Le Nerdy Nubs Nubs?
Le Nerdy Nubs Nubs?
26 October, 2015
ABOUT Le Nerdy Nubs

Okay, the word 'nubs' is starting to lose it's meaning...

This group is to all my fellow Nubs!

I plan to start streaming a lot more games on steam, and I'm working on setting up my Twitch account.It will take some time before everything is sorted out, but so far I have high hopes as things are looking good.
I'm very greatful at the amount of support I've been given towards this already, Its been a real help. Thankyou all, I couldnt do it without you!
When will you be streaming again and what time? -
I stream everyday if I can, from around 6pm to about 11pm (GMT) on weekdays and between 4pm - 3am (GMT) at the weekend.

What else do you stream? -
Anything! ( If I have it )... If it's there, I will stream it and probably already have. I have a few games which arent on steam also and I'd be happy to show those off too! - Got something you want playing? I also take requests, so feel free to leave a game title or a recommendation, whether it's on steam or not I'll check it out.

If you have any questions or querys, make a post about it and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

(Oh, and If you're wondering where the word or name or whatever it is 'Nubs' came from, It was an old nickname I had placed on me from an old Minceraft server, and at least 6 years later infact I still have it! It stuck. But I guess it's kinda true, I am a 'nub'.. It's like a nerd and noob, but a nub.)

To follow me on my adventures feel free to add me on Snapchat! - GraceNub

Thanks nerds;)
Merry Christmas!
It's finally that time of year again! The time that you spend with your family and friends and take the time to appreciate what you have, and I'm so happy that I can share this time of year with you! I'm so grateful that I have what I have and I've all of you, some of you stuck around through it all!
I should have really posted this Christmas message sooner, as for some it's already Christmas!
So I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, I hope you have a great day no matter how you spend it and all of you have a great New year!

(Lets hope next year brings more than what this year took! I'm looking forward to it! That's what I said last year and I'll admit 2016 wasn't all that impressive >.>)

Have a good one! Eat lots, and enjoy! :2015cookie: :snowglobe:

Update with regards to Twitch!
Hello all!

I have a little update regarding my Twitch progress, (getting it to work effectively and continuously) and it's good news!
The other night I thought I'd start tinkering with it again, changing some settings and seeing what works well, aaaaand... I think I've cracked it! That night I managed to have a two-hour continuous stream with only some occassional minor lag, bearing in mind I was streaming Black Ops 3 - I thought I'd try a hardy game which eats up a lot of resources to test what it can and cannot handle, and to my surprise It handled Bo3 okay!

So, I thought, with No Man's Sky being released momentarily, I'll stream it! It will be a totally new experience for me, and I wish to share it!
Feel free to join the stream, I'll be on Twitch! However, if that does happen to be laggy or slow, then I'll stream it on Steam instead!
See you soon! c:

GraceNub 14 Jan, 2019 @ 10:33am 
Im going to start streaming again ^^ But on Twitch, and under a new username I think? But I need help with that bit
Angraug 13 Jan, 2019 @ 7:47pm 
What things, Nub, what things?!
GraceNub 13 Jan, 2019 @ 12:39pm 
I am indeed, and I bare good but complicated news! (and this pings people where as a post might not be enough to inform people.)
Angraug 13 Jan, 2019 @ 12:28pm 
GraceNub 13 Jan, 2019 @ 7:04am 
Angraug 6 Apr, 2018 @ 3:01pm 