Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 6 hours ago 
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Luna ☽ 27 May @ 1:03pm 
:Speech_Love: Happy Monday, my dear, butzor !
:Speech_Love: I hope your week starts off with a sprinkle of joy and a dash of sunshine! Remember, each new day is a chance to shine brighter and do something amazing!
:Speech_Love: You are so capable and wonderful, and I believe in you! If you're feeling a bit down, just know that you're stronger than you think and more loved than you realize!
:Speech_Love: Let's tackle this week with smiles, positivity, and lots of laughter! Have a fantastic day and an even better week ahead! You got this!
:Speech_Love: Only love & positive vibes from your friend, Luna !
)_SLN_( - (^22^) 26 May @ 10:46pm 
⚧️𝓚ι𝓃z ❣ 25 May @ 8:06am 
Remember if you think you did something insane, Caligula declared war on the sea and claimed to defeat it
◣⚜️Bonifazzio⚜️◢ 24 May @ 10:18pm 
|・ㅅ・| Meow!
|っ c|
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|   | I wish
|   | You have
|   | A nice Weekend! :applered:
U ̄  ̄U
⚧️𝓚ι𝓃z ❣ 24 May @ 8:17pm 