☠✠☩ Nekator ☩✠☠
:harderthanhell: “Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupid is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade against Stupid. That might actually make a difference.” :harderthanhell:

:bear:Make a joke and i will sigh and you will laugh and i will cry.. happiness i cannot feel and love to me is so unreal...:bbabsmily:

:skulls: if you really want something you will find a way... if you don´t, you will find an excuse :skulls:

:abomb:I have no interest in joining any HL/CS or similiar groups, since i don´t play these games, thx.
:abomb:Please don´t send me random chat invites for group chats, i don´t have enough time for so much chatting, thank you.


:gaskull:Part Time: Equalist, Devils Advocate, Mysantroph

:anarky:Game Collector & Old-School Gamer

:Dignity: open for interesting people, to trade, play or chat (well, if i have time...) with.

:Morale:If i added you, i liked your game collection, profile layout, reviews, screenshots or to compare achievements in games we both have :)

:ducat: If you want to add me and you have nothing of the above, chance is good that i won´t accept - sorry, i want to keep my friends list to people i can relate to, not just grow in number without sense.

:biohazard: If we are friends and you remove me for whatever reason, it would be kind if you give me a short info.

:german:I´m not that talkative nor that proficient in co-op, but like to try out both from time to time ;)

:Crowned:Although i´m almost always online, i´m not always at the pc - so if i don´t respond at once, just wait a bit.


:punch:i despise achievement cheaters.. if you use SAM, etc. blatantly i´ll kick you from my list.

:pow:i don´t gift anything to beggars - don´t ask me, if i can do you a favor or similiar crap, thanks.

Витрина иллюстраций
Sword of Blood
98 10 9
Витрина скриншотов
it´s a cold, dark road out of hell...
140 12 4
Витрина обзора
49 ч. сыграно
"London Bridge is falling down.. falling down.. my fair lady.."

The Letter is an episodic Visual Novel game, about a diverse group of people who are affected by a strange curse. The game is full of decisions the player can take to further the story, which immediatly reminds one of japanese horror classic "The Ring" - not at least because of the black haired ghost woman herself. Besides this resemblance though the story has enough novelty, and most important a good cast of characters as well as a gripping presentation and atmosphere to make you want to play it through.
The decisions mostly impact the relationships between the different characters, which in the end impacts the story as you play through it and finally will lead to different endings for each one, but also can lead to a quick and bloody ending sometimes. This also can happen through some Quick Time Events, which are thankfully optional to play through.

The characters are well enough defined and each of them is presented during their representative playthrough. Regarding the Presentation one can only say that the backgrounds are nicely drawn as are the different faces and poses of the characters, which helps transporting their moods, beside the well done voice actors, who are doing a good job bringing their alter egos to live. The atmospheric music rounds up an good impression and is especially during horror scenes very fitting (together with the grisly done ghost appearances).

Rounding this up "The Letter" has quite some achievements to get, the decisions really influence the game somewhat so more than one playthrough won´t get boring. With around 15 to 20 hours for the intial playthrough you get your moneys worth here for sure. Technically the game is well done too.. despite some missing audio at a few speeches and a few typos here and there.

Conclusio: I am someone who get´s bored easily, but the Letter had me gripped enough to make me invest quite some hours into it to get my first endings.. not exactly those i was aiming for either, but the characters are rich enough that initial likes or dislikes even change during the game. Also i very much enjoyed the thrill this game could provide, together with the voice actors, who really fit their characters (i especially liked the Police Chief/ Bartender speaker ;) ). So all in all i can really recommend The Letter to players who like a good VN or also Telltale Games.. or just a good ghost story.

Point Scale: 8/10
Ok, since nearly everyone does it, i will list a few things here..
:devilskiss:First and foremost, my new gaming rig... wonderfully silent and violent :devilskiss:

:calltoarms:INTEL Classico QuadCore i7-4770K / 32GB RAM [4x3.50GHz]
:calltoarms:Tower:[Silent] CM Silencio 550
:calltoarms:Mainboard:[1150] MSI Z87-G45 Gaming
:calltoarms:Arctic Pro Low Noise [silent class II]
:calltoarms:RAM:1600MHz RAM Modul(e)
:calltoarms:[NVIDIA] GTX1080 8GB
:calltoarms:SSD SATA3] ADATA XPG SX900 512GB


Some of my favourites movie quotes... does someone know all of them? Or even one...? Does anyone read this ♥♥♥♥♥ even?

:anarky: How do you write women so well?
I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

:anarky:"Wipe them out. All of them."

:anarky:I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil.

:anarky:Who's Zed?
Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.

:anarky:A reality is just what we tell each other it is.

and finally... :biohazard:"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth.":biohazard:




Furthermore i repeat my general info from above (as nobody seems to read it ;)

:anarky:Game Collector & Old-School Gamer:anarky:

:Dignity:open for interesting people, to trade, play or chat with.

:Morale:If i added you, i liked your game collection, profile layout, reviews, screenshots or to compare achievements in games we both have :)

:ducat: If you want to add me and you have nothing of the above, chance is good that i won´t accept - sorry, i want to keep my friends list to people i can relate to, not just grow in number without sense.

:biohazard: If you didn´t get it from my profile i mainly play "thinking" games, aka rpg, strategy and/or ones with a good storyline.

:AOEShield:I´m not interested in most (Online)Shooters, Walking simulators, Stupid "Simulator" games at all, senseless games with 1000+ Achievements, the Freddy crappy games and so on...

:german:I´m not that talkative nor that proficient in co-op, but like to try out both from time to time ;)

:Crowned:Although i´m almost always online, i´m not always at the pc - so if i don´t respond at once, just wait a bit.


:punch:i despise achievement cheaters.. if you use SAM, etc. blatantly i´ll kick you from my list.

:pow:i don´t gift anything to beggars - don´t ask me, if i can do you a favor or similiar crap, thanks.



Витрина мастерской
A short collection of mods which expand the gameplay in weak areas of the vanilla game/ improve playability/ and the imo two best modders for new civilizations.
Витрина обзора
185 ч. сыграно
War.. War never changes..?

Ok, in fact the Total War series changed quite much, often to get better, sometimes for the worse (Empire and it´s clone armies, i´m looking at you). Anyway, arguably one of the biggest changes was CAs turn from historical to Fantasy warfare. By far not all fans of the series were happy about that (and some still are not, but hey, you can never please everyone). But they implemented it quite well.
The Heroes were born, for one - which can influence every Battle, quite more drastic than every General was ever able to. Also storyline elements from Warhammer lore were implemented - the Quests, which pepped up the dry warmongering days, quite a bit. Last but not least CA used the biggest advantage of the Fantasy world to it´s full extend - Variety!
If i mentioned Empire above, of course many of the historical games (Shogun, Three Kingdoms etc) had the problem of very similiar looking and feeling sides and armies. In Warhammer they lived the variety of the world to it´s fullest, so that you even have different UIs for each faction and quite different gameplay tweaks.
This way each playthrough with a different faction, feels quite different and offers you new possibilities and tactics. This is what they continued also in most of their DLCs and what needs to be appreciated to keep a game alive in over three years, with really new content, in nowadays fast living gaming society. At once i only could name Paradox, for a similiar longelivity of their products, by providing fresh content (without speaking about MMOs etc ofc).

Graphically and technically the game improved quite well too, as at the beginning there were quite some ugly animations and ofc bugs, which are - mostly - corrected by now, so that you can even have a nice multiplayer campaign by now.
The one and only drawback for me is CAs typical "endgame" modus operandi, in bringing some new and overkill enemy as "final boss", here the Chaos Invasions. I never liked this forced way, but this can very well be personal taste.

Conclusio: If you like Total War gameplay and or (Warhammer) Fantasy, you should give the game a try - and look forward to the third part, which hopefully will bring among other things the diplomacy improvements Three Kingdoms had.

Rating 9/10

ps: 100th Review - goes to a deserving game :)
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Happy New Year! :angrytitan:
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Happy New Year :cattophat:

:aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg:
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:aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :GoldOrb: :aegg:
:aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :aegg: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg: :aegg: :aegg: :aegg: :aegg: :GoldOrb: :aegg:
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Abisana 31 дек. 2024 г. в 2:24 
╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
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╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ¥☆★☆★☆¥★☆★☆
bertkli 30 дек. 2024 г. в 22:17 
Nen guten Rutsch und ein tolles neues Jahr wünsch ich Dir. Komm gut rein... :-)