Drunha   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Greeterlings, I'm Zombie, I play Games and read or paint.

I hang out with friends from time to time.

Adding me for ANY trades what so ever will just end with you wasting your time!
You can give it a shot, but that's on you!

Otherwise we can play games and chill.
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I Enjoy Collecting Items, And No, I Will Not Trade Any Of Them Away! In the meantime, Enjoy Looking At these Crates!
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Well, After a hefty 62 hours, i have Defeated all of this game and walked away with all 100% achievements!

This game is set in the City of Rapture! A nice looking city made by reasonable people who know what they want and how to get it done.

You are a Big daddy, For if you remember bioshock 1 was the big water-diver looking fella with a big angry looking drill and being far too eager to show you where he wants to put it.Yeah, That one...

You as a big daddy are wandering around the nice looking city with your little sister doing the rounds untill some blokes try to approach your little sister without asking first. You show these kind gentlemen through rationale that your little sister is not available to play and show them the door. It suddenly turns out that your little sisters mommy didn't like you anymore and asks you very kindly to take her pistol and blow your brains out over the nice new rug in-front of your little sister. At least we don't got to pay for the dry-cleaning!

We somehow against the reality of braining ourselves just moments ago wake up a few YEARS into the future to the sight of the nostalgic view of the s**t-riddled city we all came to love.

Now you, as a somehow not decomposed big daddy who should have a nice new air-hole in his helmet must discover what happened, why mommy didn't consent to you going on a walk with your little sister and discover where she went!

Unlike bioshock 1 you have the amazing ability to use BOTH HANDS AT THE SAME TIME, instead of only using one for both your plasmids and guns! Now you can use one hand to drill that one bloke who gave you a slightly funny look through the eye while trying to push bits of rock or anything else you find on the floor through the hole with your telepathy.... Or just set fire to it i suppose?

You get a veritable armory of weaponry and powers to play around with, adding to the fact that a big daddy was stupidly tough enough with just his big angry-looking drill and is now running around with the ability to conflagrate a person and use a minigun.... for example....

The gunplay is satisfying as you riddle a bunch of pipe-wielding men/whamen with your many guns and beat the others to death with the pointy drill bit you have for an arm. And shooting your powers around to create the carnage is also very fun as you turn a room into a bouncy-castle as you place 10-too many cyclone traps on the floor outside the door causing the poor sod to nearly clip through the ceiling and violently spazm half through the roof.

There is yet MORE KARMA as you find more little sisters! After a polite discussion with the big daddy and promising to bring her home before 10, you can either get the little sister to harvest from corpses to gather more currency to get more power, or can outright save/murder the little girl.

You can save the little one and Earn their gratitude of managing to be alive and free from the evile people. OR you can get more power and just "harvest" the little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by ripping out the slug and effectively murdering a small child, Ehh Details...

The story is... ok..?

It has it's turns/twists as you encounter people with a storied past and the ability to interact with them by either allowing yourself to forgive them or give them a stern telling off and a dissappointed finger-wag in their direction.

This will all culminate towards the finale in where you put all your power to the test and proceed to it's conclusion!

The DLC is also very fun with similarities to what i wrote above barring the story, the DLC story is good!

The achievements are all pretty simple but can take some time, but after the elbow-grease i am happy to have my screenies, achievements and the memories/friends i made along the way.

8/10 - Would Big-Daddy Again!
제품 평가 전시대
30시간 플레이
Unfortunatlly after looking hard and not being able to find the first game of the Dorkness i eventually settled for just playing the 2nd one. I Looked through the achievements and after a good 30 hours i left with them all.

So, you play as a mafia boss who's name i keep forgetting. On the heels of the last game he begins his journey not breaking peoples kneecaps or doing copious amounts of hard drugs funnily enough.
Instead he's off to dinner with two obvious gold-digging twins as his last date magically grew a 3rd eye whilst he was restrained by consentacles. So in all a good night i would say. But yes, after some nice spaggett ♥♥♥♥ obviously hits the fan and i'm fairly certain everybody but the protagonist survives! And now it's up to you to find out what ♥♥♥♥ has hit the fan and if you need to buy a new one after it's fecal showering.

The gameplay of the game is nice and orderly, no key-binds feel off or out of place and the movement feels as buttery smooth as a fresh bullet-wound to the forehead! The gunplay is nice as you have plenty to pick from! Not only that but the protagonist actualy knows how to hold a gun in EACH HAND! F***in Genious!

The game also lets you play with your new besties, monkey and dark-shadowy monstah that like to hang around you as you give your new best frenemies a what for! The shadow monster helps you by giving you two tentacled ell-monsters that enjoy glomping the closest person to your immediate area.

Story is nice, i cant really go over it at all without spoodlers but i can say it was indeed a nice experience.

multiplayer is non-existent, so don't bother with that one, however funny enough you can get the multiplayer achievements solo, so... that's cool....

So after lots of angst, gunplay and shoving your tentacles down the other-guys throat with the intent to ravage him with said consentacles, you will end up with all achievements very easily, enough bullet casings to make 100 faulty trombones and enough rotting meat to start your own american all you can eat buffet.

9/10 - would consentacle again!
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MvM Veterans - 공개 그룹
Welcome Maggots to the group you are looking for when Manning Up!
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This text box is just here because i say it needs to be here.
There isn't anything for you to learn here, i think.

You can believe there is.

There isn't though.


I know English and some Japanese.

That's all you get.

Okay Bye.
스크린샷 전시대
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제작자: Conga Lyne
426명이 평가했습니다.
This guide will help you not only start making mann vs machine custom missions but also balance, perfect and master them. All information in from me,friends and co-workers in mvm and is highly accurate, I will try to update it as certain questions/mvm upda
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Sandvich Throws and Stupidity.
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제작자: Lady Gothita
486명이 평가했습니다.
This is a detailed guide for those who need exact locations, this is pulled directly from the Final Fantasy wikia so they're accurate. Images are now larger to make it easier to see where the primers are located.
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Skellow #fixtf2 2017년 5월 19일 오후 4시 45분 
Good and fun to play w/ heavy in tf2
Zombie 2016년 12월 25일 오전 9시 48분 
Thanks guys, Already had plenty of Rum, And now to have more! :steamhappy:
-ZeuS- 2016년 12월 25일 오전 4시 21분 
🎄 I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year my beautiful friend! ^^ 🎄
Adski_101 2016년 12월 25일 오전 4시 18분 
Merry Christmas hope you have a good Christmas ;3
General Bear 2016년 6월 30일 오후 4시 11분 
That misrable bas****
Zombie 2016년 6월 30일 오후 3시 42분 
The comment was not meant for you ''mr.reliable''. It was for the Nob Who calls himself zombie.