:chaos: :mbnecodown: :Eri_Emoticon:

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Review Showcase
Ace Combat 7 is the awaited "return to home". The franchise had been on decline for a while *cough* assault horizon *cough* and since Ace Combat 6 back in 2007 most fans were eager for a new numbered installment that lives up to the expectations and Bandai Namco has delivered.

Beautiful graphics, engaging gameplay and the usual story (that continues the events of Ace Combat 4 and 5, the PS2 games) come in a neat package that is unfortunately brought down by it's campaign duration: 20 Missions.
The gameplay is really solid and has 2 flight options: one for newcomers to the series that moves both pitch, yaw and roll using only the left stick or a more advanced (and preferable) one that gives you control of all three independently (pitch and roll with the left stick and yaw with the LB/RB buttons).

The game also features a Multiplayer mode that can be quite challenging and provide more "shelf life" on the game after you've finished the missions. There is a whole aircraft tree of parts you can unlock by playing (and re-playing) missions, too. So if you're a completionist you'll also have your fill getting all of the aircrafts and parts.

But the price tag at launch ($60) might be the biggest barrier, after all if you only go through the campaign once you're looking at around 6 to 8 hours of gameplay. Some of the missions can be annoying (pay attention to radio comms!) but overall was a fun experience and the final missions ties it all together quite nicely (although it can be a difficulty spike if this is your first AC game).

Then, should you get it? Buy it if you're an AC fan or if you want to support the ACES TEAM and show Banda Namco that we want more mainline AC. Otherwise wait for the game to be on sale.