Kaptain Kuum
Kaptain   Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Yo ho ho and a mason of ♥♥♥ :jollyrogermini:
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Halo: The Master Chief Collection
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65 Hours played
Destiny, in both of its respective installments, has often left me with a sense of being hollow. I essentially dropped the first one after finishing the main campaign and only visit this one anymore at the request of my friends who are damn near obsessed with it. I've only gotten both off of their recommendation. To get it out of the way I do adore this game on a very superficial level. The aesthetic elements from the sounds, armor, worlds, technology, and everything in between is on point and (at least on the level and gun side of things) have been clearly painstakingly crafted to offer a varied and distinct audible and visual element to everywhere you go. While all of this is very pleasing to the eyes in ears, especially in congruence with the oh so familiar prospect of watching numbers go up for that sweet serotonin boost, the gameplay unfortunately fails the stylistic elements of this franchise. The spectacle will only get you so far when you want to convince me to grind for hours upon hours and play the same damn campaign for merely a chance at getting the weapon I played it for in the first place. Destiny distilled to its fundamental aspects (not including the PVP) goes about how one would expect the picture next to "looter shooter" in the dictionary would. You kill several weaker things to get to one large thing with a whole lot of health in order to get more weapons and items only to go and repeat the same process whenever you'd like to expand your already ever-growing collection of loot. There is depth and variety to be found but as stated earlier very little of it offers any difference outside of the superficial element. No matter if you get a "god roll" or spend whatever currency to upgrade whatever item you will always be able to kill the enemies you were already able to in relation to your power level. Free games often get free passes from me in the way of micro-transaction type cosmetic items so in this review I will not critique that aspect. However what I will critique with utmost fervor is the gall to ask for the same amount of money as a triple-A game every time they release a new expansion. Often this will be defended by saying that the game is free to play so it doesn't matter as much as well as quoting the content offered within the expansion. On the first note I wouldn't wholeheartedly disagree with this defense if it wasn't for the price and the frequency you'd have to pay it in order to keep up with what's new in the game. While there is plenty of content in the main game to enjoy long-time fans will have and investment in seeing any new additions but a significant portion of them are being delayed or completely prevented from experiencing this new content by having a pay wall air-dropped in front of their very eyes with each new release. On the second point I find it a very useful tool to judge value based off of what you'd expect from whatever you are paying applied to different scenarios. For instance why pay $60 on a Destiny 2 expansion onto the main game when first of all the game itself is free along with several other appealing options including but not limited to, Fortnite, Halo Infinite, Rocket League, as well as many other games that are rich in both content and gameplay. Second of all if I am to pay $60 I am expecting a game of similar if not greater value than one would find in a whole game like Halo, Red Dead, Far Cry 5, Just Cause 4, and many many other games that are worth that much (yet you can often get for less). In all honesty it'd be hard to tell you this game, beneath the surface, has anything more to offer you than stunning visuals and gameplay that will entertain the primate side of our brains for long enough to usually at least warrant a double digit playtime. Destiny is more so a time sink than a game. It works fine for just wanting to pass the time while you left click and look at the pretty scenery and ride around on your speeder bike but I wouldn't expect anything really beyond that. If you ask me it's better to by a complete game like Minecraft for $30 or Undertale for $10. Hell I'll even say just get the Master Chief Collection and skip this game all together. I'll even be "that guy" and say just download Fortnite for free and see what you think if for no other reason than you won't have to pay in order to experience full updates. Who knows? You may find something a bit more worthwhile in your search for literally anything more valuable or engaging than this embarrassment of a "triple-A" game.
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Gazzel 24 Sep, 2016 @ 8:58am 