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152.8 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)
So, a little bit surprised to see reviews as 'Mixed' for this game. I see a lot of them being complaints about crashes, which is hardly a surprise, even with putting off its release for a number of months compared to console versions, this is a first for the developers of the main Monster Hunter games.

However, here are my thoughts, this game performs excellently for me. I must have been in the range for what they heavily QA tested against during the months leading up to it in terms of my PC's hardware. I am quite enjoying the game so far and actually finding the use of Keyboard and Mouse configuration to work quite well for playing the game, maybe one or two hiccups with item switching, but I can deal with it for now, hopefully a patch will come through to optimize this later on. It is fantastic, an excellent entry into the series.

Any negative thoughts I have towards the game come in places in which the inexperience this team has with developing towards PCs and is quite understandable, in fact, really is an excellent port job compared to others in the past, so I can't weigh too harshly on them for not having options such as disabling some post-processing effects like motion blur and depth of field (due to these things giving me motion sickness when playing a game for too long), just hope that they will graciously patch in the support later.

So, all around, I'd highly recommend this to others to pick up, hoping that you want be plagued with a hardware issue as others have reported or that by the time you buy, issues that you might have had are reported and patched. Thank you Capcom, for the time taken to give us PC players the best experience possible in Monster Hunter.
Posted 9 August, 2018.
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121.3 hrs on record (31.4 hrs at review time)
So, I only picked this up after the Next Update, to give a framework for this review.

After nearly a full day's play time, at the time of writing and submitting this review, I feel pretty good about the game. There are issues with the game, one of them being some samey generation of planets and systems, but I'm used to those types of issues with random generation in games focused on exploration and building, but I can overlook that easily in any game, something something, coding algorithms for that type of generation can spit out similar environments because of blah blah blah.

But the big thing about this game is that I can pop in and think to myself "Alright, one hour of exploration to see what I can find." Then look up to see that I've spent three or four hours without realizing that time passed. So that is the reason for my positive review, any game that I can get wrapped up in and have time pass without knowledge is a success in my book.
Posted 5 August, 2018.
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85.9 hrs on record (70.6 hrs at review time)
Short and sweet:

While this isn't the best monster hunting-centric game capcom produces, it takes advantage of the knowledge from those games to create something utterly unique by writing a loveletter to the art direction of Dark Souls, the monster slaying of the Monster Hunter Series, and the awesome climbing mechanics of Shadow of the Colossus. You can't go wrong playing this game a couple of times through.
Posted 6 February, 2018.
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76.9 hrs on record (36.5 hrs at review time)
I have a short play time on this game as of writing, but I've never played a game for so short a time and felt so compelled by my time with it to write a recommended review for it. 10 hours in and I already know four-five ways of leaving Fort Joy without killing any guards.
20/10 for letting me be the rotting corpse of a lizard by the way. I don't know of many games that let you play as a literal skeleton with actual lore and mechanics hinging on that lore.
Posted 25 September, 2017.
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45.5 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
After having issues with unpacking my Preloaded game, I have to say, I like this game, a lot. I was not disappointed by what I've played so far. The best thing for me is that I'm actually playing this on a machine that does not meet the minimum system requirements and I'm still getting at least 25 fps. Below 30, yes, but holy hell, I was convinced that I was not going to be able to launch it period. I'm sure Bethesda could add in a patch for some more in depth graphics settings. -wink wink, nudge nudge developers-
But if you have the 60 dollars I'd say it's worth its full price. If you don't, wait for it to drop of course.
Posted 10 November, 2015.
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377.1 hrs on record (90.6 hrs at review time)
Alright, so this game is extremely addicting, careful if you're the type of person to delve into a game and get lost, because everything about this game is all about immersion. The lore is deep and vast. The mechanics are tight, however, I can say that Desync is a HUGE problem. Currently I'm in the Awakening beta and the reworking they've done for the areas on the map are just /AMAZING/. So much better and smoother transition. go ahead, pick it up and play for a few hours, or a few hundred hours. It's that good.
Posted 18 May, 2015.
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26.0 hrs on record (17.7 hrs at review time)
Wow, just wow. I have never played a Lord of the Rings game that has impressed me this much. WB, keep going guys, you have this style of story-telling and gameplay perfected to the T.

Anyways, just like the Arkham series, combat is tight and flowing and the open world feels really expansive while not being to big to traverse. Pick this game up at some point.

The only gripe I have is being stuck at college without my desktop to play this, since I have to cap it at 30 fps.
Posted 30 September, 2014.
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38.8 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
I'm having flashbacks. I bought this game in 2014, I highly enjoyed it at that time and left a positive review recommending the game. Technically at this time, it was in an early access state, and it wasn't at all what would release as Hero Siege 1.0. I remember popping back into it at that time and finding an experience that I didn't enjoy anymore.
Now we sit post Hero Siege 2.0 and... well yeah, it's been completely changed again and once again, not for the better. I think overall it just comes down to the developers having one vision of the game and the players hanging on to a point in the game that was never going to last due to the dev's hopes and dreams for the game.
Why do I not recommend it though? No matter how politely and reasonable you bring up your critiques of the game, the devs will not only ignore you, but will actively critique your critique. A very unhealthy and poor habit to have publicly. That's what you do internally to weed out all the poor critiques that pop up in our current Internet era.
Posted 27 August, 2014. Last edited 4 October, 2023.
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60.7 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
I saw this game when it first came out, and asides from knowing that it was baste off of Salvatores book series, I knew nothing about this. I vowed to one day pick it up and check it out.

I regret waiting for so long...

As many of the tropes of fantasy I can pick out in the story line and the questing, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ do the mechanics make up for it. Combat is nice and fluid, building up the chains required to suck away energy to unlock your '♥♥♥♥ YOU' attack feels rewarding, and while the weakest part I feel is the WIDE variety of abilities to unlock (funny thing to complain about I know, but I went full Might until I saw the other options I had in Finesse and Sorcery), I can say that I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and will be pouring a good portion of my gaming time into this game.

Highly recommended!
Posted 22 April, 2014.
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1.6 hrs on record
What can I say? It's a pretty standard MMO with a twist of the JRPG in it. However, it is rather dull and I would only recommend it to play around with if you don't have much else to do. I've not go too much time on it, but hey, at least I didn't have to sync any money into it.
Posted 17 February, 2014.
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