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Ulasan terkini oleh nefferinthia

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 23 kiriman
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Tercatat 16.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 8.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
It's fun to play around and create your very own experience. The narrative beats of growing up and losing the people around you (to death, or to growing apart) hit well. The art is gorgeous.

Some parts were a bit tedious just running around, maybe I'm in the minority who would've preferred this to be a straight visual novel. I also felt like some of my choices/actions weren't reflected well in the ending, and there were some hiccups where events that hadn't happened were referenced. I felt like some characters viewpoints were presented one-dimensionally, making the bias of the creators fairly apparent.

Will probably go back for a second playthrough at some point, but finishing it didn't give me the sense of "I really want to try again now!!!"
Diposting pada 26 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 63.2 jam
I think love is blind.
Diposting pada 27 November 2022.
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Tercatat 16.2 jam
Turns out babby's first VN kinda sucks
Diposting pada 29 Desember 2021.
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Tercatat 21.4 jam
I really enjoy Loop Hero as a concept. It's a cool and unique idea and the gameplay loop starts out quite compelling. The music and art style are lovely as well. However, after beating the first chapter I kind of just lost interest, it felt like all there was, was more of the same and I had had my fill. It's a fun game to spend some time with, but don't expect it to pull you in entirely.
Diposting pada 9 Desember 2021.
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Tercatat 38.2 jam
I knew when I got Stardew Valley that it's not exactly my genre, but I decided to give it a try anyway. Whenever I take a little break from this game I completely forget what I was doing and then I have to start over. I have started a playthrough many times and enjoyed my time, but I've never actually gotten very far.

It's a pleasant, well-executed game. You know what you're going to get when you buy it and you probably know if you're the type of person who will enjoy it.
Diposting pada 9 Desember 2021.
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Tercatat 4.4 jam
This game tries to ride by almost solely on the merits of its writing, and the writing honestly isn't very good. Stories about lesbians written by guys tend to do that, I suppose. If you enjoy boring yuri slice of life, this might be your thing. The cyberpunk element is honestly not much more than salad dressing.
Diposting pada 1 Desember 2021.
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Tercatat 8.1 jam
I loved Act I and it only went downhill from there. I feel like this game was sold to me on false premises. Don't make the same mistake I did, don't get this if you're looking for a fun roguelite deckbuilder.
Diposting pada 18 November 2021.
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Tercatat 38.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 15.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Thanks, NL
Diposting pada 15 November 2021.
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Tercatat 27.1 jam
Kara no Shoujo starts off strong and interesting but loses itself in its second half. Piling on more and more terrible things makes the tragedy feel overblown and unrealistic instead of heartfelt and gripping. While the build up of the mysteries is engaging, the conclusion felt disappointing. Most of the deductive puzzles either have extremely obvious answers that were spelled out for you already in the narrative, or they are more akin to guessing than deducing.

If you can bear having to follow a guide for all the endings, I'd still say it's an interesting story worth experiencing. Probably wait for a sale though.
Diposting pada 1 November 2021.
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Tercatat 8.6 jam
Higurashi's best arc. It's all downhill from here, folks.
Diposting pada 22 Mei 2021.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 23 kiriman