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If sending a friend request, state the reason why you are adding me in the comments below or be rejected.

1. Please do not send me any links in chat. They will be ignored.
2. Don't invite me to any groups without asking first.
3. Cheaters, hackers, S.A.M users or VAC banned players will not be added.
4. I do not trade any items. Since the 15 day hold was introduced.
5. Steam profile comments must short, polite and ascii text, emote or graphic free. 1 entry per person. Thanks.
6. Ask if you need help with a game. I usually just play the games I want to.
7. Please communicate in English only or you will be removed.
8. Adding me w/o playing or communicating within a few weeks will likely get you removed. Feel free to re-add me if you want but this time send me a message why you are doing it.
9. Private profiles will be unfriended. I want to know who I am gaming with.
10. I do not give away anything in my inventory. No exceptions.
11. Help with achievements is fine. I will not do any other favours.
12. I do not have any spare bundle keys to trade for or otherwise.

Gamer. Completionist. Amateur reviewer. Part-time beta-tester.
** Currently writing & reviewing games for Turn-Based Tactics & Indie Gems Curator Groups. Plus my own The Irregular Gamer Curator**
Old skool RPGer. One time grogard. FPS veteran.
No - I don't need to complete every achievement in a game. Though its nice to do its a pointless exercise unless I enjoy playing that particular game!
My wishlist is more of a reminder list. I dont wish for all of those games! lol

Some quotes:
"Nothing's the same anymore." - Commander Sinclair from, Babylon 5
"It can only be attributable to human error." - Hal-9000, from, 2001
"There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man... We're all gonna die." - Billy from, Predator
"When an Italian tells me it's pasta on the plate I check under the sauce to make sure. They are the inventors of the smokescreen." - Alex Ferguson
“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.” - Shakespeare, from Julius Caesar
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt". - Abraham Lincoln
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein
"Not bad for a human." - Bishop, from Aliens
"You always wanna kill people with kindness." - Anonymous
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" - Leonard Nimoy
"I used to think that my life was a tragedy. But now I realize, it’s a comedy." Arthur, from Joker
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” – Philip K. ♥♥♥♥
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell, 1984
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164. Heroes of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 3 - Jan 2, 2025, 26/26 - 8.1h
163. WORDLE 4 - Oct 1, 2024, 100/100 - 3.8h
162. WORDLE 3 - Aug 10, 2024, 30/30 - 3.8h
161. WORDLE 2 - Jul 7, 2024, 20/20 - 3.8h
160. WORDLE - May 24, 2024, 6/6 - 3.8h

Frontline Tactics [F.R.C] (MT) | L.A. Cops (BA) [R] | No More Room In Hell [F.C] (DA) | RAW - Realms of Ancient War [R] (BA) | Killing Floor 2 [C] (VS) | Krater [R] (BA) | Speed Kills (BA) | Jagged Alliance Online: Reloaded (Dis) | Age of Grit (BA) | WWII: TCG (Dis) | Anti-Squad (BA) [R]

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Zarathustra 30 dez. 2024 às 2:29 
Happy New Year 2025!!!
xXBigDadXx 27 dez. 2024 às 10:25 
:dwayneelf: :candycane: Merry Christmas :candycane: :dwayneelf:
Lampros 24 dez. 2024 às 14:42 
Merry Christmas and may you regale with us many more wonderful reviews in the years to come! ;)
Gotthic 24 dez. 2024 às 7:57 
Merry Christmas:cozypoechris:
ThatScaryChick 9 abr. 2024 às 13:11 
Have a great day!
Gotthic 24 dez. 2023 às 10:43 
Merry Christmas:cozypoechris: