DULLOOOCK   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Art director and
Co-founder of Loony Code
This is a haiku. :hams:


Greetings, fellow inhabitants of the third rock from Sol. I'm Dulcey, but you can call me Dulcey.
I also respond to Dulce, The Dulcemeister, Dullock, Dead Dullock, and Hey You With The Face.

I co-own Loony Code Ltd and we made 86 .
My other project is the comic strip, The Crotchets: a comic for musicians! :music: :chimenote: [thecrotchets.thecomicseries.com]

Answers to questions no one asked:
:p2aperture: Fluent Languages: English, Music, Pirate, Furbish
:p2aperture: Age: exactly the same as the comic strip FoxTrot
:p2aperture: MBTI: INFP
:p2aperture: Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
:p2aperture: Favourite Disney Princess: Nala
:p2aperture: Hobbies: yes
:p2aperture: Obsessions: hell yes

Some really rather silly facts about me:
:Arcadetoken: Most of my gaming avatars are based on characters I have played on stage.
:Arcadetoken: I can't blow whistles. I lost the ability to do so since I learned to play the clarinet.
:Arcadetoken: My favourite music genres are heavy metal and vintage jazz. That's not an odd mix at all.
:Arcadetoken: Within the space of a year, I found 3 four-leaved clovers.
:Arcadetoken: I can confidently draw a treble clef backwards. Real useful, that.
:Arcadetoken: When I eat fruit, I eat it ALL (leaves, stalks, apple cores, kiwi fruit skins...) :chattering::reusapple:
Витрина иллюстраций
Taking on the World
151 15 3
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
It's Psychonauts 2 Day!
50 2 1
Витрина скриншотов
My (Double) Fine Moment 🧠
Витрина иллюстраций
184 3 3
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
Rodents and the #horizon
4 2
Витрина скриншотов
Who's that good-looking bird?
6 3
Character Showcase
Original Cartoon + Game Characters
I designed all the characters that appear in 86 , including adorable protagonist Sluggle .

Check out my Sims 4 and Spore screenshots for more of my cartoon/game characters, including The Crotchets, Weird Things High and characters from upcoming Loony Code games.

DnD Toons
Tabby Treebark the Half-Elf Ranger/Sorcerer/Red Dragon Disciple
Acci Acc-A'Tura the Aarakocra Beast Master and her animal companion, Ranger the almiraj
Willow the Harengon Druid
Geddy the Tiefling Thief (Thiefling?)

Loosely based on / named after characters I've played on stage:
Alana ~ Alana Dale / Robin Hood
Bridget ~ Bridget Baines / A Chorus of Disapproval
Crystal ~ Crystal / Little Shop of Horrors
Hawkins ~ Jim Hawkins / Treasure Island
Scribbles ~ Laura Scribbles / Whodidit
Little Redd ~ Red Riding Hood
Susan ~ Susan Daguerreotype / Whodidit

Misc. Originals:
Fletcher the azure fledgling gryphon
Neeshka* the trickster rogue
Purple Tentacle* the wizard
Rokkie the hobbit
Sweetie Sour the chua

*may not actually be original...?

Awesomenauts: Gnaw | Nibbs | Yoolip
Dota 2: Hoodwink
MultiVersus: Wonder Woman | Harley Quinn | Tom & Jerry | Velma | Morty
Rivals of Aether: Ori and Sein | Orcane
Sid Meier's Civ BE: Élodie, Franco-Iberia
Sid Meier's Civ 5: Pedro II, Brazil
Sid Meier's Civ 6: Mvemba a Nzinga , Kongo

Other Favourites:
Bit.Trip Presents Runner2: Raz | CommandgirlVideo (Rebel Belle skin)
Cluedo: Colonel Mustard
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy: Coco
Freedom Planet: Carol
Rayman Origins & Rayman Legends: Raybox skin
Runner3: Eddie Riggs
ToeJam & Earl Back in the Groove: OldSkool ToeJam
Tooth and Tail: Hopper
Ultimate Chicken Horse: Bunny | Sheep
Любимая игра
Часов сыграно
Витрина перфекциониста
Витрина мастерской
Ingame description: Music overhaul courtesy of the adventure games of LucasArts and LucasFilm Games. Or, switch to Otherworld music for the 'Friends of LucasArts' collection. Welcome to LucasTunes! This is a mod I have been working on for many months, and
Оценок: 4
Создано: Dulcey
Витрина мастерской
Успехи стимопланетянина
Сражений с боссами

2 351 920
LittleBrother42 7 дек. 2015 г. в 12:41 