Tri. Dedine
A proud Administrator of [M] - RN: Arttu K.   Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
The Master. "Uomo Universale".
Both a completionist and an Achievement-enthusiast.

They talk of The Triumph of the Machine,
but the machine will never triumph.

Out of the thousands and thousands of centuries of man
the unrolling of ferns, white tongues of the acanthus lapping at the sun,
for one sad century;
machines have triumphed, and rolled hither; hither.

Shaken the marshes, till the geese have gone
and the wild swans flown away singing the swan-song at us.

Hard, hard on the earth the machines are rolling,
but through some hearts they will never roll.

The lark nests in his heart
and the white swan swims in the marshes of his loins,
and through the wide prairies of his breast a young bull herds his cows,
lambs frisk among the daisies of his brain.

And at last
all these creatures that cannot die, driven back
into the uttermost corners of the soul,
will send up the wild cry of despair.

The thrilling lark in a wild despair will trill down arrows from the sky,
the swan will beat the waters in rage, white rage of an enraged swan,
even the lambs will stretch forth their necks like serpents,
like snakes of hate, against the man in the machine:
even the shaking white poplar will dazzle like splinters of glass against him.

And against this inward revolt of the native creatures of the soul
mechanical man, in triumph seated upon the seat of his machine
will be powerless, for no engine can reach into the marshes and depths of a man.

So mechanical man in triumph seated upon the seat of his machine
will be driven mad from within himself, and sightless, and on that day
the machines will turn to run into one another
traffic will tangle up in a long-drawn-out crash of collision
and engines will rush at the solid houses, the edifice of our life
will rock in the shock of the mad machine, and the house will come down.

Then, far beyond the ruin, in the far, in the ultimate, remote places
the swan will lift up again his flattened, smitten head
and look round, and rise, and on the great vaults of his wings
will sweep round and up to greet the sun with a silky glitter of a new day
and the lark will follow trilling, angerless again,
and the lambs will bite off the heads of the daisies for very friskiness.
But over the middle of the earth will be the smoky ruin of iron
the triumph of the machine.

Also: please feel free to check out my gaming channel (nowadays leaning towards a normal Youtube account) [with live commentary] on Youtube: . You can find all sorts of random clips and playthroughs there!

Information regarding Mumble, our servers for different games, and [M] Multiplay Finland's community as well, visit:
"Check below for a link".

PlayStation Network + Vita:
Dediner | [Also linked to both my Raptr account and my MAIN Origin/EA account, named Dediner - also linked to my Uplay/Ubisoft account, TriDedine]. Always a PS+ member!

Xbox-Live gamertags:
Dediner (PC) | Windows 8, PC and Steam games.
Tolppapaviaani (Xbox) | All Xbox specific games - [Main one].

Raptr: Tri Dedine. | Origin/EA account: Dediner (Secondary/Alternative) & TriDedine (Main - Mass Effect 3 and Battlefield 1942 on this account). | Uplay/Ubisoft account: TriDedine (Main for PC and Steam, and PlayStation account) & Tolppapaviaani (Secondary, linked to my Xbox account). | PSN: Dediner. | Xbox-Live: Dediner (PC) & Tolppapaviaani (Xbox-Live). | : Nuxxios#2271. | Apple Game Center: ---Ardie---. | IGN: Nuxxios. | LoL: MDedine. | SWTOR: Nuxxios. | LotRO: Tolppis (community). | Square Enix: Dedine. | +Own MANY MMOs.

Dedine, playing the games the public wants to see. [~'_'~]
Visit [M] Multiplay Finland's profile.
DedineByLuprikons' livestreaming channel on []
현재 오프라인
스크린샷 전시대
And she was born!
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창작마당 전시대
Amazing stuff that people should really check out. My personal favourites and so on!
30명이 평가했습니다.
제작자: Tri. Dedine
제품 평가 전시대
A must buy for everyone.

Firstly, I have played through this game before on my PlayStation 3. Not only does this game run way better on my Personal Computer, but it works like a charm with smoother edges and sharper textures, giving this piece of art even more pushing power with stunning visuals and exemplary mechanical decisions.

Note: You DO NOT need a controller for this game, but it is recommended, as it states on the Store-page. I played through this game with a DualShock 4 with a program called InputMapper.

I could write a longer review, but quite frankly, you should only watch this:

TotalBiscuit님이 먼저 게시:

No matter what you think of this "reviewer", he has some astonishingly good points, if you can get past the emotional package he has for this game.

A 100% recommendation from me. Experience this game at least once!
어워드 전시대
어워드를 수상하셨습니다
수여한 어워드
D4 2024년 5월 16일 오후 12시 31분 
"100% Orange Juice" is free to keep for a limited time.
"ENDLESS™ Legend" is free to keep for a limited time.
D4 2024년 5월 13일 오후 1시 45분 
"Machinika: Museum" is free to keep for a limited time.
D4 2024년 3월 2일 오전 2시 50분 
D4 2024년 2월 13일 오후 2시 38분 
"Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition" Is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand: (thanks to those of you letting me know)
D4 2024년 2월 12일 오후 1시 59분 
"RPG Maker XP" Is free to keep for a limited time. :ok_hand:
D4 2024년 1월 9일 오전 3시 04분 
"Sims 4: Romantic Garden Stuff" is now free to keep for Sims 4 owners. (Sims 4 is also free) :ok_hand: (I know its been free for a while, but its just in case someone missed it)