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Neue Rezensionen von Thefreeman500

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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 23
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
9.5 Std. insgesamt (9.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A warm and pleasant looking collection of games, i accidentally found the credits sequence first, and i finally went back and played all the games. it is a wonderful game to go through.
Verfasst am 15. Februar.
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11.3 Std. insgesamt (9.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
its been my GOTY since january
Verfasst am 22. November 2023.
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143 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
14 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
0.0 Std. insgesamt
The only clowns i see are the ones that can and won't support Doctor Shinobi here
Verfasst am 27. September 2022.
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16.0 Std. insgesamt
==How I Got Here==

Now, I'll start by saying I've grown up with Need for Speed 2, 90's hot pursuit, Underground 1 and 2, Carbon, Shift and Undercover. I started to drop off when the games just didn't feel like you were working to anything anymore, the nonsensical-ness dropped off for more grit/no story/or anything to write home about, and the biggest offender, the MTX/DLC/lootboxes i heard are in more of the recent games. Now when i heard EA was coming back to Steam with Origin sticking on it like a tumor, i stayed away, as i was still hurt from their decisions of nickel and diming everything EA produced, Battlefront 2 2017 instantly springs to mind. But then I was told years later this game only had MTX in the form of a "deluxe edition" and $5 to drive my dream car, the McLaren F1. So during Steam Racing Fest i decided to pick this up along with 2010's hot pursuit remastered, along with the McLaren F1 DLC, and decided to see if it can live up to the hype.

==The Game Itself==

Now only until recently, I've played racing games with a keyboard, always have since Need for Speed 2, but i did get the Forza Horizon 5 Xbox controller (spoilers what has been grabbing my attention more then NFS these days) and have awoken to the truth that is analog triggers. Now, mechanics wise, its quite fun to take corners with the double tap acceleration mode with both controller and keyboard. The driving itself is sound, and the circuit races of the day, along with those and sprints in the night do give it the most variety, but with how the map is designed, you can't exactly have drag races. There are drift and dirt racing in the day, but what you are 100% spending your time in, is at night, which brings me to the cops in the game. Escaping the cops don't give you a "3 strikes and your out" kind of deal on the lighter side of 90's Hot Pursuit and the "Wolfs DB9 is now gone forever" like in Carbon, it just ends the night with your base rep and $30k out of your pocket. Cops themselves are also widely different, with them in the daytime more serious and using code, while the night cops are more loose in how they call things, but are still just as deadly regardless of time. Escaping anything in Heat Level 3 is akin to blunt force trauma to the head, without the mall in the center of the map exploit where you just jump on its roof and just hide, the cops CAN and WILL nail you, especially if you are out of your 3 nightly repairs at the gas station and you just entered Heat 5 for that night. As for story.... They tried a Undercover story but it was just... no. I guess this is another "anything to write home about" part where it can be ignored, the good guys (us) win.

Now that is it for the review of the main game itself, but you are probably wondering, did I ever get to drive that McLaren F1? Yes, but it took 12 in game hours to even see the bloody thing, and while you get it for free after all that time with nice upgrades, all the cosmetic things are unlocked by these challenges, something people might see as a "character specific battlepass" in other games. The challenges itself for to unlock them are quite creative: "avoid 2 charging rhino police cars while going over 130 MPH" and "place top 3 in this race without hitting any barriers or objects". And now, i see why it took 12 hours to unlock the car, there is no real reason to get to 50 rank and unlock everything unless you really love the mechanics up to that point And really, just getting the car after 12 hours was enough for me to just "finish" the game and not pick it up again, which is why im writing this review now.

==In Conclusion==

If this is EA when they don't put in a MTX option outside of outright buying cars, when I have seen them do put MTX in things i love from them, I will gladly take the former. As for the person reading this thinking about buying the game, If you REALLLLY love the Mclaren F1 and want to give the hood cross eyed lights, then prepare to grind for 12 hours to get that car and then another 20 minutes of challenges to unlock it. Otherwise, get it on sale no matter what or just play another racing game, like Horizon 4 and 5
Verfasst am 5. Juni 2022.
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14 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
77.4 Std. insgesamt
surprisingly addictive, and the dev even helped me with general steam bugs! not much i can really add to this review that hasn't been said already, just try to get a random projectile bee hive mini gun with leeching and you can win for life..
Verfasst am 3. Mai 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24. November 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
32.5 Std. insgesamt (28.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
randy pitchford is things i can't say in a review, thats how bad he is. game is alright.
Verfasst am 17. Februar 2022.
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256.3 Std. insgesamt (79.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
fun car game mate
Verfasst am 24. November 2021.
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71.0 Std. insgesamt (43.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
my hand needs ice, but doom is worth it. just make sure you do left hand exercises before you start playing on the harder difficulties

Edit: Denuvo bad, its removed, but trust is now broken. still bad.
Verfasst am 28. März 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 27. November 2020.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
18.2 Std. insgesamt (10.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game lies to you, but in a good way. It plays with your expectations that you are just gonna go through another romp of a quake like shooter, and then by the second chapter of the second map you ♥♥♥♥ you pants from a wendigo who is invisible and can only be revealed by gunfire. and then by the third chapter you are fighting against eldrich gaping skeleton monsters and floating balls of death that shoot skulls. but even after all that it still feels like this was a release from 1998, where if quake didn't become quake 2. Even though i HATE horror games and even games with horror aspects, this one was still very enjoyable for me. Hard recomend.
Verfasst am 3. Januar 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
43.4 Std. insgesamt (0.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
good lord its kicking my butt
Verfasst am 27. November 2019.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 23