Glizzy Bear
GrizzlyBear   Australia
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Me (king)
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Gladys Berejiklian 19 hours ago 
Just calm down for a second princess, you said in your own comments for everyone to look at what we're saying and then accused us of lying...and now you're shocked and confused that we responded...And to set the record straight since you're obviously completely delusional and out of touch with reality, no one said even once that they feel targeted, because you literally got nice try there i guess my little blueberry plum, never step up to us again.
Glizzy Bear 20 hours ago 
The fact you're taking the time and energy to even reply back on my profile just proves the point that you're the ones raging and taking this too far for no reason, do you have nothing else better to do with yourselves? Also yes, I did technically lose the game, but I honestly don't care cause its just a game. And for the record, I had no idea you were even on death hook, I'm sorry that you feel that you were targeted.
Jaydos99XxX 22 Jul @ 5:04am 
LOL that's funny you forgot to mention how you threw a massive tantrum and cried and punched and kicked the air in rage all over the endgame chat because you were looped for 5 gens and only got one kill kneel down and accept your defeat and accept you're rubbish
Gladys Berejiklian 22 Jul @ 2:27am 
you lost everything because you brainlessly went for one kill and then you proceeded to throw a fit in endgame chat? i understand you're angry because you lost but jesus christ take a break
Glizzy Bear 22 Jul @ 2:02am 
↓↓↓ This is so hilarious, for those on my profile please have a look at the finest ppl that dbd has to offer. I legit just left the chat cause I couldn't care less and they're accusing of raging.
Jaydos99XxX 20 Jul @ 6:57am 
-rep his plays are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brain dead a team of 4 maggots playing survivor could gen rush this guy he is more dumb then a mule and rages in the end game chat LOL