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17 people found this review helpful
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7.2 hrs on record
I stole a half of bread from a trader only to haggle and sell the same half of bread to the same trader for a higher amount of money.
Two minutes later, I'm still laughing like an idiot at the fact that he also said "GOD BLESS you" at the end.
Posted 13 May. Last edited 13 May.
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0.0 hrs on record
After 27 hours of playtime, this DLC made me realise that I can pin ANY of Hugo's flowers and feathers in Amicia's hair without even having to buy this DLC.
Holy Christ, I am retărded.
Still, for 2 euro, this DLC is worth it.
Posted 12 May. Last edited 12 May.
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28.3 hrs on record (12.4 hrs at review time)
Reasons why the review is negative:

How can you, as a developer/ publisher, keep this game only available for purchase on the worst launcher possible on PC for a whole year, beta testing it for those unlucky enough who have bought it there, and one year later, still release it broken on Steam. How?
Not only does the game suffer from horrendous lag in coop, but it also forces me to have Epic Online services installed. And also Denuvo to pile on the already humongous mess this whole game is.
The game installs Epic Online Services, not Epic Games Store as a whole. That's a slight misinformation. But as long as you play online, you'll always be reminded that Epic has put its dirty little paws on this game.
The game suffers from a lot of performance issues. In coop is even worse. I may not have the best PC, but when you put everything on low and your performance doesn't improve something hints that the game isn't properly optimized.
The game also has sometimes issues with the audio. The game has music, wether ambiental, or boss fight music, well, said music will only play a few moments in a 2 hours session. I cannot tell if the issue is only in coop, because I've only played coop, but still, wether online or offline, the audio shouldn't be this faulty.
Also, this game has been cracked months ago, but still, the game has Denuvo implemented.
Epic and Denuvo in one game, name a bigger anti-consumer move.

Still, I would lie if I would say the game itself isn't fun.
If you ignore all the problems, you have a pretty fun zombie game.
It has the best gore system I've seen in a game.
The gameplay is so good. The weapons feel so great and fluid.
You actually feel the impact in each attack you give, and it even shows on the zombie's bodies. The gore in this game is simply insane. The animations are so fluid. The fury mode is absolutely pure adrenaline for me. Going zombie mode on a horde of zombies, tearing them into pieces with my hands, it doesn't get better than that.
The flesh system they have implemented does not get old. Punching a hole in a zombie's head does not get old.
You know what gets old, however? Signing into Epic store...

The game has peaked its relevancy months ago, and then it died. It's almost like releasing a game day-1 on the most disliked platform will guarantee said game's imminent demise.
A shame. The game had potential.
Posted 7 May. Last edited 10 May.
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9.8 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
I just beat the LIVING șhit out of a bunch of zombie kids with a baseball bat.
Brother, how can I not give this game a positive review? Bloody genius.

Posted 13 March. Last edited 13 March.
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2.3 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
I own this game for two reasons alone.
1) Eneba sells keys for it that's cheaper than a Monster can. 6.85 RON (1.38 Euro)
2) I only bought it to leave a negative review. Buh bye.

Actually tried to play the game. I want my 1.38 euro back. You can give me this game for free and I still would feel like I've got robbed.
Posted 12 March. Last edited 12 March.
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57.9 hrs on record (38.5 hrs at review time)
Games like Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League makes me appreciate even more the original Arkham trilogy.
And to be honest, I would rather stare at Batman's spandex butt for 80 hours than ever playing Suicide Squad and seeing this character's legacy destroyed.
Posted 8 February.
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31.8 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
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Posted 5 January. Last edited 5 January.
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27.3 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
I shan't talk in this review about the game itself, but rather, about what it represents to me. You know, I bought this game for my friend, for my oldest friend, I might add, because you know, he left our country, and lives now in Finland. And I thought this post-apocalyptic game filled with communists will remind him of his home, of our great country, Romania.
But the little bugger declined it and told me to go fück myself. 😑😑
I hope I will appear in your worst nightmares you absolute insane dïçk nugget.
I know you will see this review!
I would say something nice... But I can't, and it's because I'm Romanian, so I'll just resume to a sugi pulä și hai jet.

Game's okay, though.
Posted 2 January. Last edited 2 January.
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1.1 hrs on record
Absolute schizo simulator. Maybe if I had a voice in my head contemplating and doubting my every step would be something. I don't have one. What I do have, however, is a headache induced by this game.

I went on Steam, I found this game, I read the tags "Atmospheric, dark, story-rich, third person" I was hooked. As these are some of the things I am looking forward in a game. And since I just finished Plague Tale again, I thought I would love it.
Boy, was I wrong so bad.
It starts... with 5 minutes of us being forced to look at Senua's back, pushing that boat like she's disabled and cannot go faster. I love it so much when games either force us to walk slowly for 5 minutes while spewing exposition orrr, when the game is doing nothing, but take control from you. I got so bored. I get it, big spooky forest, big spooky fog, people in spikes. Womp womp.
Then she proceeded to finally get out... and I nearly went insane when she would walk with the speed of a snail. Eventually I was allowed to jog (Yes, basic stuff like that is restricted because you can't jog and listen to the voices in your head at the same time) and guess what? She walks slow even when she jogs! Every basic move she makes feels like it was slowed down with 30%. I rarely complain about such things, but when something messes with the speed of my character, it annoys me.
It's a beautiful game. The lighting, the fog, the volumetric lighting, the textures, all of them absolutely gorgeous. But I can see that even when I'm not forced to walk slow because the game wants to show off its impressive reflections.
Then... there is the puzzles. Which has been my biggest turn-off. I get it, a puzzle once in a while is cool, but I played the game one hour and I already had to complete 5. What do these puzzles need of you? To find the symbols on the locked door... in another direction. Scan them, and off you are. Absolutely annoying.
Another thing I hated and I actually went out of my way to fix was... this game's obssession with motion blur, chromatic aberration and film grain. I hate motion blur so much. And there is so much chromatic aberration. It's a beautiful game, why do devs always insist on forcing them into the games, I will never understand. Without editing ini files you cannot disable none of those effects.
One thing that I liked was the combat. Simple, but satisfying.
Also liked so far the design of the world. Very grim. Very dark. I love that.
The story... just not really interested in it. Cannot find any interest in Senua's motivations also. She wants to save her lover's soul. Had I known her lover and be attached to it, yeah, I would be all in for her motivations. We don't. But I have to feel bad for her because she has voices in her head and she's sad because pookie died.
Also, one of the voices in Senua's head, the one that gets so to speak the most constant lines, yeah, she really does her best impression of Galadriel from LOTR.
Speaking of the voices, so so annoying. The constant banter between the voices was interesting at the start, got tedious after a few minutes.

Soooo, I liked the graphics, atmosphere and combat. I disliked everything else.
This game may have its audience. That's not me.
Worst ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game I played this year.
Posted 29 December, 2023. Last edited 30 December, 2023.
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52.1 hrs on record (50.6 hrs at review time)
Just gonna start this review by saying that I absolutely adore this game. One of my favourite titles of all time.
And with the occasion of finally getting all the remaining achievements today, and finally having 100% the game, I decided to review it.
Worth mentioning that I played the demo three times, and finished the game pirated for about 2 times when it was first released in 2019.
And 4 times on Steam, since I finally bought it in 2021.

Protagonist and characters:

I love the characters. I enjoyed playing as Amicia a lot. And I usually avoid playing as female characters given the chance. But Amicia was great. She didn't constantly cry and wine, nor was a sassy girl-boss throughout the game. She actually felt like a real human at times! Aaannddd, she actually believes in God and is religious. I like that. You go, Amicia. So refreshing to see a character be religious. It's a personal thing that made me connect with her a bit more.
I enjoyed her performance also, both in French and English dubs. Also really thought they were gonna make Amicia, a 15 years old girl with no real combat training a brutal killer, to feel like a strong independent girl that you are. Reality, thankfully, was different. She gets hurt a lot, she uses clever tools and tricks to fight with enemies twice her size and stronger than her. I like that! Better than a teenanger going toe to toe with a grown man in full plate and a still winning somehow through conventional means.
Hugo is alright too. I don't like kids in games because they are so annoying, but Hugo was okay most of the time. We even have a lot of great discussions with him.
Would've loved to see more of their father though. We barely talked with him and he got killed. A missed opportunity in my opinion. Lucas is alright as well. Roderic might be my favourite side character though. But again, lack of screen time, he only appeared in a few scenes.
The twins, Mellie and Arthur are ginger and thus have no soul and I shan't speak of them.
Vitalis looks like the healthiest vegan ever, ready to choke on his own saliva and die at any moment. Weak villain, interesting character. Lord Nicholas was better in my opinion. He had an interesting design and just overall looked like an actual threat.

The graphics and design:

I know this game is from 2019, but it looks so damn good. Sure, the facial animations leave a bit to be desired at times, but the lighting, the reflections, the textures, the particles, the effects, the gore, it's so beautiful to look at. It's so rare to see such magnificent sights coming from a non-AAA title.
I won't ever forget that chapter where you had to walk the battlefield filled with corpses. Fog everywhere, sun rays peeking through the trees with hanged soldiers, it's so impressive.
Or the farm with dozen of butchered cows and pigs, all stacked upon eachother in huge piles. It was so beautiful.
The whole game could just be one giant screenshot simulator.


Words won't bring justice to this game's OST. From the very first moments of the game when the music hits I knew I would be in for a treat. And I was. The music is so so so good and atmospheric. It can go from the happiest song ever, to haunting guitar chords in the background.
The first minutes from the first chapter, compared to the first minutes from the second chapter. You will know what I mean.
It's one of the few games who's OST I listen outside even the game itself.


Interesting, and fun enough to keep you invested. It has this very grim setting, and its dark moments as well. While sometimes pure cheesy dialogues between teenagers. It's not funny. The jokes suck, but it's charming to listen to the characters laugh after they nearly got devoured by rats. I like the bonds made by the characters. Amicia and Hugo's strangers-to-actual-siblings from the beginning of the game until the end stole the show. I loved it. The plot is also fairly good. I really enjoy the story.
And its really dark atmosphere kept me always wanting for more. I remember this moment when you're on your way to the Library, you'll go through the city. After you see what the plague and the Inquisition did to the civilians, you will encounter this dying old man. He asks for water, then falls on his knees, and in front of him there is a small river, he drinks from the river and immediately dies while Amicia screams horrified. The river was filled with corpses floating, and this man out of desperation drank from it. It was such a memorable moment. The game is full of them.

Gameplay and stealth:

Very simple. Nothing too fancy or complex. It gets the job done. Stealth is fair and never gave me any issues unless it was my own fault.
Gameplay is repetitive but never got bored of hitting people with rocks in their forehead. It's quite satisfying, really. The "bonk" sound of a rock hitting a head just makes me laugh so much and it never got old.
Also... The rats are amazing. I love the whole concept of it. And at the beginning they actually feel like such a big threat. Which they will remain throughout the whole game. There is no worse feeling in this game than walking with your burning stick and realising you will have just 3 more seconds before it burns completely and you will be eaten by rats. I don't ever get scared by games, but those rats keep you on edge. Not because they are scary, but because they can kill you in a few milliseconds. You have to stay in the light. The gameplay makes such good use of the tools you'll get. I truly love it. It's a loop that never bored me.


Absolutely brain dead. Nothing else I can even say. It's a mess. Imagine this, a bloody soldier is chasing you, sword in hand, and you can literally be two steps away from him, but as long as you crouch In the grass for 2 seconds, he will not see you anymore. You'll literally think that Amicia has Harry Potter's invisibility cloak as long as she's in the grass. So dumb.

That's it. I really cannot think of any other flaws to be honest. At least for me.
It's cheap, it's great, you can get easily 10 hours of fun with it.
Also, an advice. This game is very immersive. You wouldn't want to have your beautiful environment be cluttered with objectives and details on your screen. Turn most of the HUD off besides ammunition and aim reticle, and enemy detection. Keep the rest off for maximum immersion. Maybe play in French dub too. I find it much better after always playing in with English dub. Up to you.

Thank you for reading.
Posted 27 December, 2023. Last edited 28 December, 2023.
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