bro i crab
2B goes on the internet
34 3
someone on twitter once told me yakuza is like a scorsese gangster movie where every 30 minutes is interrupted by an episode of the simpsons and i haven't been able to forget ever since
記録時間: 383 時間
6月12日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 74 時間
6月11日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 512 時間
6月9日 に最後にプレイ
Sheru 3月28日 18時46分 
Yora? Yea its one jolly wolly wumbo jumbo abby babbyy sniffy sweaty crab. All in all, it's a pretty well rounded crab. A talented one at that.
Dio 1月26日 11時33分 
where do i start yoracrab is a great person when it comes to shooting zombies in the game left for dead 2, smart, funny, and had leadership skills thats why when he is on my team i sometimes get his back and watch him lead, he is always saving my hide and i am proud to have him on my team anytime and always...thanks buddy for always being there
Blu 1月20日 13時32分 
NutellaBae 1月2日 6時30分 
Faceless 2023年12月12日 10時40分 
Syd2ey 2023年12月8日 17時29分 