Glitterworld Uprising
BlueEagle421  [producent] 16 lipca 2022 o 1:30
Bug reports
Please report bugs and issues here.
Current known problems:
- no problems.

Before reporting please read how to do it in mod description. If is not an error, just an issue please try to give as much information as you can.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: BlueEagle421; 6 października 2022 o 11:59
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 26 komentarzy
Shindig 17 lipca 2022 o 7:44 
I found this while making translation files: philosopher's stone is pronounced as philosophers stone when it appears as an item
BlueEagle421  [producent] 17 lipca 2022 o 8:08 
thanks, will fix
I'm getting an error that seems to involve the drug lab loading recipes.
Bug report is here:
(Line 314)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: legomacinnisinc; 17 lipca 2022 o 13:24
BlueEagle421  [producent] 17 lipca 2022 o 14:38 
Zigzyena 17 lipca 2022 o 16:02 
The model for the skilltrainer assembly terminal in the architect module and when trying to place is messed up. It isn't centered correctly and is tiny. When placed down it looks normal.
BlueEagle421  [producent] 17 lipca 2022 o 16:07 
Could you maybe attach your mod list with load order and check for any this mod’s errors in the console?
Zigzyena 17 lipca 2022 o 16:15 
Yep, I probably should have done that to begin with. I can't see any errors popping up with devmode enabled. I can interact with it and build it without errors but it looks off-centered when trying to build it.


LO: Harmony, Core, Royalty, Ideology, Hugslib, Combat Extended, Ushankas Glitterworld Uprising
BlueEagle421  [producent] 17 lipca 2022 o 16:21 
Thanks. I would try to load CE after GU and see if the bug continues. Someone reported on my other mod similar thing and he also had CE installed so I guess it may be the cause
Zigzyena 17 lipca 2022 o 17:14 
The bug continues after putting CE after GU.
LO: Harmony, Core, Royalty, Ideology, Hugslib, GU, CE

Tested without CE and still had the problem.
LO: Harmony, Core, Royalty, Ideology, GU Hugslib
Ryder 🗲 18 lipca 2022 o 6:52 
The glitterworld-analyzers still reset after loading a save. I've deconstructed and built them again but same result. Currently have 4 of these with 4 white and 4 black boxes hooked up making the countdown 3 days. Not seeing any errors but can provide save/hugslib if necessary.

edit: nevermind. I thought I read it was fixed in last night's update but see the notice now.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Ryder 🗲; 18 lipca 2022 o 6:54
BlueEagle421  [producent] 18 lipca 2022 o 9:03 
Yep, still working on it
ꙮktober 18 lipca 2022 o 19:22 
For whatever reason this is causing an incompatibility with the Tab-Sorting Mod. Had to do a bit of trial and error but it appears when this mod and Tab-Sorting are both active the Architect menu does not work and attempting to change mod settings for Tab-Sorting creates a hard lock through an un-closeable dialogue box.
Ryder 🗲 20 lipca 2022 o 8:06 
Might be related to the analyzer upon save load duration bug. But just in case: after a solar flare, the analyzers paused as expected. But once it was over it started to count down from 6 days rather than the expected 3 days (hooked up to 4x light, 4x dark supporters).
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Ryder 🗲; 20 lipca 2022 o 8:06
SheepPotato 26 lipca 2022 o 20:09 
Hello. I am getting an error that seems to involve the druglab. Logs: https://gist.github.com/d1e42a3e90ebd1e8d3179bd753d4279b
jybil178 5 sierpnia 2022 o 14:02 
As it is, I got lucky finding my last red error seemed to get removed when I took off this mod. Tried reading over it and taking out all of Vanilla Expanded Furniture and its associates, the error may have changed but it appeared that it was still there. Attempted to remove all of Vanilla expanded, except for the framework and again, the error may have changed, but it appeared to remain. I understand that this is a pretty stupid mod list and may very well not be worth your time to troubleshoot or look over. Just wanted to bring to your attention since you seemed to want any error reports you could manage. Somehow, I've managed to keep my mod list without red errors at the very least, so I've been lucky xD


load error log
XML error: Duplicate XML node name recipes in this XML block: <ThingDef ParentName="BenchBase"><defName>DrugLab</defName><label>drug lab</label><description>A work bench equipped with containers, heaters, and measurement devices for producing various drugs.</description><thingClass>Building_WorkTable</thingClass><graphicData><texPath>Things/Building/Production/TableDrugLab</texPath><graphicClass>Graphic_Multi</graphicClass><shaderType>CutoutComplex</shaderType><drawSize>(3.5,1.5)</drawSize><damageData><cornerTL>Damage/Corner</cornerTL><cornerTR>Damage/Corner</cornerTR><cornerBL>Damage/Corner</cornerBL><cornerBR>Damage/Corner</cornerBR></damageData></graphicData><castEdgeShadows>true</castEdgeShadows><staticSunShadowHeight>0.20</staticSunShadowHeight><costStuffCount>50</costStuffCount><stuffCategories><li>Metallic</li><li>Woody</li></stuffCategories><costList><Steel>75</Steel><ComponentIndustrial>6</ComponentIndustrial></costList><altitudeLayer>Building</altitudeLayer><fillPercent>0.5</fillPercent><useHitPoints>True</useHitPoints><statBases><WorkToBuild>3500</WorkToBuild><MaxHitPoints>120</MaxHitPoints><Flammability>1.0</Flammability></statBases><size>(3,1)</size><designationCategory>Production</designationCategory><passability>PassThroughOnly</passability><pathCost>50</pathCost><hasInteractionCell>True</hasInteractionCell><interactionCellOffset>(0,0,-1)</interactionCellOffset><surfaceType>Item</surfaceType><constructionSkillPrerequisite>4</constructionSkillPrerequisite><inspectorTabs><li>ITab_Bills</li></inspectorTabs><building><spawnedConceptLearnOpportunity>BillsTab</spawnedConceptLearnOpportunity></building><comps><li Class="CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities"><linkableFacilities><li>ToolCabinet</li><li>VFE_DrugCabinet</li></linkableFacilities></li><li><compClass>CommonSense.DoCleanComp</compClass></li><li Class="VanillaFurnitureExpanded.CompProperties_RandomBuildingGraphic"><randomGraphics><li>Things/Building/Production/TableDrugLab</li><li>Things/Building/Production/TableDrugLabs/VFE_TableDrugLabAlternate</li><li>Things/Building/Production/TableDrugLabs/VFE_TableDrugLabBigJar</li><li>Things/Building/Production/TableDrugLabs/VFE_TableDrugLabDouble</li></randomGraphics></li></comps><placeWorkers><li>PlaceWorker_ShowFacilitiesConnections</li><li>PlaceWorker_PreventInteractionSpotOverlap</li></placeWorkers><researchPrerequisites><li>DrugProduction</li></researchPrerequisites><recipes><li>USH_Make_MedicineUltratech_Bulk</li></recipes><recipes><li>USH_Synthesise_Luciferium</li><li>USH_Synthesise_Luciferium_Bulk</li><li>USH_Synthesise_Lifter</li><li>USH_Synthesise_Lifter_Bulk</li><li>USH_Synthesise_RedFlicker</li><li>USH_Synthesise_RedFlicker_Bulk</li><li>USH_Synthesise_ScarletSmellingSalts</li><li>USH_Synthesise_ScarletSmellingSalts_Bulk</li><li>USH_Synthesise_LastWish</li><li>USH_Synthesise_LastWish_Bulk</li><li>USH_Synthesise_ScarletEye</li><li>USH_Synthesise_ScarletEye_Bulk</li><li>USH_Synthesise_MechaSuppressors</li></recipes></ThingDef>
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch4 (string)
Verse.XmlInheritance:CheckForDuplicateNodes (System.Xml.XmlNode,System.Xml.XmlNode)
Verse.XmlInheritance:ResolveXmlNodeFor (Verse.XmlInheritance/XmlInheritanceNode)
Verse.XmlInheritance:ResolveXmlNodesRecursively (Verse.XmlInheritance/XmlInheritanceNode)
Verse.XmlInheritance:ResolveXmlNodesRecursively (Verse.XmlInheritance/XmlInheritanceNode)
Verse.XmlInheritance:ResolveXmlNodesRecursively (Verse.XmlInheritance/XmlInheritanceNode)
Verse.XmlInheritance:ResolveXmlNodes ()
Verse.XmlInheritance:Resolve ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.LoadedModManager:Verse.LoadedModManager.ParseAndProcessXML_Patch1 (System.Xml.XmlDocument,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<System.Xml.XmlNode, Verse.LoadableXmlAsset>)
Verse.LoadedModManager:LoadAllActiveMods ()
Verse.PlayDataLoader:DoPlayLoad ()
Verse.PlayDataLoader:LoadAllPlayData (bool)
Verse.Root/<>c:<Start>b__6_1 ()
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action)
Verse.LongEventHandler/<>c:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>b__27_0 ()
System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object)
System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart (

mod count
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