Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Adiya's Historical Flag Pack
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 12 jun 2016 om 10:59
Non-historical Flag Request and Discussion
There are plenty of flags that is hard to be determined, mostly are those in communist and fascist ideology. There should be some historical or good fictional design out there. If you want a particular flag in the mod, please make a request with references.

The factors that I will accept a request: (priority in order)
  1. The flag excisted historically (e,g, from a historical regime)
  2. The flag of a historical major party in this ideology
  3. Fictional flag with legitate design
  4. Looks good

There are 4 different flags of different ideologies for each nation:
- communism
- democracy
- fascism
- neutrality

here is a preview image of all VANILLA flags for reference

you can also find preview image of my mod (maybe not up to date)

Here is something I wrote about those non-historical flags
Since most of those parties were never reached the government, it's hard to assume what the national flag under their regime is gonna be.

IMO purely using the party flag is not a good solution anyway.

From the real history, most communist regime have a revolutionary new flag design; most fascist regime had more conservative design, maybe because most of them were rised during the war and doesn't really got time to think about it.

The German Third Reich seems to be the only one who completely adopted party flag (with only slight off-centre adjustment) as the national flag. Even though there were a transition when during 1933 and 1935, the old empire flag (back, white and red tricolor) was used in conjunction with the party flag (swastika).

Back to the topic, it's really impossible to "predict" what's the national flag will be when those communist/fascist parties never build a regime to rule the country; or even they had ever climbed to the top, but didn't last long during the war time.

Through the histroy, my guess is if the fascist regime built on long traditional monarchy government, the national flag wouldn't change much (Italy, Japan, Hungary etc.). That's why I believe most european countries including scandinavian countries are in this case.

The Germany was however at the time no longer a monarchy nation (Weimar Republic), that's why they didn't treasure tradition that much. It was like the red revolution of communism, breaking everything old and build things completely new. (It's only my perspective)

With all these being said, since there are no actual historical being of those national flags under communist/fascist regime, there shouldn't be "correct" or "incorrect". The possiblity was really opened, there should be only "plausible" or "implausible".

Luckily there are some wounderful designs under alternative history either looks legimate or purely cool. I think most of the design was under some serious consideration combining historical evidence and the cultural legancies. It's always debatable why using this instead of that. What I do was trying finding a delightful design, or stick with vanillas. To be honest I myself don't care that much about fictional flags of minor nations. For the majoy nation, I would like to pay more attetion to find to best suitable design, even design it myself when necessary. (With last update, I made some scandinavian communist flags on my own)
Laatst bewerkt door Adiya; 15 jun 2016 om 23:44
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Origineel geplaatst door OG Commie Cat:
you should put this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Flag_of_Spain_(1931_-_1939).svg/2000px-Flag_of_Spain_(1931_-_1939).svg.png
instead of the old flag with just the star in the middle

That's the democracy/neutral flag already iirc.
If you could, it'd be nice for you to link to an imgur gallery of the original ingame flags and your edits so we have everything in one, comprehensive place and know what needs editing.
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 12 jun 2016 om 20:09 
Origineel geplaatst door linkeagleandzen:
If you could, it'd be nice for you to link to an imgur gallery of the original ingame flags and your edits so we have everything in one, comprehensive place and know what needs editing.
Maybe for fascist USA the flag from "Man in the High Castle". Simply because it looks pretty cool.
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 13 jun 2016 om 5:52 
Origineel geplaatst door Old School Internet Warlord:
Maybe for fascist USA the flag from "Man in the High Castle". Simply because it looks pretty cool.
It's not convincing enough, since in the TV show the USA was german occupied. But yea, it's a cool design
Sure. Like I said it just looks cool.
It would be a good idea to use the actual Rex's flag for fascist Belgium instead of the current one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rexist_Party#/media/File:Drapeau_de_Rex.svg

If you want more graphical details, the former leader of Rex shows an original flag here : https://youtu.be/sNxxKUsdVbY?t=1h29m

It's a number 2.
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 15 jun 2016 om 23:49 
Origineel geplaatst door Heitri:
It would be a good idea to use the actual Rex's flag for fascist Belgium instead of the current one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rexist_Party#/media/File:Drapeau_de_Rex.svg

If you want more graphical details, the former leader of Rex shows an original flag here : https://youtu.be/sNxxKUsdVbY?t=1h29m

It's a number 2.
I have some similar request these days regarding using the fascist party flag to be the national flag. So I wrote some thought and posted in the thread, you can check it out.
So here's the National Unity Party flag I was talking about for Canada : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/Flag_of_the_Parti_National_Socialiste_Chretien.svg/150px-Flag_of_the_Parti_National_Socialiste_Chretien.svg.png

Leader Adrien Arcand in his party uniform (note the red on white swastika and blue uniform; in Canada party members were called "blue shirts") : http://media1.ledevoir.com/images_galerie/d_49008_61069/adrien-arcand.jpg

Wikipedia page on Adrien Arcand, the "Canadian führer" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrien_Arcand

The NUP party flag is probably not the absolute ideal flag but it is ten miles ahead of the anachronistic abortion currently in the game considering the maple leaf flag wasn't even a thing until 1965.
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 17 jun 2016 om 18:11 
Origineel geplaatst door pocket toaster:
So here's the National Unity Party flag I was talking about for Canada : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/Flag_of_the_Parti_National_Socialiste_Chretien.svg/150px-Flag_of_the_Parti_National_Socialiste_Chretien.svg.png

Leader Adrien Arcand in his party uniform (note the red on white swastika and blue uniform; in Canada party members were called "blue shirts") : http://media1.ledevoir.com/images_galerie/d_49008_61069/adrien-arcand.jpg

Wikipedia page on Adrien Arcand, the "Canadian führer" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrien_Arcand

The NUP party flag is probably not the absolute ideal flag but it is ten miles ahead of the anachronistic abortion currently in the game considering the maple leaf flag wasn't even a thing until 1965.
Was the NUP the only fascist party in Canada at the time?
The NUP itself came into existence as a fusion of various fascist and national socialist movements. There were a few independent ones, but they were much smaller. The NUP was by far the most popular fascist party before they were banned.
Origineel geplaatst door pocket toaster:

The NUP party flag is probably not the absolute ideal flag but it is ten miles ahead of the anachronistic abortion currently in the game considering the maple leaf flag wasn't even a thing until 1965.

Not entirely true, that symbol is the army symbol, not the stylized maple leaf seen on our current flag. Our military did use the Maple leaf in WW2.

Either way it is a military flag, not a Fascist flag, so it doesn't make sense here.
Laatst bewerkt door Tuskin; 18 jun 2016 om 19:45
Adiya  [ontwikkelaar] 20 jun 2016 om 0:57 
Origineel geplaatst door Tuskin:
Origineel geplaatst door pocket toaster:

The NUP party flag is probably not the absolute ideal flag but it is ten miles ahead of the anachronistic abortion currently in the game considering the maple leaf flag wasn't even a thing until 1965.

Not entirely true, that symbol is the army symbol, not the stylized maple leaf seen on our current flag. Our military did use the Maple leaf in WW2.

Either way it is a military flag, not a Fascist flag, so it doesn't make sense here.
Yea, it's kinda explained where vanilla design comes from.

The reason I'm not pro NUP's flag is that it's almost identical to NSDAP, very unlikely to be adopted as a national flag of Canada.
This guy has some interesting ideas btw: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=707274173

I especially like the Arrow Cross Party-style flag for fascist Hungary, and the South African fascist flag. Not sure where it's from (could be made up) but it looks great. Very German.

The Turkish communist design is great, too.

Don't be afraid to steal good ideas, Adiya xD
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