XS Mechs : Modular Weapons+ Pack
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lophatkao  [sviluppatore] 12 lug 2017, ore 20:40
Bugs with XS Mechs : Weapons Pack
If you provide a pastebin/hastebin link to your starbound.log file, it will greatly speed up fixing any bugs. :D
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lophatkao  [sviluppatore] 12 lug 2017, ore 20:47 
BUG: Energy Blade / Pyro Cutlass - blade animation is invisible when using the other arm weapon

caused by the way I had to adjust the position of the blade image to match the arm animation
I can fix it by changing the blade image, it was easier to just change offset, but causes the issue
Not necessarily a bug, but the pirated rho machine gun aim is off. It looks like more of an issue with how the vanilla arms are handled (they straighten when firing). There is a visible snap when the crossair gets too close to the mech.
lophatkao  [sviluppatore] 13 lug 2017, ore 6:19 
in the mech code, aiming is calculated from the shoulder pivot point towards the cursor, rather than from actual fire point (works ok for small arms)
the 'snap' is from when gun switches to/from the shoulder aiming to firepoint aiming
without aim change, sigma & pirate rho gun aim about 2 blocks below cursor
Ultima modifica da lophatkao; 13 lug 2017, ore 6:19
XS Theta Railcannon Arm breaks when you shoot it while the nose is inside a bunch of blocks.
lophatkao  [sviluppatore] 13 lug 2017, ore 19:24 
thanks Yureii :D
this bug affected Theta beam, Ronin Rho beam and the grav beams :(

One problem. I can't provide the Log cuz I don't know how, but all the firing images are off-model.
I'm getting that issue that @BearFeat is getting, firing imagines are off and randomly below the mech. Only thing i can provide is that picture there.
lophatkao  [sviluppatore] 25 lug 2017, ore 5:45 
thanks for the picture @Landfighter777, very helpful :D
the problem is something with swords
muzzleflash worked fine until i had a sword on the other arm

dangit -.- now i gotta change swords again

Ultima modifica da lophatkao; 25 lug 2017, ore 23:32
Really like the mod, but latest version stopped my techs and the alt fire of my sword from working.
Same happened to my friend with this mod on the latest update.
Ultima modifica da [AoN] Xato_VRNG; 26 lug 2017, ore 5:04
it seems(atleast for me) that your mod breaks the animation of ranged weapons a little.
it (atleast for me) seems your mod breaks the animation of my mechs ranged weapons(i havent tested them all but atleast some of them seem to be broken slightly).
Hello, I'm seeing a lot of errors in my log file regarding your mod, can you tell me if it's an incompatibility issue, or normal?

Edit: I figured it out. For some wierd reason, Modular Mechs was not loading. After I copied it out of the workshop folder into the mods folder it started loading.
Ultima modifica da Prov; 16 set 2017, ore 10:47
Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but the enemy-grabbing arms don't work on non-monster enemies.
Don't know if you're even still really active with Starbound modding, but I found a strange issue with your mod. It's not mentioned anywhere in the description, so I assume it was an accident; the Mech Part Crafting Table has no audio anymore. After a bit of an investigation, I tracked it down to this mod.

Your mod patches mechcraftingtable.animation with this line of code:
[ {"op":"remove","path":"/animatedParts/stateTypes/mechcraftingtable/states/idle/frameProperties"} ]
As such, it removes all audio queues during the animation. I cannot tell if this is intentional, but I hope it can be removed, as the audio queues were a unique part of the table, and it feels weird with nothing.
For some reason, I don't have the XS Ronin Rho Beam Arm and XS Theta Railcannon Arm guns working. Like, if I shoot them, the shot doesn't happen and the mech stops moving at all...

P.S.: I found a problem - this mod is not compatible with Modular Mech Improvements. After I deleted it, everything started working.
Ultima modifica da Alex Maud; 19 giu 2021, ore 0:51
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