International Gaming Community hvem er væk?
International Gaming Community hvem er væk?
7 April, 2013
ABOUT International Gaming Community

International Gamers - Welcome! Group by Eddy

This group is made specially for international traders and gamers who are looking for the best deal out there or just want to hangout and have fun!

International gamers from all countries in the world are welcome!

Guys if you have stuff to trade just post it on the Trade Offers sub forum, the comment section below or join our chat room (button on the right ->).

Rules to follow

Various translations of the group rules could be found here.

General Rules for the Group Chat, Forum, and Comments

- No personal attacks, we do not want any fights spoiling the banter.

- No racism, the least sign of racism will get you banned. Period.

- Trading / Selling of accounts / exploited keys are prohibited.

- Do not advertise sites or links without permission from the group officers.

- Do not disrespect the group officer's/moderator's decisions, it is at the sole discretion of the group officers/moderators to manage the forum and its posts to maintain a fair trading environment. If you disagree with a group officer's/moderator's decision, please speak with the officer/moderator in a respectful manner. Harassment or being vulgar/rude will only make it worse for you.

- Do not beg.

Group Chat Specific Rules

- Posting more than 2 (two) game/item images of any kind is not allowed, it is recommended that you list your items through text or links instead.

- Don't be shy, talk as much as you want in the chatroom

- Do not spam pointless or nonsense text, we welcome active chat but please don't spam.

- Please follow basic chat etiquette.

Forum Specific Rules

- Trade Offers are only allowed to be posted in the "Trade Offers" sub forum.

- (Trade Offers) New "Offer thread" can only be made once per 12 (twelve) hour period. Players creating new offer threads more frequently than the current set limit will have all their offer threads locked for that day and be given a warning.

Comment Specific Rules

- Your offer post can only be posted once per 12 (twelve) hour period. Players posting offers more frequently will have all offer comments deleted for the day.

Failure to comply by the rules will result in a kick. Repeated offenses will result in a ban from the group and chat room.

These rules are subject to change at any time and we will try our best to inform you if any new changes take effect. Thank you for reading and happy trading!

Do you need help? Questions? Scammer report?
Please post it here. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Curse $5,000 Dreamhack CS:GO Skin Giveaway
× bratty jia × 4 Jan @ 2:22pm 
leave dumb comments or add to play :)) rate & like my artworks 🖤 $IMPS ADD ME
dom 18 Dec, 2024 @ 8:17am 

Copy&Paste one of these OR write whatever you want and I will rep you back 100% i'm online now

+rep Friendly person💢
+rep Great Player 💛
+rep Amazing Tactics 👌
+rep Fast trade🔪
+rep Sign my profile 💜
+rep Top Player 🔝
+rep Thanks For Carry 👍
+rep Epic Comeback 👏
+rep Great Teammate 🎮
+rep sign me pls 💛
+rep Epic Clutch ✌
+rep Insane Skills 👌
Wumbo92 30 Nov, 2024 @ 10:55pm 
princesa♡ 28 Nov, 2024 @ 3:48pm 
comment 4 comment and looking for friends mostly to play DBD :3
Viluxx 8 Aug, 2024 @ 7:22am 
Feel free to add me!
Gift profile award if possible, it would make
my day :)
Papa Provolone 27 May, 2024 @ 11:17am 
Add me if ya want :spycon:
VIEW ALL (16,836)
Group Player of the Week: