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Évaluations récentes de Stiles

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38 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
1.8 h en tout (1.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Same bouncy physics, a few new gadgets that weren't in Snowrunner, less trucks even with "supreme edition" which ran 100$. It feels like its a step back instead of a step forward like you'd expect from a 4th title entry. Honestly could've been a fleshed out DLC. If you like mindless driving with some exploration then it's for you, Otherwise stick with MudRunner or SnowRunner.

Not worth the price, not worth a whole new title.
Évaluation publiée le 8 mars 2024.
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Un développeur ou une développeuse a répondu le 3 oct. 2024 à 6h46 (voir la réponse)
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10.9 h en tout (9.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Crashes constantly above 2k. Great fun little timewaster, just doesn't work for me. Haven't done any file modding or vice versa, just stock game out of the box and still crashes.
Évaluation publiée le 1 mars 2024.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
47.4 h en tout (4.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Did a bunch of work on a house, game asked if I wanted to assemble a picture frame, I did and when I came back to my house nothing was saved and about 2 hours of work gone. Do you guys not playtest? Gaming in 2023 is crazy.

Well, returned to the game after a while to see if the updates fixed it, nope. Re-did a house, finishing touches and all, tried to sell it and said I can't because it's my parents house. It was not "The Parceys Family home" its a completely new home that I purchased. So it's still a buggy mess.
Évaluation publiée le 15 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 8 mars 2024.
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Un développeur ou une développeuse a répondu le 23 avr. 2024 à 6h11 (voir la réponse)
7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
187.3 h en tout (88.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 15 juin 2017.
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82 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
2,086.6 h en tout (2,057.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
After 500 and a half hours of pure enjoyment, I believe it's safe to say this is one of the most robust soft-body physics simulation out there to date. I highly (almost offensivly) recommend this game to anyone looking for a in-depth vehicle simulation. The Devs push out an update once a month (I should mention some are delayed, but it’s worth the awesome content) which is quite rare now-a-days. I also should mention there is a great fan base with amazing forums, also can't forget the spectacular community mods that are out there. Cheers.

Edit: 2019 I'm here to update my review as I now have clocked 700 hours! Yes that is correct, I managed to find something to do on this game for 700 hours exact. My original review still stands, one of the few games that fits all my desires involving automobiles! Amazing simulation a soft-body physics. I highly recommend this.

Edit: Here we are, 2020, 1,500 hours... the game is still freaking fantastic. It feels like a fine wine that has been perfected over a viking year! Let these cars bring you to the lands of Valhalla! Ride on brothers, highly recommended still.

Edit: well, 2023. Times were tough but I still managed almost another 500 hours. I couldn’t recommend this game more than I’ve tried in the past. As a self proclaimed backyard mechanic, this game scratches certain niches for all humanoids, just need to tap into your imagination. I wish everyone well and may the new year be a bit brighter than the last.

Edit: 2024. Here we are, another year. Another edit. It’s been 11 years beam. 2056hrs on record but I’m sure there’s another two thousand on the early tech demo’s. I recently suffered a flood which included all my belongings and insurance hasn’t been able to replace most things, including my beloved rig that held all my personal projects and my favourite game BeamNG. I’m working really hard to get back into it and you guys are my drive to work harder (especially seeing updates rolling out). My passion and love for the team is undying, I will return and cannot wait to see what the next year brings, of course my yearly edits will continue. If you’ve read this far, cheers to you reader, just buy the game if you have any passion for cars.. you won’t regret it. I promise
Évaluation publiée le 16 septembre 2016. Dernière modification le 25 septembre 2024.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
0.2 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 15 janvier 2016.
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