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Senaste recensioner av Alex Sandy Dude

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2.1 timmar totalt
Ok game but requires PSN login now. Can't get refund because I have ever so slightly over 2 hours in game...
Upplagd 5 maj.
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1,213.8 timmar totalt (1,172.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Cities Skylines is my favorite outlet for creativity! Building a city and watching people live and use the city is a rewarding and satisfying feeling. Sadly to get the most from this game you need DLCs which can be reasonably priced during sales...

Another awesome thing about this game (that the sequel completely lacks...) is how many mods and assets there are to pick from to build your city. Highly recommend looking into modding if you want to fully enjoy this game.

Also keep in mind this is a game that you can't finish in a day no matter how hard you try, there will always be more to do!
Upplagd 22 februari.
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31.2 timmar totalt (4.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Can't recommend in it's current state, feels empty without all the mods and assets I used to use and love in CS1. Will probably be in a much better state come winter sale time.
Upplagd 24 oktober 2023.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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830.6 timmar totalt (290.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I love this game but it doesn't natively work on linux and proton can be buggy sometimes :(
Upplagd 14 augusti 2023. Senast ändrad 6 januari.
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3,596.9 timmar totalt (2,269.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Worth a try -- its free to play -- but the majority of people still left playing the game have many more hours, certs (free xp based currency) and implants (pay to win loot based mechanic) that give them an inherent advantage over you. The skill ceiling is very high and its a steep climb.

The population is dwindling and the updates feel less and less significant as time goes on, not addressing long standing issues with the game, such as Oshur (one of the maps) is not enjoyable and introducing new (albeit usually very minor) new issues, like sights on a pistol being randomly broken for months. There are the occasional hackers flying around killing everyone, sometimes just exploiters bugging into walls, the report system is seemingly broken or unstaffed and all of this leads to a generally unrewarding gaming experience.

Best way to describe this is sci-fi arma3/battlefield 3 mix on a (previously) massive scale. Overall I love this game but I would NOT recommend it to the average gamer.
Upplagd 13 mars 2020. Senast ändrad 9 december 2023.
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0.1 timmar totalt
Got this game for free from Humblebundle. Not worth the email spam they require you to sign up for.

The controls are completly foreign to anyone who has ever played any PC games before making the tutorial basically impossible to complete. I love lord of the rings and was super excited to see that this game was free, but it really isnt much fun if you are required to buy a controller to play correctly, because there is NO MOUSE INPUT whatsoever.

Overall 1/10 for getting me all hyped up and then stuck in the first ("tutorial") level.
Upplagd 22 december 2018.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
2,252.3 timmar totalt (1,021.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
great game, spent way too many hours making the german kaiser the weltkaiser

kaiserreich best mod
Upplagd 21 november 2018.
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440.3 timmar totalt (285.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
its a shame you shut down openiv

rip a great community
Upplagd 18 juni 2017.
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680.5 timmar totalt (164.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Much fun, pls buy c:
Upplagd 17 april 2014.
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