Dota 2
The Sagacious Spellflayer
prayB4play 2015 年 2 月 20 日 下午 6:25
judging from the negative seems that there r many skeptical commentators offense but their comments seem like coming from shallow-minded sad..i know every1 hv their own opinion..but it doesnt mean it cant be stupid n accept it..

1. silencer is mage class with high agility...his agility rate even higher than some of agi heroes..therefore he is proper in robe and leather armor..
2. and he's throwing glaive as weapon..which mean he is a hero that deal high dmg from range archer, gunlinger, or knives thrower...all these classes r assumed as high accuracy range dmg an open face head set r more let me ask u guys...does priest suit that class?NO!...
3. based on lore..silencer is an intel hero that doesnt rely only on magic..n he's been accused by other disciples that he is not a based on this...he is kind of the only 1..n most likely like a rogue...
4. why the handsome look?..well notrom is somebody..he has been a 'richy' quite suits he is different from other mages..therefore that looks make him way cooler..
5. looks like kunka?not evven close..if u see it up's totally diff.kunka is not handsome n their beard r not even the same can hv beard n mustache..n when u see it from far (like in the game), completely no resemblance at all..
6. overall, i can say what this author trying to show through his work is that..he want silencer to hv a cool, smart, stylish, agile n light, roguely, and dashing look.
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Commander Jane Shepard 2015 年 2 月 21 日 上午 3:18 
the look is similiar to defaul kunkka(the beard)
XeRos_ 2015 年 2 月 21 日 上午 4:45 
My answer is still NO. 1st thought when i saw this set: WTF!? He looks just like Mihawk from One Piece. The hero has his/her lore so the model should follow i.
Do u think the artist consider other factors like stats increase/lvl when he/she make cosmetic? NO. So dont be over thinking something dat not exist. Do u see any priest/mage look like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pirate? NO. And so on. None of your argurments is relevant at all. Btw, research your "lore" that u get as a argument AGAIN, u were wrong in most of the parts.
Creative is good, but dont too much. I admit that the set look cool but it ♥♥♥ up the hero. If u try to be smart, go somewhere else, LoL maybe, where they are so "creative" that make their champions look ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ similar to each other with cosmetics.
P/s: Their complaing is not stupid, they have their opinion, so do u. If u want to judge other ppl when they are not in the same page as you, then u r stupid.
最后由 XeRos_ 编辑于; 2015 年 2 月 22 日 上午 12:01
eisengrave 2015 年 2 月 21 日 上午 5:31 
Considering Silencer's lore and past model should come into this as well. He is not "most likely a rogue" since he is based on an ELVEN unit. Not a seafaring swashbuckler which is exactly the style of this set. Silencer's default still features a subtle elven touch (in shield design, armour style) and before he was recoloured to purple, he very much still resembled a Sin'dorei Spellbreaker. Furthermore, Silencer's current lore has him raised as a battlemage. He was supposed to be the chosen one, yes. He was still educated in fighting with magic, he just substituted CURSING and depriving others of their magic for actual spells. He wields a shield and glaive, which is very far from a typical "rogue" style of fighting. So sit down and research this "lore" you claim before using it as an argument.

Furthermore, handsome-ness is in the eye of the beholder, comparing similarities is not. This set would be spiffing on Kunkka, but not on Nortrom.
Pysiaczek 2015 年 2 月 21 日 上午 6:34 
Well, this set looks really nice, but Author must play on Valve Rules, so dont be mad if this set wont come out. Actually i'm on side those who thinks this set is out of lore, so thumb down from me.:vert:
Sadge 2015 年 2 月 21 日 上午 9:07 
it doesnt really match silencer's lore since hes actually a guardian

hi kunkka
~ 2015 年 2 月 21 日 下午 2:07 
hi kunkka
Lцсᶖаᶇ º¹ 2015 年 2 月 21 日 下午 2:34 
Just change the purple to blue and resubmit as a kunkka set. Everything will be fine then.
i will buy this set if u remove the beard
mag, fucking, neto 2015 年 2 月 22 日 上午 12:23 
Please no, this set is literally Kunkka, fix the face, hat and torso to fit the silencer lore.
最后由 mag, fucking, neto 编辑于; 2015 年 2 月 22 日 上午 12:24
Techno 2 2015 年 2 月 22 日 下午 6:52 
It does remind me a lot of Kunkka, but I like this set. Looks very nice. What makes Silencer Unique in a lore sense is his constant divergence from expectation. He has a high agility gain, relies heavily on physical (or pure) damage rather than magic damage even though he is supposedly a mage, could not cast magic when he was young, defeated all the mages in the "final day of testing," and is the undisputed greatest magic user in the DotA world (because no one else can literally use magic when he silence's them all, making him the best magic user in the world be default for as long as others are silenced). . . You just need to change his hat and maybe beard. (maybe if he didn't even have one) because right now he looks like a musketeer. Also I knew he was a human all this time!!!!! Yet again he breaks expectation! People must think he is an elf.
simpliv 2015 年 2 月 24 日 上午 11:21 
twisted fate
Ayora 2015 年 2 月 26 日 下午 2:17 
If you change it, maybe. But this gaylord really ..... first time i m downvoting something. Use the lore, be creative ... but not in this way.
nÄsh 2015 年 2 月 28 日 上午 8:24 
This is the best set I've ever seen in my entire life. Please let this be in.
Gibi 2015 年 2 月 28 日 下午 1:17 
Everyone can have an opinion as long as it matches mine in every way otherwise they're simply shallow and stupid. Such logic
MagicRabbit404 2015 年 2 月 28 日 下午 6:59 
thats not really a swashbuckle look, more like one of the three musketers, and I like it.
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