Ragers UnAnonymous iR@ge
Ragers UnAnonymous iR@ge
19 March, 2011
United States 
ABOUT Ragers UnAnonymous

Welcome all Ragers! You've been caught!

Rager: Usually used in online videogames when a player gets killed so many times that he yells or "rages" at the computer monitor, which is usually followed by an alt+F4 or a "User has disconnected".

iBoogle's First Law of Rage - A player will disconnect out of a game because they are extremely frustrated with the game's outcome.

How do you know you're a Rager?
1. When overwhelming rage caused by the online gaming world drives you into such madness, you quit from doing whatever the hell it is your doing.
2. To stop, cease, or discontinue a game due to aggravation from being constantly bested 'pwned' in any type of challenge within the game.
3. To scream wildly whilst mashing the keyboard before slamming it violently into a computer monitor, causing many of the keys to scatter about in an untidy manner after being bested 'pwned' in any type of challenge within the game.
4. To suck so horribly and blame the hardcore fail on everyone else through indeterminable screaming before quitting.

How do you fix your Raging problem?
1. Acceptance - Accept the fact you raged.
2. Expression - Let the world know you're a rager.
3. Optimism - Instead of looking at every outcome as terrible; try staying positive.
4. Balanced Player Skills - Offline-practice can make your games go smoothly.
5. Anit-Rage Care Habits - If you practice 'not' raging you will become more tolerant to raging.

Recovering From Rage:
Raging and its stresses pass more quickly, with good anti-rage care habits. It helps to have a close circle of rage experts or friends. It also helps to maintain a balanced player skill, drink enough non-alcoholic fluids, get practice and rest. Most people are unprepared to rage, since so often, the tragedy of raging strikes suddenly, without warning. If good anit-rage care habits are always practiced, it helps the person to deal with the pain and shock of raging until acceptance is reached.

Anti-Rage Practices for Left 4 Dead 2:
1. STAY together (play as a team).
2. If someone is behind, go back and help them...everyone!
3. Kill a tank my setting him on fire with a molotov and just run away.
4. Tanks don't receive extra damage for being shot in the head, so don't bother aiming for it.
5. Glance behind you every once in a while, DON'T ABANDON TEAMMATES!
2. Help the Tank!

Anti-Rage-Quit guide, Left 4 Dead (revised) - -" - Shogun Interactive Development, 7 Jan. 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. <Web>.
Forcy. "Urban Dictionary:." Urban Dictionary, March 19: Concert Hangover. GoDaddy, 1 Nov. 2008. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. <Web>.

Trolls UnAnonymous
100 Years - Live for Raging
Attention Fellow Ragers
C H R 0 S 20 Mar, 2014 @ 7:58pm 
Seriously?... been invited into this group three times now.
I was playing with some chick on LFD2 who purposly killed herself every match. Just so happens this chick was part of this group. Of course her ass got the boot real quick and since then have been getting invites from ragers unanonymous.... are you guys for real with this?

I read the group profile and got a real laugh out of it. They expect people to not get upset while playing games yet encourage this reaction by purposly throwing the game for what ever team they are on. I dont know about you, but when I get off work to spend whatever time I have to play a game I do not appreciate a group of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to come along and ♥♥♥♥ it up just for the hell of it.

You ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ need to get a job and stop trying to piss people off.
Lyri 21 Jan, 2014 @ 9:18pm 
Who wsa recruited in L4D2?
Frenchie 9 Jan, 2014 @ 4:33pm 
This is the smartest group idea ever
iBoogle 11 Aug, 2011 @ 9:31pm 
Understood, but did the rest of your team have to eat dinner too? It's pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ to all rage out at once and for opposing team to have to go back to lobby.
Starch Masks 11 Aug, 2011 @ 2:03pm 
Sorry guys, Didn't rage, I had to eat dinner.
Enter chat room
19 March, 2011
United States