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1,001 Hours played
Edited 2022/6/13: Update 1.05 sucks. It killed a lot of spell, just like any other souls games, spell cannot be good. Any good spell get nerfed at least 50% of it's usefulness. Like, if you think chain casting is OP, nerf the more OP ♥♥♥♥ first. Why we receive Spell nerf when there is OP bleed build (river of blood) and stupid katana ash of war (moonveil L2 and it's no magic version).
Edit: You can still kinda do it, NVM. I still hate this update tho.

Total Score: 9.5/10
If the kinda optional area wasn't that Dark Souls II vibe (way too many elite enemies), and the final boss in that optional area wasn't that BS, it would have been a 10/10 for me.

Problem of that optional boss:
I can only see 3 ways to beat this boss.
1. Full perfect no hit run
2. Parries, a lot of parries, basically no hit run.
3. Bleed and/or frost weapon with extremely high DPS.

Was fighting her using ultra great sword with ~700 physical damage per swing.
But every time she will use one of the BS move from Sekiro and completely destroy me.
I beat her because I stop using slow weapons but high DPS bleed and frost build.

Other than that, and the performance issue (2080 user), all other things are 10/10.

For anyone wants to try this game, make sure your PC is at least recommended spec.
My friends who PC only have minimum spec are having invisible bug every now and then.
Review Showcase
Edited (6), final verdict:
8.5/10, NG was great. NG+2 feels underwhelming. Combat's great, OST's fantastic (for me at least), story kinda meh, PvP's great (not counting the OP builds).

Very solid first three missions. The boss fight was great. I will update my opinion once I beat the game.

Edited (1), 11.8 hrs (Finished chapter 1):
Still great. Around 8.5/10. Balteus OST is so rad that I forgot to hate it like I hated Malenia before.

Edited (2), 18.1 hrs (Finished chapter 2):
Still great. I got more gear to choose from, so I'm not stuck at bosses like Balteus anymore. The bosses in chapter 2 took me only 5 respawns. I guess Balteus taught me well. 8.5/10.

Edited (3), 38.9 hrs (Finished chapter 3, 4, at the end of chapter 5):
Chapter 3: Some missions really force you to use certain weapons to fight. If you cannot figure out which weapons are great against those bosses, you will have a really bad time. The final boss was great though. I love Rusty. 10/1... Maybe 8.5/10 because I hate that VH and the walk back.

Chapter 4: Suffering. Fighting 50+ MT & G1 Michigan was not fun at all. Overall, it was okay. Not the best and definitely can improve. I just kind of shut down my brain and used a tank + 4 shotguns to shred all the bosses. 7.5/10.

Chapter 5: The mission before the final boss. Good, it provided some background story about Rubicon and Walter. Good, maybe 8/10.

Final boss: Screw this boss. Who the hell at From Software thought putting Malenia's skill phantom spirits from Elden Ring was a good idea????? Whoever that one specific person is, screw you! (Please send help).

Edited (4), 42.1 hrs. END:
8.5/10, have high and have low. Still hating on Malenia.

Edited (5), 75.1 hrs. NG+2 END(All ending finished):
8.5/10 for NG+, 7.5/10 for NG+2. The concept of having different missions and encounters during NG+ and NG+2 is great, but the execution was underwhelming. After three playthroughs, many missions feel repetitive and boring. While some missions, especially during NG+2, have new encounters, they are executed so poorly that I often feel frustrated.

In NG+2, many encounters simply throw loads of enemies at you to increase difficulty, which only induces frustration and is a bad design. The absence of Miyazaki is clearly evident here, especially during boss fights. DON'T PUT ENEMIES THAT'S NOT THE BOSS IN A BOSS FIGHT!! COME ON FROM SOFTWARE, YOU SHOULD HAVE LEARNT THIS FROM DARK SOULS II.
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Bloodborne fanart of the hunters dream. Created in Unreal engine 4. The author is Simon Barle. (I am not the author of this video) The youtube link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X7Vj-MO77w&ab_channel=SimonBarle
2,373 ratings
Created by - konatahu
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This is the collection of cosmetic items (and weapons) for the Frontline! Community Project. The maps have been moved to a separate collection in order to reduce the size of both collections. Click here to learn more, and find out how to contribute! Click
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