Glorbo Florbo   Ukraine
bazanza :greenery2024::CurlyBby:
Deep Rock Galactic

:lineagrid::lineagrid::lineagrid: I'll add \ send friend request if we share common interests in games. :lineagrid::lineagrid::lineagrid:
:dredge_eyes:Not adding privare profiles because of reason stated above.

:relithscience: Digital artist
:relithscience: 24 y.o.
:relithscience: Ukrainian
:relithscience: Any pronouns
:relithscience: UKR\ENG
:sector: English is not my native language
:sector: ADHD and incredible forgetfulness

:cozynms:Galleries and contacts -
I should give this game a proper review at last, it's a crime to leave TPS wtihout it since this is one of my fav games of all time.

I wonder why people love(?) to hate this game and call it trashy in comp. to BL2, because in my humble opinion it's the most fun entry in pre-BL3 era :V
By the time spent in TPS you can tell how much I adore it. Hell, I even 100% it!
The story was fun and interesting; new mechanics with oz kits, slams, jump pads, lasers, cryo weapons - all of these add such cool flavor to game overall that I never was bored replaying it. I especially love that protags finally speak and more vocal in action, BL2 made me feel distant and non-present because our heroes are mostly silent. Because of this tiny addition I had more motivation to replay Pre-Sequel just to hear all unique reactions of every character possible.
Also characters skills seem to be more polished and clear to understand? It was easier to get familiar with character you've been playing and using their ults was way fun (except Claptrap maybe).
Developer could just make a story on same planet with same enemies but they went further and allowed us to explore Elpis and all funky creatures and places on it. Maybe I am bias, maybe this is just nostalgia speaking since I've started this game almost 8 years ago (holy hell), but I always have a weird cozy feeling while playing TPS.
Give it a chance, especially while it has generous discounts, don't listen to those who call it the weakest one in the series.

PS: I forgot to mention the music - it is my absolute favorite out of all BL games here, almost each track is saved in my playlist and memorised in my head. Especially music from Claptastic Voyage slaps really hard.
The Maneater
389 20 11
Dobious creature
142 23 11
No Man's Sky
11 1
3月23日 に最後にプレイ
3月22日 に最後にプレイ
✧ The Darkest Void ✧ 2024年8月20日 16時23分 
i've came here to UWAAAGH and eat ur loot :DSTsmallbird:
have a good time without your industrial cogs
「Renachi」 2024年7月2日 13時48分 
genuinely one of the coolest artist i've seen in a long time
✧ The Darkest Void ✧ 2023年12月22日 11時32分 
:water: :DSTsmallbird: :praiseham:
Секрет простаты (l 2023年10月12日 15時17分 
рад, что ты из украины, надеюсь не так всецело ненавидишь русских.
если ты человек, я тебе признателен за бытие таким. быть животным не зазорно, но жестоким..
надеюсь хвалю именно человека
чудесные арты по гениальной игре

from rain of world fan
ellxwyn 2022年9月11日 20時37分 
just wanted to say i adore your art! :MHRISE_happy:
$egédmunká$ 2022年1月20日 14時15分 
Just saw you in the kingdom two crowns discussion and noticed you having good taste in games, keep it up!