Huwhyte HoE+ and CD Huwhyte
Huwhyte HoE+ and CD Huwhyte
14 March, 2021
United States 
ABOUT Huwhyte HoE+ and CD

Announcements and discussions regarding Huwhyte KF2 HoE+ and CD servers

There's a game here on Steam called "Killing Floor 2". It's a coop 6 player zombie apocalypse type of game without much lore, but with lots of non-stop no-BS zombie shooting. Players play over the internet on servers, some of which are community servers, hosted by players. This group is used to post announcement about the "Huwhyte" community servers. The "Old School HoE+" servers are modded in order to significantly ramp up the difficulty. The servers are absolutely elitist and cater to veterans of the game and provide more of an old school gameplay, the way the game was roughly before summer 2017, but harder.

I’ve felt sorry for newer players in this game, because they get kicked out from HoE+ for bottomfragging and retarded play all the time, so Ive designed a “Balanced HoE” game mode for them. The “Balanced HoE” game mode is roughly equal to the vanilla HoE in difficulty, but adjusted to be less frustrating to play. These servers are noob friendly and typically elitists won't kick you from there for bottomfragging or any rules violations.

For those who are looking to step up to Controlled Difficulty game modes, “Open CD” servers are also available with the most popular CD builds. The servers are located physically in North America, specifically, in New York City and Northern Virginia.

There's a whole reading floor in the announcements and discussions sections about this game if you are into it.

Kickable offenses listed here:

Ban log with the players bill of rights:

A history of cyberattacks against these servers, stolen mods, Tamari drama, long reads:
VIEW ALL (630)
TWI are at it again
Still a ♥♥♥♥♥♥
"... we can confirm that an update allowing you to independently select your perk class and character is planned for post-release"

So it turns out that yes, this widely articulated fan opinion that specialists suck does indeed has basis in reality. It's just Yoshiro was talking out of his ass.

Yes, almost everyone, 90% of the fanbase to be specific, hate the specialist idea. It's just Yoshiro was talking out of his ass.

Why would he do that? One of the primary functions of intelligence is ability to measure reality accurately and make truthful statements about it. Here Yoshiro spectacularly fails at it and not for the first time, which makes a pattern. The previous example was the hilariously stupid decision to merge a fan made poll into the specialist dump thread which put the fan made poll into the main message of the post, making it look official.

Say, he was a prudent man who wouldn't want to talk out of his ass. In this case he would abstain from making such statements. He would avoid boasting about knowing for real what fans do want and they actually want the specialists. But he didn't. Why? Simply because he's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

But, he's been with the company for like 20 years, we have to pay respects for that. Imagine how many other blunders did he have plenty of opportunities to make. During all these years Gibson didn't fire him, although he should've, as well as all the other ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ working on behind the scenes on colluding to kick him out of his own company. Gibson had to put up with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and slackers out of his christian compassion, only to get backstabbed and pushed out of the company in return.

This is why it's important to part ways with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. If one puts up with their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ they eventually gang up and through their sheer numbers overwhelm you and kick you out of your whole life's effort. Only to ruin it in the end, as they are still clueless ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ they always were.

One can tolerate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ only as long as they know their place. Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥ should be aware they are retarded and if they don't know something for sure they should ask less retarded people, like Gibson himself, what should they do. Too bad they ganged up and kicked him out. So if Yoshiro wanted to seek valuable advice on how to frame the specialist situation he has nobody to check with.

In general, if the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aren't called out on their retardation, they gradually grow to think they are no less capable and start making calls themselves with long term negative consequences of their stupid calls. This is what we have here. This is how companies go bankrupt.

And don't tell me "Carl, you are too harsh on poor Yoshiro, give him some slack". No, dudes. I love this game and I love this franchise. I appreciate the ideas and work Alex Quick, John Gibson and others put to make it reality. Right now, in front of all of us, the studio is ruining their own franchise. They are ruining what I love. Not only that, they are ruining their own future which may lead to their bankruptcy. Simply because they allow ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to make retarded choices without calling them out on their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Well, if they don't call them out on their BS, I have to (after PK did that in the chat, of course). That's what I do here.

Milansta 12 Oct, 2024 @ 1:32pm 
@KitanoV PrO
Stop ♥♥♥♥ writin those schizo comments on my yt channel. I play cd since 2016 i do not need your approval for anything. There is a reason why nobody plays cd with you and the last ♥♥♥♥♥ thing i need from you is toxicity on my videos. Grow the F up.
Epona 19 Apr, 2024 @ 5:04pm 
Beware everyone, there is a gaypist by the name Korbin Kyle and he's deleting his comments to cover his tracks, his steam name is Dreadnought which he will likely change, he's trying to turn more innocent people into gaypists, stay away from this delusional man and stay safe.
a 70 Year old Woman 21 Jan, 2024 @ 8:19am 
Yo Poor huwhyte Carl, I was playing today on your severs and had full zed time and was aiming on a straight on Flesh pounds head , unloaded 30 rounds of all my guns with the gunslinger and only hit 1 head shot. I practice a lot offline and know that i would have hit more then that, I use a cross hair overlay and was perfectly lined up. Others on your server where saying the same thing about the hit detection seemed way off! Please reset servers ? Or fix this some how. Thanks. I had 40 ping fyi
Drew is Juiced 12 Dec, 2023 @ 9:27pm 
Appreciate the server. No B.S. HUD. No annoying EDARS. This HOE+ server is the main reason I still play this amazing game anymore. It's perfectly modded and challenging. Keep up the great work for the community! :steamthumbsup:
Enter chat room
14 March, 2021
United States