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69 Hours played
New World is technically a very good game. Despite a lot of the criticism it is one of the few games that utilizes 100% of the system's power - both CPU and GPU if uncapped; which shows a very solid technical base. The swapping between zones is seamless and it runs at a decent framerate.

The problem is everything else. The servers are often laggy. The combat is just bad. The resources are server side so only 1 person can gather. PvP can be flagged on/off so you can't stop other players taking resources you wanted to gather.

There have also been multiple game breaking exploits (dupes, crashes) that Amazon has refused to fix in a timely manner or rollback, causing the economy to be in shambles and it being very difficult for a new player to catch up.

The actual minute-to-minute gameplay is also bad, and the grind to get to end game is too much for what the game is.
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