
Recensioni recenti di MattOtacon (End-Apartheid-State)

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6.0 ore in totale
Completed no Normal mode w/Veteran Setting, still it will be easy for newcomer.
What a good game that is, remind me glory age of 2D-Side-Scroller action genre back with NES 90's
~don't worry about bossfight it has blind sector and easy to remember pattern
~that Pumping Retro Soundtrack tho... keep you engaging gameplay
~Switchable characters gameplay later on stage 2 and above
~Dev by IGA, senior Dev who created Castlevania: SOTN game

having noted that, it's a steal with that price and nostalgic 2D side scroller game at its best!
Pubblicata in data 18 dicembre 2018.
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1.0 ore in totale
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Pubblicata in data 27 novembre 2018. Ultima modifica in data 27 novembre 2018.
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231.7 ore in totale (155.3 ore al momento della recensione)
After logged more than 140hrs using GreatSword, changing my weapon to ChargeBlade
best decision gameplay style ever

noted that i'm decline using Long Sword as it feel too light and already using that style for more than 300-400hrs on PSP and 3DS era lmao
Pubblicata in data 14 agosto 2018. Ultima modifica in data 21 novembre 2018.
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46.0 ore in totale (31.9 ore al momento della recensione)
i'm just 20Hrs playthrough just acquired lordvessel for Firelink Shrine, this has much YES and NO.. i just want to point as Neutral (Between Recommended and not recommended), pro and cons encountered as follows:

-Bugs still exist when you defeated smough on 1st phase, Ornstein on 2nd phase charge you toward Gwn Statue, then He got stuck inside Gwyn Statue... ridiculous.. can't even progress unless warping back to last bonfire.
-Chain backstab on PvP inluding not limited to when you're entering Boss area (fogwall), Weird Invader still can backtab you will entering fog animation....sigh..
-gameplay still felt the same (inlcuding blightown 60fps)
-lag input and hitbox register wayy more than 5 meters from invader
-Should've been free with DS PTDE owner, not charge by $20 for 4K reso and HD Textures patch.
-Forget about textures, Animation still 100% Same
-Knight Lautrec escaped by Himself... idk how..
-Had some problem with my online friend for Jolly Co-op, using password 4-5 times sign unable to be seen, within 15 mins only 1-2 times successful co-op attempt.
- PvP seems not balance unlike its Successor (DS II, DS III)

+Solid 60 FPS playthrough including Blightown poisonuous fest area
+Online Revitalised
+HD textures can only be seen by zoom in to character details, when from distant still look blurry just like DS1 PTDE
+Still fun on Jolly Co-op,

All in all this is still DS PTDE, exact game only patch for HD Textures and Solid 60FPS not even remastered, more like DS PTDE HD Version.

will update soon after defeating Lord Gwyn? depends...

Recommended if you're never playing DS 1 PTDE yet for $40

protip: savedata can be backup manually, just in case your save data corrupted, just Copy/Paste savedata outside the savedata folder.
Pubblicata in data 2 giugno 2018. Ultima modifica in data 2 giugno 2018.
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49.3 ore in totale (37.5 ore al momento della recensione)
+The game which inspired and influencing next upcoming JRPG back then (Golden Sun, Golden Sun The Lost Age on GBA)
+Storyline and Plot Twist unpredictable unlike generic storyline which 'Light banish darkness' (if you get me bruh)
+Battle OST and Summon's effect.

- End game battle probably will get you frustation if you're below LVL60 (no final weapons, improper materia fitted, no healing items/status) be ready for 2-3 Hours long Fight end GAME!!!!
-unskippable Summon Cutscene (Ayyyyyyyy)
-a bit hard to selecting target while battle camera aligned your heroes on 20 degrees vertically.
-prepare to watch PLUTO Planet destroy 7-10 times on Final Fight!!!
-[Technical Problem] Game forced crash to desktop when end game cutscene/credit finished playing (idk y) back you to final save on North Cave (if you use crystal save)

Nevertheless of all these, Game still Masterpiece and Fun to be play even on 2018!
Pubblicata in data 21 aprile 2018.
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2.7 ore in totale (1.5 ore al momento della recensione)
-it started out nice and end abruptly..
-having watch many movies and game cutscenes helping me to predict the ending..
-easily disturbed?? maybe i'm just another soulless guy who cant grasp the 'feels' of the ending..

+Normal VN without unnecessary japanese FanService
+Good to play if you're having depression in your life hahha
Pubblicata in data 30 marzo 2018.
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88.8 ore in totale (49.6 ore al momento della recensione)
I had to nominated this game for "The Even Better Than I Expected"
back then when this game announced at E3, i admit i had 0 interest.
But what pique my interest? The Guy (Director), Ashraf Ismail / Jean Guesdon, both originally worked on AC Black Flag working on this game...

for me why not?
Guy claimed it has Witchery 3 Feels....... YES
Assassin's Instagram..... YES
Microtransaction.... YIKESS (but you can ignore it 100% as it use for skipping RPG level grinding)
Simplify Parkour..... YES (no more backjumping eject while climbing)
Optimization..... Erghh UbiKiev (Alexandria Micro stutter and demanding PC, GTX1070 and above for YEZZ)
Story.... (Still Progressing.... personally greater than both Unity/Syndicate combine (for now))
Gameplay mechanics.... Amazing (although it has bugs, hope they can patch it later on)
Combats.... For Honor Style (DEEEUUUSSS VULLLTTT) (take sometime to get used to, but it's good in their on way)
Egypt.... Woahhh (Beautiful + Amazing landscape, makes me want to upload to my instagram)
PhotoMode... NICEEE (Focus mode enhance your photo quality just like DSLR cam effect)
Camel... Anta want bebsi ya Akhi???

Conclusion: AC Origins borrowing a lot of The Withcer 3 Mechanics, especially on RPG parts, crafting, but plus with leap of faith, hidden blade, and of course, its Creed. slow start but after 5 hours in-game turned out to be amazing as it is.
Pubblicata in data 22 novembre 2017.
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30.1 ore in totale (2.7 ore al momento della recensione)
+Amazing souls clone A-RPG game

-Messy PC Port, Lock to 60FPS, Had to reduce to console quality (rendering reso: medium / Motion blur: off/Shadow quality: Medium) to achieve 55-60fps
-minimal setting graphic configuration
-won't support keyboard

Played on mobile GPU 980M SLI / CPU i7 4710MQ @ 2.50GHz Haswell / 16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz

Will update as soon as completed first playthrough

Pubblicata in data 11 novembre 2017.
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30.9 ore in totale (27.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Completed the game in "I am death incarnate" mode difficulty, that truly awesome, you're likely to die in-game by 1-2 hit by bullets, giving the player sense of challenge for beating it and rethinking the strategy to survive. Dual wield weapons not limited by same weapon, meaning you can mix your weapons in dual wield mode, except truly heavy weapon which required both hand to use it won't able to execute that. Enchancement/Contraption added to player half way through the gameplay. Gameplay is truly hard on "I am death incarnate" but BJ Blazko will gradually overpowering enemies with perk/upgrade later on, strategically cover based shooting recommended. Game no longer separated by stage, rather it felt continuously episodic storyline & you can revisit some of places by discovering side quest mission. Be mindful, as default button mapping for Melee & Hand granate throw differ from Doom, and careful between enabling 'hint' & 'hand granate' button as the button side by side, won't lie i did mistakenly press wrong button 1-2 times on my playthrough. Hardest difficulty is lock for first timer.

Graphics are top notch, shockingly beautiful & realistic sometime which making me capture more than 1000++ screenshots, but beauty came with flaws, between Mein Ieben & Low quality settings have not shown much differ, only noticable the shadow part in game. There are 'screen tearing' effect in game on Neu York Sky & Venus Sky, it will visibly appear by moving crosshair on Sky part in game.

Voice acting & Dialogues are amazing but less appropriate to be play of course in front of family, If you are rushing through and played on easier difficulty, most likely could beat it on less than 10hrs, but I did played slowly with few sidequest completed giving me 25hrs on my first playthrough. There is public figure in history feature in game too, you shall discovering it soon enough. bit missing link of Da'at Yichud storyline, probably due to sensitivity of linking between Jewish religion. Ending is subjective depending on how the player view it, it gave me sense of strong satisfaction through the end.

Performance Issues
I had encountered multiple crash on early game, but doesn't ruin gaming experience. If crosshair and mouse stuck on screen, just try Alt+Tab it will fix the problem.

Pro Tip
Set launch options command:

+r_disableSteamOverlay 0 +com_skipBootSequence 1

for enabling steam overlay (if didn't work in game) & Skipped license intro / instant launch to main menu

I'm not denying there are strongly Antifa propaganda in game, Personally not siding with both factions, only enjoying amazing Gunplay part & great storyline which are for me truly over the Top.

This will be my best FPS game right after The Doom (2016).

Pubblicata in data 26 ottobre 2017. Ultima modifica in data 2 novembre 2017.
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11 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
35.3 ore in totale (34.2 ore al momento della recensione)
The Evil Within 2

Gameplay is major step up from TEW1, no black bar top and bottom like before, Enemies has more dynamic movements but its movement patterns can be recognized by playing 1-2 hours with careful observation. dev put balancing by adding stealth skills (crouch movement speeds upgradable, but don't expect speed like Snake or Sam Fisher), careful with classic movement buttons mapping, when you're in cover (cover mechanic added in-game too), with item lying beside you while enemies beyond the cover, you either vault over obstacle or taking the item (same button press with slight camera movement problem). Vertical Steel ladder/climbable objects has glitches, 10% probability you're step on air (when reach the top) and then going to drop back to square. Bullets now craftable not only on workbench, but craftable on fields too (crafting cost more). Be mindful with car park at the corner of building, specifically car hood on slightly forward beside building, it has glitch, as soon as you vault over car hood, you then will trapped inside building with no exit, need to reload last savedata checkpoint. Gameplay become semi open world depending on how you view it, it will explorable on chapter 3 with side quest. There are cool easter eggs lying in the game too. you're playing it right when you are hearing "la la la" after a while. Foliage can be use for cover yourself/stealh while in-game. Not everything attracted meant to be disturbed, it's how the trapped made.

Sound Design
Sometime with footstep movements, will get confuse between player step and enemies, that's because audio did not sync properly with player footsteps. Music in-game and eerie sounds are beautiful and giving goosebumps at the same time, especially "la la la" part, the part probably most of players did not enjoy it, yeah i didn't enjoying "la la la" part, find it yourself "la la la" thingie while playing this game on midnight.

Storyline just like Assassin's Creed eradicate completely Templar Organization with no weird Gods epilogue cliffhanging.

Performance Issues
Played it on GTX 980M SLI with CPU i7 4710 intel, i just crank it on Ultra, most of area 24-40fps, still playable for me except with area with heavily density lighting (Northern Safehouse, Sebastian's Safehouse memory) and not ruining my gameplay experience, on the shooting gallery i just scale down the resolutions and played it with mouse.

It's great game btw, although i preferred REVII in term of this year of survival horror genres.

When you're preferred shooting style, play with mouse/keyboard instead. Stealth preferred style by using joystick controller, just giving suggestion..

That being said i'm enjoying most of the part in game, and highly recommend survival horror genre player to play it.
Pubblicata in data 19 ottobre 2017.
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