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24.9 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Chimera Squad is good if you want to get starter into XCOM or you want to shake things up.
This spin off changes the way you enter combat and the way the turns work. Though fun, it sadly this feels more limited than in the main games. The scope of the game overall is much lower, same with the stakes in each encounter. You can still lose the campaign, but if your entire squad starts bleeding out, the worst thing that can happen is that you have to restart the encounter, not even the entire mission. Because of this there isn't much tension, which might be something you want, because the main games can get too stressful.

You can't customize characters, just change the colors a bit. Alien characters have natural human voices, which doesn't fit at all.

Overall the game is good, it's a fun diversion and a good way to get into XCOM, but don't expect it to be like the main titles of the franchise.
Posted 26 April, 2020. Last edited 27 April, 2020.
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6.1 hrs on record

For a simple zombie slaughter game, it's fine. The second half of the game became tedious so I put it on easy. The game repeats the same enemies over and over, and the camera can be awful at times, so I didn't want to bother repeting the same encounter multiple times or learning this game since the game isn't beautifly designed like for example God Hand.

The combat is button mashy but it's fine, the problem is the feedback you get from enemies, which sometimes it's pretty bad. The game has an element system in which you combine them to create an electric storm or crystalyze zombies. It's used more for some very simple puzles, but it helps a lot in combat.

The humor is pretty edgy and written by a teenager, but I admit that I enjoyed the humor in the cutscenes with zombies.

For 3€ is worth a shot, but this was released for 60€, which was way too much.
Posted 18 March, 2020. Last edited 18 March, 2020.
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6.5 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
I don't dislike this game, but Cthulhu Saves the World is better in every aspect except maybe the graphical one. If you haven't, go play Breath of the Death VII and Cthulhu Saves the World. It's the best deal you'll ever get, 2€ for two amazing games.

Cthulhu Saves Christmas is okay. Considering how much I like BoDVII and CStW, it's not the best thing I could say about it.

The combat system is very similar to the Cosmic Star Heroine one, a game that bored me even when the first chapter was great. In my opinion the combat system is much worse than the one in the first Cthulhu game. In the first game you have the combo counter that adds a risk/reward, and after leveling up, you decide from two options what ability to learn. Here you are limited in what abilities use in combat. They even need to be recharged to use them again in the same battle.

The game doesn't have a world map. In it's place, you have a HUB where you watch random cutscenes about Cthulhu living in a city and getting random equipment. It's fun because the dialoge in my opinion is mostly funny. This is why the game isn't making me feel bored like CSH did. The problem is that when replaying the game, this will be more of a chore than anything else.

Again, the game is okay, if you found the first game funny, give this one a shot. I was very excited to see this game being made, but it's... just okay.
Posted 6 January, 2020.
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14.3 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
If you like Darksiders but you are thinking that the game looks too different to the other games, you are right, it LOOKS different, but its still a Darksiders game. You have your similar exploration and puzles. The combat is different but isn't bad. War plays similar to the first game, and Strife plays like a twinstick shooter. Both are fun to play in their own ways.

The game structure is differente. The game is divided in levels, the game isn't an interconnected world. I plays fine, the pacing is pretty good. You have an hub that doesn't have much to do but at teh same time it as a weird thing in the backyard. As far as I know you don't get anything special there. You also have Arena levels that are separate. They are pretty cool if you want non-stop combat.

The game has many glitches, most of the cosmetic, like weird animations. Some of the aren't that funny, like getting stuck in plain floor. Nothing deal breaking, but it's there.

The game as local and online coop, but I haven't played those.

Overall the game is pretty good. Just as a Darksiders game, it's nothing extraordinary, but it's fun and a good solid game.
Posted 16 December, 2019. Last edited 16 December, 2019.
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40.9 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
On paper I should hate this game. It has everything I dislike in a videogame: long cutscenes, a combat system that is more flashy than good, QTEs, side quests stopping you all the time, wandering around. And with all that, I loved this game from start to finish.
The cutscenes are entertaining for the most part, the Heat Actions are amazing to watch every time, the QTEs aren't very intrusive and the side quests are very fun.
Yakuza 0 is style over substance, but the style is so spectacular that even someone like me that values gameplay over story every time, can enjoy the game.
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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41.2 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
This game is a shameless Paper Mario clone, and I don't like calling a game clone. But is that bad? Considering Nintendo doesn't seem interested on making a good Paper Mario game, it's a great thing, because this game gets what makes Paper Mario fun.

The combat is pretty good. This review is written just after chapter 1 so I'll update if it gets better. Since you have 3 characters, you can make a simple formation on the fly to manipulate enemy's priorities. You can also concede a character's turn to another one. The characters get new moves when they level up, so medals are more buffs than attacks like in Paper Mario.

The platforming and puzzle elements are fine, nothing too complex, just like in Paper Mario.

The game is pretty easy, but at the beginning of the game you get a badge that makes the game harder, and after the first chapter you get another badge that makes enemies stronger, so you can up the challenge if you want. I played the entire game in Hard mode and it's pretty fun that way, although the last boss is awful so I removed the medal. Making the final boss heal itself twice when you are about to finish it isn't fun, it's annoying.

I know that I've compared this game a lot to Paper Mario, but they are so similar in so many aspects. Many animations are practically the same, for example. But Bug Fables gets why Paper Mario is so beloved, and any Paper Mario fan should give this game a try. The first chapter is avaiable for free in a demo form, so there's no excuse to try it.
Posted 21 November, 2019. Last edited 6 December, 2019.
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11.7 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
I was going to wait until I finished the game to make a review, but certain boss was so freaking good that I know I can recommend this game without hesitation. Edit: I finished the game, I still recommend it.

This is a game inspired by the Mario RPGs. Your combat options are limited, but the variety come in the enemies. You have to learn their paterns so you can evade their attacks. Aside combat, the game has also platforming sections.

The game is pretty charming. My biggest fear when starting the game was that the dialogue might have been cringy, but I find is mostly funny. In the worst case scenario, a joke might leave me indifferent. The game is basically a parody of RPGs.

The bad stuff of the game is that it isn't very polished. I suppose the game didn't have too many resorces put into it. If you know a thing or two about Unity, you'll notice a few things. But it's never anything mayor, the game plays fine. Even with not so many resources, the developers made a great game.

I picked this game for free in Chrono.gg and I didn't even remember I got it until recently. At the time of the review, it's almost the end of the year, and I can safetly say that this is one of the best games I've played this year. It's nothing extraordinary or revolutionary, but it's fun, charming and very enjoyable.
Posted 10 November, 2019. Last edited 13 November, 2019.
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18.1 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
Edit: The game hasn't improved that much, there's missing content and none of the developers can even work on this game anymore. Below it's my original review:


Indivisible is a pretty unique game. With this, I don't mean that it's the only game with this gameplay, but you won't find stuff like this very often. It's a mix of platforming and RPG and fighting game combat. The game has many characters, and you bring four to combat. Each one are one face button of the controller (also, controller is pretty much required) and they have 3 different attacks, plus the special ones. You combo the enemy and block incoming attacks.

The art style is great, the animation of character and enemies is exquisite. My problem here is that most NPCs are made by backers, and they are awful. The cities are filled with weeb trash and self-portraits that don't belong to the world. From time to time you encounter a pretty good designed NPC. But they look like an important character, not a NPC that just says one sentence, so it feels weird.

Since the game has so many playable characters, many of them don't do much in the story, but that's fine by me. The game doesn't waste too much time with overly long dialoges or cutscenes, so the pacing of the game is great. This is a bad thing for many people, but if you want to read, there have been book for many centuries, so you won't get bored if you want that.

Something that isn't great about the game is that it doesn't explain anything. When you get a character, it tells you his main gimmicks, but it doesn't tell you that in detail, or what all his moves do, and there isn't a profile of them telling you anything. Ajna, the main character, sometimes starts cheering in the middle of a combo instead of attacking. I don't know why she does that, nowhere is explained. It's not very clear what changes when you level up neither. At least every character is the same level as the protagonist, so you can change between characters any time, which is necessary for a game like this. Each character has an affinity number, which I don't what it does because the game doesn't explain.

The game gets incredibly easy at the end of the game, and the final boss is a huge gimmick. The game also likes to make you repeat some segments, which you do faster because of the new abilities, but still.

Overall, I suppose I recommend the game on a sale. After 5 years of development, I expected it to be more polished. The core of the game is great but there are many many missteps that make me very mixed at the end.
Posted 9 October, 2019. Last edited 27 September, 2020.
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7.6 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Very enjoyable beat'em up.

If you are going to play this game casually, you might want to wait for a sale. This game is good for people who just want to play the game, since you have the Arcade mode right from the start. If you want to unlock stuff, you also have that. From costumes to extra modes (Time mode, Versus mode, Training mode, Level Select...).

The Arcade Mode lets you continue after a Game Over from a checkpoint. This makes the game not very hard, but one of the last levels is no joke even with that. You'll have to learn how to play.

The game have the moves that every beat'em up has, and a few more on top of that. You won't be styling like in Bayonetta or Devil May Cry, but there's still room for that.

There are many filters but I find them annoying, you can remove them.

The game has many routes, so you have variety in your runs. You also have a totally different path with unique levels to it.

Overall, very fun game.
Posted 16 September, 2019. Last edited 16 September, 2019.
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7.4 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
First of all, I want to rebute some of the negative reviews around here. People have two gripes with the game:

-The developers abandoned the game. Okay, and? The only problem here is that we don't know where the money is going, but the game is finished, so any more updated aren't necessary. Adding a skip button would be great (because of the different endings) and some more options would be nice, but the game can be played perfectly as it it. I understand that not honoring the backers is a trashy move, but they ofered refunds as far as I know.

-Another thing people complaint about is that "if you don't do things in a arbitrary order, you are screwed". That's false. If you don't well your investigation, you can fail, but the game continues or gives you a different ending. Just because people get the bad ending in their first walktrough doesn't mean that anything, is just a multiple ending game doing multiple ending game stuff. Again, a skip option for dialog would be great, but the dialogs don't overstate their welcome so you can pass them fast.

Having that aside, the game is pretty good. It's basically Ace Attorney (and you can see references all over the place) with 3 different endings and a more open ended investigation system. The art and music are amazing and the gameplay is good. It's a short game (about 5 hours for the first ending) so it doesn't get boring.
Posted 13 September, 2019. Last edited 10 November, 2019.
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