[WoTC] Custodian Pack
Claus  [开发者] 2020 年 5 月 12 日 下午 7:58
Bug Reporterino Apocalypseino
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mortis 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 3:35 
So I know the mod works; I've used the standalone versions on other X2 installs and they work without issue. However, I've recently tried incorporating these into Beag's Operators vs. Aliens modlist, and I've come across a weird issue, where the all of the Custodian shield meshes don't load, except for the Exalted Grandmaster's. However, all shield-related abilities (like the Mk.2's shield bash) still work fine. I've been trying to troubleshoot this on my own for the last few days (as this issue appeared in the standalone versions as well), and I was hoping you could maybe provide insight.

Do you know of any mods that could cause some socket shenanigans that would cause a visual bug like this? (Ex., LW2 Secondary Weapons adds sockets to soldiers in order for weapon meshes to show up). Any technical details about the mod you can provide?
最后由 mortis 编辑于; 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 3:42
MojaveCourier 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 6:00 
On what Force Level are the enemies supposed to start spawning? They haven't been spawning for me at all.
Claus  [开发者] 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 7:46 
@mortis: That is extremely strange, but to answer your question, the shields are all equipped on the heavy weapon slot, so i don't think that would cause any issues unless there is some mod out there that is forcing something onto the Custodian's heavy weapon socket, which is taking the place of the shield, so the shield just disappears. But then that would have to exclude the Grandmaster, which sounds extremely specific or extremely random.
Another technical thing i can think of is that the shields are in reality cosmetic only, with the exception of the Grandmaster(who has the Hidden Shield Strike ability on his shield), and the Mk2 Custodian, who has the shield bash.
One last thing that could be relevant, although not sure how or why, is these settings on the shield's templates, but as you can see they're all over the place, that is because for the purpose of this mod they're all pretty much irrelevant, since they're not usable by Xcom soldiers.In fact the only thing i can remember that makes something of this relevant, is that if the shields are not in an Weapon inventory slot, they will not show on the reveal animation, which is only relevant for the Custodian Master and Grandmaster :
Custodian Shield:
Template.ItemCat = 'weapon';
Template.WeaponCat = 'sword';
Template.WeaponTech = 'conventional';
Template.StowedLocation = eSlot_HeavyWeapon;
Custodian Master Shield:
Template.ItemCat = 'weapon';
Template.WeaponCat = 'sword';
Template.WeaponTech = 'conventional';
Template.InventorySlot = eInvSlot_TertiaryWeapon;
Template.StowedLocation = eSlot_HeavyWeapon;
Mk2 Shield:
Template.ItemCat = 'weapon';
Template.WeaponCat = 'baton';
Template.WeaponTech = 'magnetic';
Template.InventorySlot = eInvSlot_Utility;
Template.StowedLocation = eSlot_RightBack;
Exalted Shield:
Template.ItemCat = 'weapon';
Template.WeaponCat = 'sword';
Template.WeaponTech = 'conventional';
Template.StowedLocation = eSlot_HeavyWeapon;
Grandmaster Shield:
Template.ItemCat = 'weapon';
Template.WeaponCat = 'sword';
Template.WeaponTech = 'conventional';
Template.InventorySlot = eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon;
Template.StowedLocation = eSlot_HeavyWeapon;

@Vincentandre21: 16 for all but the Exalted Custodians, those only spawn at Force level 20.
mortis 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 8:28 
Appreciated, I'll keep troubleshooting and see if I can find what mod is causing it. If I do I'll let you know.

Side note, I did at one point recompile the src code to move the Exalted Custodian's shield to the secondary weapon slot, and that did cause the shield to render. Of course, he lost out on the pistol because of this, but that seems to confirm that something is interacting with the Custodian heavy weapon slot. Again, I'll look into, and thanks again.
MojaveCourier 2020 年 5 月 13 日 下午 9:26 
Thank you. I am a long ways off from meeting them. I'm still at Force Level 8.
4rrakis 2020 年 5 月 16 日 上午 4:51 
There seems to be a problem with the metion battlesuit - the cosmetics don't show up. Equiping it leads to an invisible torso with vanilla arms and legs. Yesterday it worked fine, the problem began after i started the game again after your last update. I did some testing and narrowed it down to a conflict between this and the community highlander.
Claus  [开发者] 2020 年 5 月 16 日 上午 8:39 
huh, i think i know what the issue is. Weird that it worked before though, i'll update the mod.
Updated, let me know if it works now.
最后由 Claus 编辑于; 2020 年 5 月 16 日 上午 8:49
4rrakis 2020 年 5 月 16 日 上午 9:15 
I just tested it and it works as intended now, both on my test save with only this and the highlander as well as with my full mod list. Thanks for the quick fix!
Claus  [开发者] 2020 年 5 月 16 日 上午 9:20 
Nice, just for future reference for anyone reading this the issue was in XcomGame.ini, the names for the "DLCIdentifier", and "CosmeticDLCNamesUnaffectedByRoll", did not match the correct name of the "DLC", DLC in this case being the mod. It was still set to "Metion Battlesuit" which was the name for the standalone battlesuit mod, when it should've been set to "Custodian Pack".
mortis 2020 年 5 月 19 日 下午 8:24 
Figured I'd chime in again. The "issue" I reported initially seems to have resolved itself? Rather, it only seems to occur on XCOM controlled Custodians. When I reported that bug, I had only tested the Custodians in Tactical Quick Launch, and had no seen them in the wild. It seems like XCOM controlled Custodians have this issue, but enemy Custodians do not.
tommyc434 2020 年 11 月 8 日 上午 10:13 
HI Claus,

Great mod! Love having such cool, interesting end-game enemies appropriate for my end-game team!

Want to report a weird interaction. I'm not sure if this is because of the core game, or something to do with the Custodian programming. If you put 2x Reaper Homing Mines on 2 members of the Exalted Grandmaster pod, for some reason when it's triggered there is a CHAIN of damage (like it procs 7-8 times) that insta-wipes the Exalted Custodians and leaves the Grandmaster really hurt.

I am running LW2 class/perks mods and a few other gameplay mods, but I didn't think that should affect the Reapers (who are unmodded in my campaign).
Fedora the Explorer 2021 年 7 月 27 日 下午 12:28 
Hi there, Claus.

I can't seem to craft or research the Metion battlesuit. Is this supposed to be a proving ground project? The Metion shotgun appears there, and the destroyer cannon and flechette gun appear in engineering, but there's nothing for the battlesuit. I do happen to be using Hotl3ooded's proving ground overhaul, and it appears to bug out when I tried getting the hyperdrive serum vest, removing the option for me to craft additional sets of armor (for one elerium core).

Is there an exalted custodian autopsy I need to do to get the battlesuit? I've encountered them once in my playthrough.
45fg45 2021 年 9 月 20 日 上午 8:04 
are you planning create chost weapon templates on weapons using in your mods?
RakkoHug~<3 2023 年 10 月 13 日 下午 6:53 
Oh this is a most curious BUG :)

Activate Brain Cord -> Mission ends before Brain Cord Expires -> The X-com agent who used Brain Cord has her will restored back to full
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