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13.7 ore înregistrate
Stellar game.
Amazing graphics, wonderful storytelling, great musics, loved the gameplay until the endgame,
gameplay is always new with always new possibilities until the end.
The game is a technical miracle even considering how big is Asobo Studio and how good is their engine.
I loved it and I will surely buy the next Asobo Studio title. Congrats guys, this game rocks!
Postat 15 februarie 2020.
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10.9 ore înregistrate (10.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
If you loved DMC4 this game is way better in every aspects.

It's not a story based game but the story is pretty cool, gameplay is crazy with very adrenaline fighting.
I loved all the characters, Nero is cool, V the summoner is a cool addition and Dante is the real DMC king with an incredible gameplay.

Congrats CAPCOM!
Postat 24 martie 2019.
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18.5 ore înregistrate (18.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Game is really good but far from the masterpiece everything is talking about.

Well optimized at launch and this is a big plus, good graphics, decent story and good mechanics
but there is really too much backtracking.
Second run is needed to see the full story but there are a lot of parts that aren't mixed well...
you'll end up doing same things two times and there is really no justification to redo some things you previously done with another character.

All in all it's a good game and it deserves a good vote.
Postat 9 februarie 2019.
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23.6 ore înregistrate (1.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
No RTX and no DLSS after months.
This is not kickstarter. You can't sell a beta product months before the finished product.


I finished the game. This is the worst episode in the entire saga.
A stuttery mess even on 2080Ti, gameplay is completely boring, game design is terrible and not in line with the quality of the older episodes, story is terrible, facial animation is terrible.

Can't understand why some gived this game a positive vote.
Postat 16 ianuarie 2019. Editat ultima dată 1 iunie 2019.
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31.2 ore înregistrate (29.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This is a funny game with an important story, if you like vampires you should play it.
Storytelling is really well made, gameplay is more fan than what it seems,
London is awesome with all its dark tones and incredible details.

This game is not a masterpiece for several reasons.
No dubbing in other languages, no official SLI support (good scaling with custom sli profile), technically speaking it's not incredible but all its lacks are fullfilled with great artistic direction.

I enjoyed the game and it deserves a positive review.

Postat 24 iunie 2018.
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27.0 ore înregistrate
I have just started the game and WOW!
It supports SLI with good scaling launch day.
A good review is mandatory only for this, I will update the review as soon as I will finish the game.

EDIT: Ok, I finished the game. It was a good one, gameplay is funny and well done, I like the possibility to approach missions with a shotgun like rambo and the possibility to do the same mission with a sniper rifle from long distance.
I also liked how you can use your team to be helped in missions.
Great graphics, great scenes, montana is awesome to look at, SLI support enabled my PC to 4K 60FPS (GTX980 Ti SLI).

I have only two disappointment, the first one is the ending without too much sense and the second one is the lack of a "normal" physics.
Far Cry 2 had a really better physics compared to this one and this is pretty disappointing.
Postat 4 aprilie 2018. Editat ultima dată 21 aprilie 2018.
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9.9 ore înregistrate
This game is amazing. Surely one the best game of 2017.
Amazing graphics, amazing facial animation, good story, incredible environments, very good music and sounds, good voices. The way they describe the hillness is incredible.
It was a good experience, sometimes it made me shiver not for the fear but for the incredible way of how it tells the story.
The only small disappointment is in the SLI profile. They never released a SLI profile even if there are suitable ones.

In any case, a very very good game, really recommended.
Postat 20 ianuarie 2018. Editat ultima dată 4 aprilie 2018.
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13.6 ore înregistrate
No SLI support and it runs like a crap on a single 980 ti at 4K.
Unplayable due to bugs and continuous crashing.

where is the great engine that we have seen in DooM?
Postat 26 octombrie 2017. Editat ultima dată 25 aprilie 2018.
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19.8 ore înregistrate
Prey is a boring game. I don't understand why people liked this game.
Story is pretty stupid and badly developed, you get all the story in the first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes of the game with a big hole in the middle.
Game is full of boring and unuseful sidequest, talos is a labirint.

I don't liked the game.

Cry Engine is the only things that I liked of this game.
Postat 24 iunie 2017.
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16.1 ore înregistrate
I'm a big fan of the Syberia saga,
I loved the first and the second chapter.
Those games were compelling, story was well explained with clever puzzles, italian dubbing was one of the best in years.
For this reasons, I just finished Syberia 3 and waited the finishing before writing this review.

This game is boring with obvious and frustrating puzzles that rely on finding some objects somewhere before activating something else.
Story is completely boring for the entire game, controls are broken, Kate moves like a trunk, graphics is sufficient for a game like this
but even with this simple graphics, game have terrible framerate even on an high end machine like mine.

First and second chapter was completely dubbed in Italian, this one not and to make matters worse,
the ending is a huge disappointment.
Ending leaves you a sense of empty. It is like if the game is not finished and they stopped there because they needed to launch the game.
They don't even tried to create a decent ending, neither with text.

If you are not a big fan of the older saga, simply don't buy this game,
if you loved the older saga be prepared for a big disappointment.
Postat 11 iunie 2017.
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