
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย symbalofthegods

กำลังแสดง 1-5 จาก 5 รายการ
6.3 ชม. ในบันทึก
pretty good, a little un-optimized and kinda ugly compared to mk 11. Really muddy shadows and lighting can make some scenes look awful. adjust some settings tho and it looks pretty good. I haven't played mk11 yet, but I have played mk 9 (mk 2011) and injustice 1/2. Injustice 2 was the next one after this, and honestly plays the most similar of the games I've played. I'd rank Injustice 2 a bit higher in pretty much every regard tho. Better voice cast, better gameplay, (its very similar but more punchy, a bit more fluid, more cinematic xray type moves etc) better graphics for sure. MKX has pretty similar models and a similar look, but the lighting and shadows are really bad in comparison to Injustice 2, and MK11's look and color. Overall if you liked, mk 9 or injustice 1, this is a full improvement. especially gameplay wise. If you liked Injustice 2 then it should scratch the same itch. 8.5/10
โพสต์ 30 ตุลาคม 2022
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1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
14.4 ชม. ในบันทึก (13.7 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
SO this game is really really good. Most people know about the first act. The cabin, which is most similar to the old demo thing they released months ago. There are 3 acts, and without going into spoilers, the game ends on a pretty flat note, at least imo. Just when you think things are starting to really get good, its over. And something you may know is that there is some ARG stuff going on. Tbh it really takes away from the game. And the ending is essentially a cop out for the arg aspects of the story. Again I don't want to go into spoilers, but if you get this, your probably gonna want to tear your hair out when it ends. The attention to detail, not including the ARG stuff, is really great. Lots of callbacks and secrets that have some weight to them. The music and art is top notch too. You've probably noticed or heard that this is from the creators of pony island. And the whole evil code demon game thing really doesn't work here, again IMO. Its way shallow and you will immediately know where the story is gonna go, but you'll tell yourself there's no way they are that predictable. The sad part is that this whole predictable pattern of ARG story and and abrupt ending holds back what could be one of the finest indie games of the past few years, and one to last in the public interest for many more. Instead it seems the devs chose a brief moment in the spotlight of letsplayers with the (IMO) far overdone to death bit about the game being cursed and evil and doing spooky things and mysterious vague ♥♥♥♥. Sure its neat, but this could have been so so much more. Maybe its not too much to hope they come back and finish it right. Or at the very least make a sequel. hopefully one that doesn't sacrifice its quality and prestige for a goofy 14 year old youtube consumer story. SO over all, 10/10 gameplay, 4/10 story, and 8/10 characters. Buy it on sale, and be sad when its over so abruptly.
โพสต์ 27 ธันวาคม 2021 แก้ไขล่าสุด 27 ธันวาคม 2021
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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้ชวนขำขัน
118.7 ชม. ในบันทึก (73.5 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Haha I sure do love my new car and having fun with my friends in gta 5. Its a good thing there's not a super fast flying bike that can kill you in seconds and blow up your car, over and over again. And the only way to get it would be to spend insane amounts of time grind ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass missions over and over. Or you know, pay up some sheckles. But no that's not a real thing they would add. Certainly they wouldn't try to make the in game economy push you towards using real money so you don't have to grind forever.. surely...
If nothing else, I can at least be certain that they make sure no hackers or bots spam the chat with discord links for free shark cards and money. All while using players name. They care way too much to let that happen in literally every server.

Yup this game really is great. And definitely hasn't been left by the way side after being shilled and drained every now and again when Rockstar needs some change. I totally recommend you buy it, and play the online with your friends. The community is great and rockstar respects us and absolutely doesn't go after modders making single player mods or mods that are ultimately harmless compared to the things Rockstar has done. 10/10 would sacrifice 100+ gb just to get rekt again.
โพสต์ 11 พฤศจิกายน 2021
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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
53.9 ชม. ในบันทึก (41.4 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
First things first, if your going into this straight from HR like I was. You're gonna be a bit disappointed. It's not a bad game by any means. It's an excellent game and you'll likely thoroughly enjoy it. Buuuuuuuut It's not a great deus ex game. It improves alot on some aspects of HR. There's more augments now. And these new ones kick butt. Buuuuuuut one of the things that made HR good was that you didn't need all of them. You could approach a situation in many different ways. Buuuuuut in this game, due mostly to level design and variety, you're almost always feeling coerced to either go one way or another. The areas are massive yes. The hub area is absolutely huge. But something you'll notice is how cluttered it is. Theres so much stuff in it that there's no substance to a lot of these levels and areas. In their attempt to be non linear they've almost looped around again. This wouldn't be so bad if it was one area, buuuuut as i said. Theres so little variety. The main hub area is like, the only one in the game. Theres almost no globe hopping like in the other games. which leaves little room for experimentation and exploration. I believe thats why they made the main hub so complex, to keep the player occupied. But it only serves to frustrate the player. Things are often far away for no other reason then to make you explore. But you're not really exploring, your on a path. from point A to point B. Linear once again. Variety is honestly whats missing from this game. And you can feel it in all the facets of the game. Theres little variety in weapons compared to HR, which didn't even have THAT many weapons. There's so little variety in side quests. They're almost all fetch quests. And after going through the same areas of the same hub world over and over and over for each side quest. it feels very repetitive. There was one good side quest by the end though, it was a murder mystery case, and there were many approaches to how you can solve it, and how to get info, as well as a variety of new faces to talk to. It was a breath of fresh air from the rest of the game. And felt very deus ex in it's writing. It also had some nice references to HR.
Buuuuuut after this it's back to the main quest. The lack of other locations and hubs combined with meh writing and overly complex level design ends up with you feeling like your waiting for it to get back to being a deus ex game. IDK why they changed so much from HR, but for whatever reason they did. I suspect it was a change in leadership or something. As the whole visions seems different then what i was expecting coming from HR. As i mentioned earlier about variety, theres not alot of variety of people to talk to. they almost all are saying the same thing. Not literally speaking, I mean they all have the same opinions over all, and this takes away from what made deus ex so good. The huge amount of people and perspectives to see. In MD pretty much all the people you'll be talking to are the poor people outside, or the agents in your task force. and there's not alot going on there. Oh and the police force. Oh boy you better get used to them cause you're gonna be told to shove off and show your papers literally hundreds of times. You'll be stopped every now and then when moving from place to place, and asked to show papers, this does nothing, it stops you and forces you to watch a 10 sec-ish unskippable cut scene of some rando cop, who may not even speak english, stopping you and wasting your time. combined with the back and forth linear fetch quests you'll get tired of this instantly.
Also if you were expecting some characters to return from HR, then sadly that wont happen. David Sarrif does, and thats about it. So yeah. Iv'e probably made it sound awful. Its not. I did enjoy the game alot. And some things have been improved. Gun play is better, though takes getting used to, the crafting system is good and bad. It lets you get some use out of the million spare machine pistols lying around by scrapping them, and lets you craft various usefull items. Problem is it gets very broken very fast. One item you can make is the multi tool, which can hack literally any terminal. Sure it takes longer for higher rank ones. But it always works, and is dirt cheap. making the hacking skill tree basically useless outisde of bot domination. They did how ever add ranged hacking, which is great. buuuuut sadly cant be used to hack terminals from a distance. Which would have made investing in hacking worth while. Another change they made is to remove food items. Now you use bio cells. Which can be crafted and found. but because they're so infrequent you'll basically be only crafting them. This means your energy will usually be empty, as they cost abit to make, which means you can't use the various skills which need energy as often. meaning your stuck doing the same things over and over. getting crafting materials to make bio cells so you can actually use the skills you invested in. This could be fixed if bio cells were more common. That wouldn't make much sense tho, why would they be every where. You know what was a good solution? having food stuff that can replenish your energy. Chips, energy bars, drinks etc.. it worked in HR. IDK why they changed it. As that made sense to be everywhere. In offices and bathrooms, and so on. They did keep the many types of alcohol. Which still does nothing. Its completely pointless and you find it literally everywhere.
Anyways. So i know the plot is meh, the level design is a mess, and side quests aren't great. But by the end i still enjoyed the game. i think that it should have changed gears early on as the problems are all baked into the core of the game. But its still a lot of fun knocking people out and hiding their bodies in vents. Is it a good immersive sim? ehhh not really. Is it a good deus ex game? sorta. its good but not really that much of a dues ex game. Is it a good game? yeah i think so.
If i had to rank it among immersive sims i'd put it at the Prey (2017) rank. its fun but flawed, and there are things to like about it. I just hope we get a new deus ex game soon. Hopefully one thats more deus ex like.
โพสต์ 1 มกราคม 2021
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1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
82.9 ชม. ในบันทึก (51.3 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Dues Ex human revolution directors cut (thats a mouthfull), is one of the best games iv'e played in ages.
The story was a perfect choice, its a revenge plot I'll say that much. If you've played metal gear rising then you'll see some similarities between it and HR. From the start it gets you asking questions, and hypes you up for a globe hopping adventure. The game play in standard fashion for deus ex games allows you to approach any situation in a variety of ways. And the whole game is made with multiple approaches in mind. It definitely encourages stealth. But if you invest your skill points wisely and save ammo by using less violent approaches to situations, i.e: look for an air duct or some other way around the enemies. You can go guns blazing on occasion.
Side quests are excellent in this entry, giving you not only an incentive to further explore areas, but giving you a break from the main plot, allowing you to unwind and try some new skills/weapons out.
The value of the player's choice in this game is huge. If you say the wrong thing an npc might not give you a tip on some cache, and other times it can unlock entire side quests for you. If you take on path you might miss that security panel, other times you may find a secret route that avoids the enemies. You get EXP for just about every "choice" you make. stuff like exploring, silent takedowns, using a grenade to kill multiple enemies, head shotting an enemie, hacking a terminal/camera/bot, even staying hidden till an alarm ends give EXP. So no approach is the "wrong" approach.

TLDR: Its a great deus ex game and a top notch immersive sim. Only negative is that i wish there were more abilities to get. The next game does add more though.
โพสต์ 1 มกราคม 2021
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กำลังแสดง 1-5 จาก 5 รายการ