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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
65.3 h registradas (53.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is good and you absolutely should get it... at least a 30% sale minimum. I'm glad the game's been patched up and it runs well, but the optimising still leaves some room for improvement and for a game like this, optimisation has to be 90% there at least, but it's at a a good 70 - 80%, so not bad. So yeah that's the recommendation, really good game with a convoluted story (par for the course sadly... kinda) and amazing combat, but wait for a sale to get your money's worth
Publicada el 27 de marzo de 2023.
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155.9 h registradas (44.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Yeah, so this game is amazing and hair pulling-ly frustrating... in ranked lobbies. I really can't explain how fun this game is, The story is okay, movement animations in the story mode are terrible... like horrifically bad. English voice acting is really good, I had stopped watching it in jp one because subtitles were missing at certain points and that annoyed me to no end and i couldn't stand it anymore.

But back to the good, yeah, pretty much everything else. I tend to stay away from games like this because i find the complexity way to much for me. It's why I play games like Mortal Kombat, Injustice, even tekken, and why I didn't play any of acrsys' previous games and why i stopped playing street fighter V shortly after it came out (Apart from me thinking that it is just a genuinely terrible game). I'm actually really impressed how far they went to make this game as accessible as possible to newcomers without it becoming too far removed from what makes a guilty gear game in essence. Making the damage from hits as high as it is was a very risky move that paid off really well. The character designs amazing, and the fact that each character plays so differently from each other makes this already worth the price of admission alone.

The controls are intuitive enough, training mode is cool and mission mode (while it could use just a bit more work) is pretty great. It's just a fun game that is worth playing if you have any interest in fighting games at all. Oh yes, the last great thing about this game is the netcode, it is just fantastic. online is very smooth and responsive... yeah, that's it
Publicada el 4 de julio de 2021.
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25.7 h registradas
Patience is the name of the game. Sure, you can go in and kill everything you see, but that'll give you a bad ending because morality in games is B.S. if you aren't amazing with stealth games, I can almost bet you will hit the quick save/quick load keys more times that you would've killed anyone in the game. Recommendation is directly proportional to how much you like stealth games and every guard knowing where you are because one guard saw you. Take that for what you will. I was okay with it, quick save/load were my best fiends in this game
Publicada el 11 de marzo de 2021.
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195.3 h registradas (171.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I can't recommend this game enough. Obviously there are some problems with this game and I'll get into those. But to just summarise my thoughts, this game is well worth it and supremely fun if you like this high difficulty souls like pain train.

This game's cons will highly depend on the player playing them and if they played the first Nioh and understand the formatting. The story of Nioh 2 is presented in a terrible way. You HAVE to read the character bios to fully understand what happening as the cut scenes just give snippets. I've read these character bios so i liked the over all story and it hit harder as a result, but this is a terrible way to tell a story in a visual and interactive medium. The next big con this game has, is the way it introduces the game's many mechanics. Again I played the first Nioh so this wasn't the biggest deal for me personally, but i know terrible explanations when i see them, the best way to deal with this is to just take it slowly and make use of the training area you are given. Next bad thing, which isn't the biggest deal at all, but when i was experimenting i found out that magic (omnyo) is quite overpowered and very easily abused. Again, out of the previous cons, this isn't that big of a deal, because some bosses, very few though, will still kick your teeth in.

Even with the cons I listed above, the pros of this game heavily outweigh them to a rather ridiculous degree. First, the art-style of this game is amazing, the character models are pretty cool because they use the Yakuza type graphics. Next the character customisation is pretty extensive and in deep, at least it was deeper than I expected it to be, so it was a nice surprise. The next pro is the level design. As much as i loved the first Nioh on PS4, the level design was really bad and it was one of the things that just made me never want to replay the game in a new play-through. Nioh 2 doesn't really have that problem, barring 3 or 4 levels, most of them were really fun to move through and them looking great was a nice bonus. Some levels, very few i might add are lifted straight from Nioh 1, but they were used sparingly so take that for what you will. The next pro is combat itself. The combat in this game is really, really well done and the amount of choice you have is insane. You have multiple weapons (11 of them, 8 close combat and 3 ranged), each (close combat weapons) with three different stance and each stance for each weapon has some unique moves. Each stance has a different fell to it. Heavy stance destroys your stamina bar, but your hits are weighty and impactful. Low stance is fast and deals low damage but your stamina bar doesn't deplete quickly. and mid stance is a well balance of the other 2 stances. Basically the combat feels good and responsive with enough depth to make different builds to play the game vastly differently. The last pro, and possibly the most important one are the boss fights. Every non human boss is amazingly designed and a lot of their attacks are well telegraphed well so that when you attack, it feels like it was well timed and well executed. The human bosses, while not the best, in terms of design, are pretty good as a boss fights all around. Granted, the bosses are not the most consistent in terms of difficulty, but they feel fun most of the time with exception of two bosses which were blatantly unfair and beating them didn't feel like I had achieved anything. But with all the other fights, it was enjoyable and mostly fair.

I recommend this game to anyone who's even curious out this game or just likes samurai games at all.
Publicada el 25 de febrero de 2021.
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122.5 h registradas (109.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Yeah I love this game, and i use "love" in a very stockholm sense. I know a lot of people love DS1 as say that DS3 is too fan-service-y, and it is. But it doesn't change how much i enjoyed it. The game is amazingly beautiful and hard.

My biggest issue was just the controls, i had to my controller for this game because FromSoftware thought it would be a good idea to not have make Keyboard and Mouse be default and then auto switch to XBOX controls if the pad was plugged it. This was very annoying and i ended up playing with a controller... so yeah

Besides that, the game is amazing and it's worth your time.
Publicada el 26 de enero de 2021.
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29.4 h registradas (28.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So I first bought this game in 2016 and I enjoyed quite a bit. I just finished replaying it and i can honestly say it holds up. Game looks great, combat and stealth are the best they've ever been hands down and the story has some of the best moments in the arkham series.

There is also bad it to obviously, The framerate isn't always stable for some reason and it kind of gets annoying, the riddler puzzles become easier and somehow more boring and the majority of the story, yeah, it might as well have been written by a 15 year old, it's not complete garbage, it just expected a lot more, and most of the boss fight are trash. Then there's the Batmobile, it's okay, bordering on annoying for me. I know a lot of people it and i get it, but i found a nice cheese system. At this point point in time, this game is worth its price for the gameplay alone.
Publicada el 27 de agosto de 2020. Última edición: 27 de agosto de 2020.
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15.3 h registradas
It's a good game with about 2 completely bs "puzzle moments". It's worth a play for the catharsis alone. The story is alright and some really good and pretty funny dialog. Gameplay is great. I played the game on normal difficulty and i struggled every now and then but not really major. if this game is on sail buy it, It'll be worth the cash
Publicada el 21 de julio de 2020.
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32.0 h registradas (31.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Yeah sooooo... There's a reason this game won GOTY, it's amazing, frustrating as hell, but amazing. I've just finished my first playthrough (on my account, to be more specific) and I'm gonna go into my next playthrough soon. The game can feel like complete bs at certain points and the jump button isn't as responsive as I'd like, There seems to be a small but noticeable delay in that regard. Yeah though, other than those things , i highly recommend that everyone play this game.
Publicada el 8 de julio de 2020.
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17.5 h registradas (13.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Yeah, so I like horror games, but I'm absolutely horrified of them. And i despise jump scares... and there are some in here. not too many, but enough to notice them. They've always felt like a cheap (but effective) way to scare you. Nonetheless, this game is great, even if you aren't a fan of horror games, this one deserves your attention. the greatest tension comes from the actual gameplay when you try to sneak around the baker family so you don't get caught. those moments are forehead wrinkling, trouser-tighteningly tense and you'll love the game all the more when you succeed in getting past unnoticed... So yeah, but the game, it's great, not perfect, inventory system is a little annoying but it makes sense as to why it's so limited. Any short coming this game has, it makes up for in the solid tension makes up for it. buy this game, you wont regret it.
Publicada el 15 de junio de 2020.
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142.1 h registradas (15.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'm nowhere finished with this game but it's a blast. And i highly suggest that you get a friend to play with, it's just fun and chaotic. Playing this game alone doesn't seem worth it all
Publicada el 5 de mayo de 2020.
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