

CCRT Item Tags
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Chief_Curtains  [developer] 24 Oct, 2022 @ 7:13pm
If anyone has any suggestions or features that they like in other mods and would like to see in here, let me know!
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Magicthize 24 Oct, 2022 @ 10:54pm 
Oh I really love this idea as a logical progression of the Favourites! mod. I have a few suggestions:

- create/delete tags
- rename tags
- customise tag icon/colour
Last edited by Magicthize; 24 Oct, 2022 @ 10:55pm
Chief_Curtains  [developer] 25 Oct, 2022 @ 2:43am 
I am currently (as we speak) working on a color picker for the icon and the ability to rename the tags. The color picker should be straightforward since I have already built color references from rimworld and the tag colors are just unity shaders. Making that a user selection in the options menu should go well.

The renaming will be a challenge simply because updating the tag name doesn't update it on the stockpile filter menu. Working on a way to implement that now.

Adding/Deleting tags, while the most straightforward seeming, is going to be a doozy. Simply because of the stockpile filters being being updated. The file that manages this is the SpecialThingFilters.xml and I have not yet tested how much... abuse... it can withstand. Though it did (literally) just occur to me that the mod settings XML exists for that reason, so maybe it can be done...

Still new to this, bear with me.

I am a computer forensics guy, so I have spent 15+ years digging around inside of computers but never actually built anything with the code I pour over every day haha.
Magicthize 25 Oct, 2022 @ 3:07am 
That's great to hear. If you can get this all to work I can see this mod becoming one of those I wonder how I ever lived without. :)

I forgot to check but do these tags work/be made to work with Bills? With the Favourites! mod I really appreciated being able to manually mark a ton of stuff as junk and have it destroyed/recycled without having to worry about accidentally including something in the job bill.
Last edited by Magicthize; 25 Oct, 2022 @ 3:21am
Chief_Curtains  [developer] 25 Oct, 2022 @ 4:10am 
I am also working on that, it's on my list next. I'm pouring over how XeoNovaDan did it and it's pretty heavily reliant on Harmony. The good news is that I just got the harmony instance working and verified some patches that I was applying with it! Bad news is, It's 7am and I have to go to work. At least Visual Studio looks like I am working while at my desk...

I am also working to figure out adding the icon to the trade UI. Rimworld made some changes to the trade UI display of icons with biotech so I can't use the same method XeoNovaDan used. Interestingly enough, he was using the call for the animal pregnancy/bonded icon, that was removed for a more complicated method so I have to do some digging.
Lt. Bob 11 Nov, 2022 @ 8:47am 
it would be nice if the filtering categories could be grouped, so they could be collapsed.
Other than that, great mod! Keep up the good work.
Chief_Curtains  [developer] 11 Nov, 2022 @ 8:56am 
Originally posted by Lt. Bob:
it would be nice if the filtering categories could be grouped, so they could be collapsed.
Other than that, great mod! Keep up the good work.

So I looked into that because it was something I really wanted to incorporate. It seems like standard filters are designated at a CORE level in order to encompass all items and subcategories are specific to certain definition libraries. So something like "Allow Tainted" only appears in Apparel but not in other categories.

In order to make a sub category for Tagged items, i would need to override the Core definitions of ALL items to apply a null tag at spawn, which can cause a TON of bugs.

I dug and dug but it looks like the only solution would to patch the entire filterworker class to always consider tags (which breaks things like chunks since they can't be tagged) or completely rebuild the way filterworkers operate which would be a compatibility nightmare.

Currently, my goal is to just allow the toggle settings to make the tags invisible in item filters, but it would require a game restart after switching the option. I will probably go this route if I do incorporate this.

I'm aware my experience is limited so, other mod authors may have pulled this off successfully. If you happen to ever come across another mod that does it, hit me up on here with the name and I will dig through their source to see how they did.
Warpath 21 Jan, 2023 @ 6:26am 
Just wondering if it wowuld be possible to remove the "tags" from their own category in the architect menu and compile them all into an "order"? I.e., one button in the orders menu that you can right click on to select which tag you want to set. Would also be great to have the same functionality to "untag" as right now you can mass tag easily, but its a bit trickier to untag.
LexiSkexi 25 Feb, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
It would be really helpful if renaming the tag actually renamed the tag, because when I'm looking at filters on a bill, I don't always remember whether "Tag A" is "save" or "recycle" and, well, that's pretty important!

I guess you could also just have the filter list call whatever the user has nicknamed the tag, rather than having the rename change all the files, but I know next-to-nothing about working with actual code, so maybe that's what you would already have done, or maybe it's way harder, dunno.
thailyn 16 Mar, 2023 @ 12:49pm 
Hi, I was a huge fan of the "Favourites!" mod, so I'm glad this is a good replacement -- and a great mod in its own right.

I know this mod is named specifically "Item" tags, but I was wondering if you could allow adding tags to pawns. One thing I used the Favourites! mod a lot for was tagging raiders who looked good and I wanted to try to capture/recruit. Thanks!
Chief_Curtains  [developer] 17 Mar, 2023 @ 4:38am 
Originally posted by thailyn:
Hi, I was a huge fan of the "Favourites!" mod, so I'm glad this is a good replacement -- and a great mod in its own right.

I know this mod is named specifically "Item" tags, but I was wondering if you could allow adding tags to pawns. One thing I used the Favourites! mod a lot for was tagging raiders who looked good and I wanted to try to capture/recruit. Thanks!

I'm planning to re-explore this in the future. I've been taking a break from Rimworld for a bit, but when I come back I am going to add some features to the mod. I had the pawn-tagging ability on it but it was inconsistent and throwing red errors for some reason.
frack 10 Nov, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
Would be useful if one could assign a hotkey to a specific tag for assignment
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