Christian Alvarez
2nd steam account 0xxrangex0x :gradestar:
I'm not adding anymore friends or accepting friend requests... 213 max
:circuit: :circuit: :circuit: :black: :codskull: :pkskull: :circuit: :circuit: :circuit:

The official "Keepontrying" steam account

About me

0xxrangex0x is my RuneScape YouTube channel... :ninetynine: (300m+ xp)
• I like video games that are not real and I don't like fake video games and I also like real real life :CoolHacker:
• INTJ-T (The Architect, The Strategist or The Mastermind) is my personality type :comp: :AOEKnight: :ss13brain:
• Christian, Jonah and Jonathan are my names :black: :codskull: :pkskull:
• I was born in 1993 :iseeyou: :iseeyou:
• Loves music videos, video games and computer :PlayMusic: :LaptopGrey: :computer:
• The LORD is my rock :shivahstar:

"Keep on trying" song by Poco
Currently Offline
Favorite Guide
Created by - Keepontrying
2 ratings
Hacking: finding loopholes and information.
Artwork Showcase
Green circuit
1 8
Featured Artwork Showcase
I played this game in the year 1998 or 1999.
3 1
Screenshot Showcase
I started playing this game in the year 2006.
2 1 1
Items Up For Trade
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:ss13brain: :chronicleheart: :computer: :gunflash: :SilverPistol:







Signed by Keepontrying :black:
Signed by 0xxrangex0x :gradestar:
My books and movie collection list 2019-2020
:CoolHacker: :comp: :wallhack: :magicicon: :magictome: :black: 2020 :black: :magictome: :magicicon: :wallhack: :comp: :CoolHacker:

1. Starcraft evolution
2. Alien isolation
3. Diablo III Morbed
4. Red rising
5. A game of thrones (a song of ice and fire)
6. Extinction horizon
7. The remaining
8. Sun tzu art of war
9. Runescape betrayal at falador
10. Survival handbook
11. Net force dark web
12. Eragon
13. Alien hunters
14. Blood of requiem (song of dragons)
15. Alien out of the shadows
16. Guinness world records gamer's edition 2020
17. Hack-x-crypt
18. Alien the cold forge
19. Bitcoin billionaire
20. Ender's game
21. Aliens phalanx

31 days

1. Alien the 8th passenger
2. Snow white and the huntsman
3. Inception
4. Blackhat
5. War for the planet of the apes
6. Jurassic park
7. Jurassic world fallen kingdom
8. Alien covenant
9. Death race beyond anarchy
10. American sniper
11. Pacific rim
12. Pacific rim uprising
13. Godzilla king of the monsters
14. Dragonheart vengeance
15. Clash of the titans
16. 300
17. 300 rise of an empire
18. Immortals
19. Cult of chucky
20. Saving private ryan
21. The dark knight
22. Joker
23. Birds of prey
24. Live by night
25. Scarface
26. 28 days later
27. 28 weeks later
28. Four feature films. Dawn of the dead, Land of the dead, Halloween II, The people under the stairs
29. The lord of the rings 3-film collection
30. Jurassic world
31. Age of the dragons



Ender's game
The hunger games
The hunger games catching fire
Carrie (2013)
Live free or die hard
Halo nightfall
The lost world jurassic park
Teenage mutant ninja turtles 3
Pain & gain
The mummy
V for vendetta
The matrix
The matrix reloaded
The matrix revolutions
Id4 independence day
Independence day resurgence
Hercules reborn
A series of unfortunate events
I, robot
Keepontrying 24 May, 2021 @ 1:35pm 
Keepontrying 24 May, 2021 @ 1:34pm 
Keepontrying 24 May, 2021 @ 1:34pm 
Keepontrying 24 May, 2021 @ 1:34pm 
Keepontrying 24 May, 2021 @ 1:34pm 
Keepontrying 21 May, 2021 @ 10:42am 
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