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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
15.1 h en tout
Aside from the "side story" episodes, Revelations 2 builds upon what made Revelations such a breath of fresh air. On the harder difficulties in particular it is a game that takes the DNA of Resident Evil 4 and injects a little more necessary tension in by having a pair of characters that operate on a level where one can use a gun and one cannot.

Generally, I am not a replay junky nor am I a fan of scoring systems so I did not pursue the extra features here. There is also a "Raid" mode I didn't play.

I am solely here to blast zombies, get a little scared, and watch cute girls do things. Revelations 2 lets this happen in abundance as the unintentional sexual and romantic tension between Claire and Moira was top notch and really elevated things. Barry and Natalia act as a parent and child should, if the parent were letting a child run around during a parasite-virus-apocalypse. The story is a remarkably predictable but if you choose the good ending it ties itself up nicely with a hint at what Outrage is going to be about.

Revelations 2 is just as much of a treat as Revelations 1 is if the RE2 or RE3 remake combat formula is your bag
Évaluation publiée le 7 mars 2021.
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10.3 h en tout
Sometimes Always Monsters (SAM) is an interesting game and one I would recommend to anyone who has played Always Sometimes Monsters (ASM). It is simultaneously a reflection of ASM and a counter to it in everything except basic premise: they are both journeys across a country. Long story short: S'a good little game. I liked it!

Spoilers will be flowing freely from this point forward.

The good in SAM is easy. The art style is charming and the new sprite work is honestly gorgeous and I wish more games would go into an aesthetic like this. The sprite animations are top-notch when they show up. The character writing is phenomenal - they all feel like different people. Some of them I hate, some of them I love. The story writing is largely at a young adult level with a focus on tongue-in-cheek parody and an airy, fun sense of humor. In one of my favorite encounters, you can also tell a blonde conservative lady (who looks like Sarah Pallin) in a library to go f*ck herself and say 'do svidaniya' to her holding back the revolution of non-hetero love novels and also weird guys in Seqouia who want to supplant the firearms industry by making their own ammo. Godspeed, brothers.

The ending alone was worth the price of admission. Seeing Sam again and seeing how your choices in ASM pushed them into a total mental breakdown in SAM was a phenomenal final act to a game largely devoid of tension and riding on routines and comfort. If ASM was "cause," then SAM is "effect" and in that silly little printer room with that typewriter and gun it felt somehow remarkably a lot like ASM in every positive way. The feelings of panic and dread I had before that point while refusing to read Sam's (I see what you did there, VD! SAM? Sam? Clever!) teleprompter and book were top notch as well. You spend so much of the game in relative comfort that it comes out of nowhere - even if you play stupidly like me and get stabbed and mauled by a werewolf in the same playthrough.

The "bad" in SAM is... difficult to place. This game is constantly improving as they pepper things in but as of this review I do feel that the protagonist "speaking" less was detrimental to the game at large. It felt like they had less personality despite a few moments where I had an experimental feature on where it had some more of those internal thought processes. They stood out like a sore thumb simply because they were great and I wished for more of them. Similarly, the Spouse often felt somewhat stiff and as a happy little lesbian lady I wanted to talk to my wife all the time, which often led to repetitive text as most of the conversation was contextual. One of my favorite moments - in Gator Bay - was another post-launch addition and it was one of my favorite parts of the game. You got a better image of your Spouse and what they wanted as opposed to an almost antagonistic role that they seemed to take by being a little prickly as an individual.

I also feel like the "good" ending where you end up with your Spouse in the post-credits back in domestic bliss could have used an achievement or prompt to help indicate that this was an endless scenario, as I simply felt lost. While I could put this up to "working as intended" given the clear and present impression from the narrative that "yes, the adventure is over. Boring stuff has resumed" as a game it felt a little sudden and jarring when I had just stared down the barrel of a gun.

I'm not much of a replay junky myself (it took me roughly the entire development cycle of SAM to play ASM for a second time) so some of the cities felt a little less filled with life as those you pick in the book tour dictate your "random" activity load for those cities. As I almost exclusively frontloaded mine, the last town in particular felt like I had nothing to do - but I am hesitant to call this a negative as this game is built and designed to be replayed. Another point for some may be that you "need" far less things and it clearly seeks to somewhat emulate a comfortable routine despite primarily taking place in a tour bus with a bunch of strangers. It's nice, although it may be too Sims-like for anyone who has an irrational fear of games needing features.

While I may never relate to the life of my ASM/SAM protagonist as I left her in financial comfort and prize-winning novels being cranked out like candy corn I did very much enjoy the journey. In an altogether different way SAM affirms the message of ASM: love is worth it. Love is work, love can have a cost, but if it's truly reciprocated then you'll figure it out.

In my ending, Sam lived (as a fugitive, obviously) but so did everyone else. Death was harder to come by in SAM and I think that was intentional. Personal experience colored the game in an interesting way as my character sat in her cute house with her cute wife and her 10 chickadees scattered around the living room floor and I realized that with allowing me to type what Sam did at the end, the game also let me decide what it was about. Revenge? Love? Going bonobo-bonkers at your ex and your ex-bff?

For me the answer was as simple as a single word: reset. Truth be told, that may be why I never replay the game. Forgiveness seems like a great note to end on. And I'm sure my story is nowhere near identical to anyone else's. So that's exactly why I recommend this game.
Évaluation publiée le 7 mars 2021.
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24.9 h en tout
I'm not sure what more I could say about ASM that hasn't been said by others. You're thrust into the shoes of someone struggling; a creative with the tightening collar of financial pressures, dissatisfaction at one's personal choices and a yearning for the good times which are most certainly gone. The story that then unfolds is the one as old as time itself: going on a cross-country adventure to reclaim lost love.

The choices present make it so that's all you get. You can become wealthy by stealing, sacrificing any values you personally hold, working legitimate jobs (for much more meager wages) or you can engage in the infamous boxing minigame or gamble. Even then, you can play your character as bitter, resentful, depressed, hopeful, completely in denial of their own faults or owning up to every perceived wrong by others. And it just works out. The flowcharts here must be a magnificent sight.

The writing is hardly top-tier when it comes to how it's laid out and taken (think young adult novel level) but it's got passion within it despite some juvenile writing and some really uncomfortably out-of-touch concepts such as a union and anarchists going head-to-head despite the obvious reasons why anarchists would never WANT a union to get out of power because of the exploitative power plays that corporations could take. Still, the game was made with love and adoration and it feels that way.

ASM is the King of RPG Maker games and will likely never be dethroned because of all these reasons and more. Going into this, know it will show it's age clearly. If I had a structural complaint? The transgender conversation prompt was way too hidden and personally it's one of the best representations of that issue in video games and it is woefully hidden in a three-part encounter in the second city (arguably the one that feels the most rushed to get out of.)

At the end of the day, playing this almost a decade after its release made me feel the same things I felt when I first played it in 2014. Life is a struggle. Everything has a cost and a benefit. But love? Love is worth it all, and it's worth taking risks and worth doing stupid ♥♥♥♥ and hoping for the best without a plan more than five seconds ahead if you know that love is real.
Évaluation publiée le 7 mars 2021.
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0.3 h en tout
Pretty fun Left 4 Dead style co-op gameplay. Cool aesthetic and the actual mining and spelunking are really cute and fun. It can get tense when you're not prepared for it and turn a milk run into a panicked egress.

No playable women, though so it's ultimately a no from me. I'm just not that into playing sweaty bearded guys.
Évaluation publiée le 26 février 2021. Dernière modification le 26 février 2021.
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8.4 h en tout
Obviously this is a mechanically good game. It builds pretty effortlessly off of the redesigns the series saw during the "Revelations" games. Still more actiony than they used to be but with enough tension and skill required that - on harder difficulties - you'll be fairly puckered on a playthrough.

While I do recommend it, there is one glaring fault here: the length. There is FAR too much cut content of the original Resident Evil 3 for it to go unnoticed. The clocktower portion is just a... weird, samey bossfight with Nemesis cosplaying a licker for all intents and purposes. Where the Resident Evil 2 really brought the gasoline to the car to keep Resident Evil going and allowed for a phenomenal remake, I feel like this one has far too much cut content and diminished character interactions and a severely crippled gameplay length to be worth $60. $40 would be more appropriate.

For those who like replayability, there is a substantial point system involving items and costumes - including Jill and Carlos' old outfights and weapons such as Jill's fairly iconic (I know) Beretta 92. A must-have for anyone who can't stomach the sight of some generic little glock in Miss Sandwich's strong hands. It does also come with a half-baked Dead By Daylight style 1x4 multiplayer mode which is equal parts trying too hard, populated solely by people who are high enough level to exploit the systems at play, and abandoned by the developers so they can go screw around with the noticeably inferior first person series' new multiplayer mode.

As someone who loved the original dearly as one of their first games that they beat and struggled with. I can't help but feel this game was somewhat rushed and pushed out the door far quicker than it should've been, and the fact that the Resident Evil 2 remake was so polished is the only reason it's not noticeable. I can only recommend this in good faith because of what they did right - but it's also what they did right off of the assets they largely made for Resident Evil 2 Remake and because the characters themselves were always lovable to begin with.
Évaluation publiée le 24 février 2021. Dernière modification le 4 novembre 2022.
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120.9 h en tout (74.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Ambience and an unfailed gameplay loop of adventuring are what this one excels at. As a multiplayer title it's not all that wonderful but as someone who plays through these things mostly solo, it's got a rich and immersive world with enough breadcrumbs (and now fully voiced story expansions) to make it more like a proper Fallout mainline game than it was at launch.
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2020. Dernière modification le 7 juin 2021.
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8.0 h en tout (7.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Cyberpunk dystopia at it's finest. Gameplay can seem sluggish at first, but give it time and you'll be addicted to it. Difficulty scales very nicely if you like difficult content, but it has a decently forgiving easy mode. Story, visuals, and everything else are all to die for.
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2018.
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5.4 h en tout
Pay no attention to the slovenly, malformed racists and misogynists going on about 'muh realism' when the reality of things is that CoD has been a casual arcade shooter for casual gamers since it's inception outside the storyline. Despite some optimization issues, it reminds me dearly of CoD 1 and CoD 2, which were some of the most fun an arcade game would have. Really fun weapon handling, decent hit detection, could use some optimization but otherwise I feel like this is a CoD game that's been needed, a sort of soft reboot to the series that keeps it from space where, as much as I loved Infinite Warfare, it loses all of it's fidelity as a series with a cohesive identity.

On the multiplayer alone, if they do have more maps and weapons I highly recommend this game. It's a brass-in-your-face shooter for casual gamers that awards you for being a twitchy, shooty golem made of energy drinks.
Évaluation publiée le 29 septembre 2017.
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11 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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35.3 h en tout (32.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It feels like a proper sequel in every way. It looks good, sounds good, plays good, and the classes are oodles of fun.

Only downside is that the music isn't as neat as the first game's (but that's just me) and that I want more female playable characters, guns, and a better drop rate for weapon skins so crafting doesn't feel like a fee-to-play system.
Évaluation publiée le 26 septembre 2017.
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210.7 h en tout (191.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's the best RPG that's ever graced the planet Earth. I encourage everyone who finds themselves a fan of action RPGs with great graphics, story, and general writing to get into this universe.
Évaluation publiée le 26 septembre 2017.
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