

Det's Xenotypes - Avaloi
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DetVisor  [developer] 24 Mar @ 4:20pm
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Enabled this mod mid-game.

When on pause everything's OK. When at speed, once you move the viewport to see certain elements on the map (I'm not sure what exactly), the map disappears. Weather conditions keep being visible though, on top of pitch black map. You scroll to a side, and the map appears once again.

I guess it might be a conflict with some other mod.
Disabling this mod immediately fixed the issue.
DetVisor  [developer] 29 Mar @ 5:55am 
Are you in 1.5?
Halicade 29 Mar @ 3:59pm 
Hello getting the following errors on startup. Assuming it's because I don't have royalty. This was with only base game, biotech, ideology and harmony.
RimWorld 1.5.4048 rev928 Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld/RimWorldWin64_Data/Mono/data-000002C968256020.dll Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld/RimWorldWin64_Data/Mono/data-000002C967F7C130.dll XML error: Could not find parent node named "RoyalBase" for node "PawnKindDef". Full node: <PawnKindDef ParentName="RoyalBase"><defName>DV_Avaloi_Wizard</defName><royalTitleChance>1</royalTitleChance><label>wizard</label><factionHostileOnDeath>false</factionHostileOnDeath><combatPower>90</combatPower><weaponMoney>99999</weaponMoney><specificApparelRequirements><li><bodyPartGroup>Torso</bodyPartGroup><requiredTag>RoyalRobe</requiredTag></li><li><bodyPartGroup>Torso</bodyPartGroup><apparelLayer>OnSkin</apparelLayer><requiredTag>RoyalTier2</requiredTag></li><li><bodyPartGroup>Legs</bodyPartGroup><stuff>Hyperweave</stuff></li><li><colorGenerator Class="ColorGenerator_Options"><options><li><only>(104, 120, 119)</only></li><li><only>(119, 145, 121)</only></li><li><only>(106, 120, 104)</only></li><li><only>(140, 140, 119)</only></li><li><only>(99, 87, 67)</only></li><li><only>(128, 116, 84)</only></li><li><only>(107, 94, 64)</only></li><li><only>(77, 66, 45)</only></li></options></colorGenerator></li></specificApparelRequirements><techHediffsMoney>1000~2000</techHediffsMoney><xenotypeSet><xenotypeChances><DV_Avaloi>1</DV_Avaloi></xenotypeChances></xenotypeSet><useFactionXenotypes>false</useFactionXenotypes><weaponTags Inherit="False"><li>EltexStaff</li></weaponTags><requiredWorkTags><li>Violent</li></requiredWorkTags><minGenerationAge>50</minGenerationAge><techHediffsMaxAmount>3</techHediffsMaxAmount><initialWillRange>6~8</initialWillRange><initialResistanceRange>30~46</initialResistanceRange><humanPregnancyChance>0</humanPregnancyChance></PawnKindDef> (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) XML error: <hatRenderedFrontOfFace>false</hatRenderedFrontOfFace> doesn't correspond to any field in type ApparelProperties. Context: <apparel><parentTagDef>ApparelHead</parentTagDef><countsAsClothingForNudity>false</countsAsClothingForNudity><bodyPartGroups><li>Eyes</li></bodyPartGroups><wornGraphicPath>Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AvaloiGlasses/AvaloiGlasses</wornGraphicPath><hatRenderedFrontOfFace>false</hatRenderedFrontOfFace><forceRenderUnderHair>true</forceRenderUnderHair><useWornGraphicMask>true</useWornGraphicMask><layers><li>EyeCover</li></layers><tags><li>IndustrialBasic</li></tags><defaultOutfitTags><li>Worker</li></defaultOutfitTags></apparel> (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) XML error: <forceRenderUnderHair>true</forceRenderUnderHair> doesn't correspond to any field in type ApparelProperties. Context: <apparel><parentTagDef>ApparelHead</parentTagDef><countsAsClothingForNudity>false</countsAsClothingForNudity><bodyPartGroups><li>Eyes</li></bodyPartGroups><wornGraphicPath>Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AvaloiGlasses/AvaloiGlasses</wornGraphicPath><hatRenderedFrontOfFace>false</hatRenderedFrontOfFace><forceRenderUnderHair>true</forceRenderUnderHair><useWornGraphicMask>true</useWornGraphicMask><layers><li>EyeCover</li></layers><tags><li>IndustrialBasic</li></tags><defaultOutfitTags><li>Worker</li></defaultOutfitTags></apparel> (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Config error in DV_Avaloi_Wizard: no race (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) Exception in ConfigErrors() of DV_Avaloi_Wizard: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [Ref 7FB15509] at Verse.PawnKindDef+<ConfigErrors>d__144.MoveNext () [0x00261] in <ade265c6622f40838b31c11cef15d9fe>:0 at Verse.DefDatabase`1[T].ErrorCheckAllDefs () [0x0006b] in <ade265c6622f40838b31c11cef15d9fe>:0 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
Last edited by Halicade; 29 Mar @ 4:10pm
the avaloi spawned with some mead from VE, but mead doesnt seem to increase their psychic sensitivity. other stuff like rum worked
DetVisor  [developer] 7 Apr @ 3:20am 
Then VE's mead uses a different chemical.
The coral beard is supposed to be exclusive with beards right so its possible to add a requirement for it to have the beardless gene. done the same with flabsack for boglegs

also added a custom exclusion tag to bushy beards only and unisex beards because if they get selected with beardless they might overwrite the beardless gene and cause flabsack/coral beard to appear with the beards. had to add the tag to bushybeards/unisexbeards/flabsack/coralbeards.

Edit: that still caused problems so I added the exclusion tag BeardStyle and removed beardless from both xenotypes. also added the nobeard tagfilter to both flabsack and coralbeards to make em beardless without the beardless gene.
Last edited by Deleted Profile; 10 Apr @ 12:19am
DetVisor  [developer] 10 Apr @ 2:43am 
I'll see, the flabsack is the only one that would actually look bad with beards but the coral beards aren't meant to make you beardless. It's just a name.
Originally posted by DetVisor:
I'll see, the flabsack is the only one that would actually look bad with beards but the coral beards aren't meant to make you beardless. It's just a name.

what i did above still left the bogleg moustache thingie so it didnt work completely
its weird cause if u add beardless as a prereq for something and then beardless is overwritten by bushybeards or something stuff messes up. Like u get flabsack with the beard even if u set flabsack as requiring beardless
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but beer doesn't seem to increase the psychic sensitivity at all. I'm also using Psycasts Expanded so maybe that has something to do with it.
I'm also not seeing psychic sensitivity increase when drinking beer - I also have Psycasts Expanded installed, but no mods that would affect alcohol.

Edit - I've also checked the error logs and nothing shows up when drinking the vanilla alcohol, so unfortunately I don't have any logs to post
Last edited by Grawlichs; 5 May @ 6:20am
DetVisor  [developer] 6 May @ 1:44am 
I'll look into it.
DetVisor  [developer] 6 May @ 1:31pm 
Pushed an update, verify your files, try again, if it doesn't work it might be a mod conflict.
After updating and verifying I can confirm that yes, the psychic inebriation hediff is working as advertised. Thank you so much for the hard work!
DetVisor  [developer] 6 May @ 10:50pm 
Thanks for the confirmation, have fun playing!
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