several years if you want. The random encounter events are really interesting too, though I would like to see more possible outcomes for them instead of just having, 'right, wrong, very wrong, very right, and meh' answers to them.

Gameplay - 10/10 - Can not get enough of it, which is weird for me. I usually don't like turnbased games for the most part. Mech customization as well is fantastic, only wish is that they included even more mechs and mech variations.

Overall - 9/10 - If you love mechs and mech customization, or if you just like mechwarrior and the like, this is a must have.
Publisert 27. august 2018.
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14.5 timer totalt (13.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Never played any of the 'Gothic' series games or whatever so don't factor that in, but if this game is any indication, they should probably be forgotten anyway. Regardless, now that we have that out of the way, on to the review;

Check what others have to say about the combat, or better yet, check out a youtube video. That should tell you enough to stay away. Sad really, I preordered this game to support THQ Nordic, and because I thought it'd be really cool after seeing the cinematic trailer for it. Then when I got it I started it up, saw the horriblely done beginning cinematic, struggled to fight a giant rat, and was like, "Ok... it'll get better right?" It did not. Honestly, if they had just done combat in a more main stream (or just straight up half-decent) way, this game would've been great. Even with the main character's horrible voice acting. Other than that, the lore and story are pretty good, probably why I played for as long as I did. Graphics could be better in some areas, but overall not horrible. Again, if it weren't for the combat, the game would be ok. Also, really stupid how everything you fight has a ranged attack, with nearly every monster I ran into spitting at me when I tried to use my jetpack.
Publisert 26. august 2018.
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2.5 timer totalt
Just gotta be honest here. I misunderstood what the game was before I started playing it. I though it was like the X Series games, such as X3 Terran Conflict, but with multiplayer. I thought I’d be an awesome fighter pilot soaring through space, doing fancy maneuvers while shooting up my enemies. I thought this game was going to be everything I had hoped for and thought it was. I was wrong.
You control a ship, click your destination or target, and then watch as it slowly moves towards it. Shooting is also pretty much automated. Click a button and watch as your guns shoot at the target, hitting or missing due to chance.
Not very fun for me, but if you like that, go for it. I’m done with this game.
Publisert 2. mai 2018.
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