Laws Against Hacker Distributors HacksBegone
Laws Against Hacker Distributors HacksBegone
20 June, 2016
United States 
ABOUT Laws Against Hacker Distributors

Make a Life for Distributors Difficult and Riskier With Laws

A permanent and effective solution to hackers across all titles would be for game developers to financially unite in lobbying the government for laws against the distribution of hacks. Let me clarify that, NOT laws against the people who use hacks, laws against the ones who MAKE them.

Why you may ask? Because attacking a problem at the source is the most efficient way to solve a problem. Having serious fines or actual jail time would make distributors think twice about making hacks. Just like crimes in the physical world; having laws in place has an extraordinary impact on the number of people willing to commit those crimes. We could easily see a decrease of distributions by at least 50%, making it that much easier for anti-cheat teams to combat the few remaining groups.

As for legal precedent, hacker distributors are causing legitimate businesses to lose money both in the loss of sales and through the large funding of anti-cheat teams and software. Any other industry in the world being attacked in a similar fashion at the production and maintenance level of their product would have legitimate grounds for legal action. Why should the video game industry be any different?

Lastly, if and when laws are in place heavily advertise that fact and make it widely known to all gamers that laws against distribution exist. (Laws are only an effective scare tactic if people considering the crime know that laws exist)
Rexx 22 Jun, 2016 @ 10:44pm 
No Problem man, I'll do what I can
Baconbits 22 Jun, 2016 @ 1:44am 
Wow, nice! Nothing specific that I can think of right now besides just inviting more people and asking random gamers you run across if they would like to join. I'll promote you to Mod since you're being so helpful.
Rexx 21 Jun, 2016 @ 11:54pm 
lol 23 of my friends joined, considering its only been a day thats not bad, is there anything i can do to help?
Baconbits 21 Jun, 2016 @ 1:42pm 
Thank you Rexx. Welcome to the team.
Rexx 20 Jun, 2016 @ 4:09pm 
Im going to inv a lot of people to this