Take your time cooking pork belly, making sure the crackling on top is beautifully roasted while the meat beneath braises gently in the pan’s juices. Serve with dauphinoise potatoes and broccoli. -Gordon Ramsay:lunar2019piginablanket:

“Was I catching the contagious enthusiasm of this Canadian? Was I truly euphoric at the sight of fresh-grilled pork?”

-Professor M. Aronnax in Jules Verne's 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' (1870)

“A man that lives on pork, fine-flour bread, rich pies and cakes, and condiments, drinks tea and coffee, and uses tobacco, might as well try to fly as to be chaste in thought.”

-Dr. John Harvey Kellog
‘Plain Facts for Old and Young’

“Pork - no animal is more used for nourishment and none more indispensable in the kitchen; employed either fresh or salt, all is useful, even to its bristles and its blood; it is the superfluous riches of the farmer, and helps to pay the rent of the cottager.”

-Alexis Soyer 19th century French chef.
‘The Modern Housewife’ (1851)
Alik 19 Feb, 2024 @ 1:50pm 
The moment 🕖 man 👨‍🦳 devoured the fruit 🍉 of knowledge 📚, he 👨 sealed 🙅🏻‍♀️ his 👋 fate ✨... Entrusting his 👋 future 📡 to the cards 💳, man 👨‍🦳 clings 💪👅 to a dim 🔅 hope 🙏. Yes 💀, the arcana is the means 😏 by which all 😷 is revealed. Attaining ones ☝, dream 😴💤 requires 😷 and stern will and unfailing determination ✊. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. The silent 🤫 voice 😃🔊📢 within 🤞👏 ones ☝ heart ❤ whispers 🤫 the most profound wisdom.
Alik 19 Feb, 2024 @ 1:50pm 
The arcana is the means 🤔 by which all 💯 is revealed. Celebrate 🎉 life 👤 grandeur, it's brilliance 🔴, it's magnificence 🤩. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 😷 is revealed. Only Courage 🧡 in face 😀 doubt 🤷🙍🏻 can lead 🧶🐶 one ☝ to the answer ✅. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. It is indeed 💯😂 a precious 🥺 gift 🎁 to understand 🤔 the forces 🔫 that guide 😳😍👌🏼 oneself.
Alik 19 Feb, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. There is both joy 😂 and wonder 🤔 in coming 🚶 to understand 🙋‍♀️💁‍♀️💆‍♀️ another 2️⃣. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. One 1️⃣ of life's greatest 🏅 blessing 🙌🏻🌧 is the freedom 🎊🕊 to pursue one's ☝ goal 💕💦😫. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. To find 🔍 the one 1️⃣ true 💯 path 🧕 one ☝ must 💯 seek 👀 guidence admist uncertainty.
Alik 19 Feb, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 😷 is revealed. It requires 😷 great 😁👍 courage 🧡 to look 👀 and oneself honestly 😇 and forge 🔨 your 👉 one's 1️⃣ path 🧕. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. Alongside 👬 time ⌛ exist 💁 fate ✨, the bearer 🐻 of cruelty. The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. Only with strength 💪 can one 1️⃣ endure 🥵 suffering 👺 and torment.
Alik 19 Feb, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
The arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. In the face 👧 of disaster 😱 lies 🤥 opportunity for renewal. The moment 🕖 man 👨‍🦳 devoured the fruit 🍒 of knowledge 😳🎓👨‍🎓, he 👨 sealed 🙅🏻‍♀️ his 💦 fate 💜... Entrusting his 💦 future 📡 to the cards 💳, man 👨 clings 💪👅 to a dim 🔅 hope 🙏🏻. Yet 😏 arcana is the means 😏 by which all 💯 is revealed. Beyond 👆 the Beaten 👊💪 Path 🧕 lies 🤫 the absolute 💯👌 end 🔚. It matters 🙅 not who you 👈 are, Death 💀 awaits you 👈.
76561198874017335 8 Dec, 2018 @ 1:10am 
Leave us, slayer of demons... there is nothing here for you to pillage or plunder