[WOTC] Iridar's Stormrider Class
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Iridar  [developer] 1 abr. 2020 às 8:09

### Edge Alignment ###
Your melee attacks gain +10 Aim.
A necessary perk for any melee specialist to bring their chance to hit on par with other melee users.

### Windcaller's Legacy ###
Melee attacks against targets on an adjacent tile cost 1 AP and do not end the turn. Attacking an enemy within blue move range grants a Move-only action. If using "Empty" secondary weapon, the Move action is granted for all melee attacks.

"Within blue move" means that player is literally able to see the blue border. If the blue border is not visible just before the attack is activated, then Windcaller's Legacy will not activate.

### Intercept ###
Melee attack the first enemy that moves within your line of sight and 1 AP move distance with a penalty to aim, then return to the original tile. Can be used while concealed, but the soldier will attack only if the concealment is broken.

Intercept must be used carefully, as the intercepting soldier can attract unwanted attention from other enemies.
Intercept is not triggered by attacks, only movement, unless the soldier has Covering Fire. It can benefit from Guardian as well.
Targets immune to Overwatch and other reaction fire cannot be Intercepted.
Interception attack suffers reaction fire penalties and normally cannot deal critical damage, unless activated while Concealed.
The return move is not 100% guaranteed due to bugs.

This is effectively "Melee Overwatch", which should make Stormrider more flexible as a melee class.
Última alteração por Iridar; 1 abr. 2020 às 9:12
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Iridar  [developer] 1 abr. 2020 às 9:10 

### Power Up ###
Activate to boost the damage of the next mainhand melee attack by 50%, gain knockback immunity and become able to break away if bound by a Viper. Can be activated with Move-only actions.

The unit has Knockback immunity and can break away if bound by a Viper only while the Power Up effect is active.

Power Up effect lasts indefinitely, but it will be removed after one attack or one breakaway.
Breakaway happens on your turn after the unit has been bound, so they still take initial damage from the Bind. No cooldown by default.

Power Up provides a reliable damage boost and plays nicely with Windcaller's Legacy.

### Enrage ###
Activate to become Enraged for 2 turns, dealing +25% more melee damage and becoming immune to mental effects, but suffering a -5 Defense penalty. 10 turn cooldown that is reduced each time this unit attacks or is targeted by enemy attacks.

Using Overdrive Serum will Enrage the soldier as well, irrespective of the cooldown.

### Cull The Weak ###
Gain +0.5% Crit Chance for every 1% of HP the target is missing.

This is a cross-class perk.

### Gore ###
Killing an enemy has a chance to panic some of the nearby organic enemies.

Gore activates every time the unit kills an enemy, and then the chance to panic is rolled for every enemy individually.
Only organic enemies who had direct line of sight to the killed enemy can panic.
Panic is removed if the soldier that caused the panic is killed.

This is a cross-class perk.

### Obsession ###
Mark an enemy. Until the start of your next turn, attack the enemy for every action they take.

Any action will trigger an Obsession attack, but another attack will be possible only after the target activates an ability that costs at least one Action Point.

Obsessed unit will follow the target around, quite likely leaving the unit outside of cover, so it must be used with caution.
Obsession attacks are preemptive when possible, meaning that most of the time they will come before the enemy action that activated them.
Obsession attacks count as reaction attacks and suffer aim penalties, but they can deal critical damage.
If the obsessed unit has Riposte, they will automatically counter all target's attacks directed at them, if possible.
If Obsession is used while Concealed, the concealment will be broken immediately.
The obsessing unit is able to attack the target only if it can be reached with 2 AP of movement. If the enemy is able to teleport or otherwise possesses superior mobility, they may be able to escape the obsessed unit.
Cooldown: 2 turns.
This ability benefits from the Mobility bonus provided by Ghost Rider.

### Bloodlust ###
Activate to make kills grant 1 Bloodlust stack, maximum 4 stacks. Each stack will increase melee damage by 1. At 4 stacks gain access to a powerful Unleash attack that deals high electrical damage in a specified area.
Stacks are lost if there are no more visible enemies.This ability is affected by Windcaller's Legacy as if it was a melee attack."

### GTS Perk - Eye of the Storm ###
If mentally impaired at the start of your turn, cleanse any mental impairments and become Enraged. Does not work when mindcontrolled. 5 turn cooldown.

This ability becomes available for purchase in GTS if at least one Stormrider on your crew learns all of the Berserker perks. This ability is granted to all Stormriders when purchased.

If used with RPGO, the ability is granted only to the soldier that has learned all of the Berserker perks.
Última alteração por Iridar; 1 abr. 2020 às 9:13
Iridar  [developer] 1 abr. 2020 às 10:28 

### Blitz Kick ###
Kick an enemy, dealing damage that scales with soldier's rank. This ability can be used only with Move actions.

### Conduit ###
Teleport to an allied soldier. Consumes all action points and grants one Move-only action. Breaks concealment. Allows the soldier to teleport to the original tile after using Intercept.
Breaks concealment when used.
Ignores distance and line of sight requirements when teleporting to a Bondmate, and at Bond Level 3 grants the ally a 4 HP ablative shield.
Learning Conduit allows the soldier to teleport to the original tile after performing Intercept, making it more reliable in that regard.

### Concussive Blows ###
Your melee critical hits Disorient. Critical hits against disoriented enemies Stun. Melee attacks against stunned enemies deal +25% more damage. Gain +10% melee crit chance.

### Recharge ###
Activate to recover 50% of missing HP, 50% of missing Will and 50% of missing Ballistic Shield HP, if equipped. Breaks concealment when used. 2 Charges, 5 Turn cooldown.

### Cross Strike ###
Critical Strikes from standard melee attacks cause an additional attack instead of dealing bonus critical damage. Passively gain +10% melee crit chance.

This ability does not affect abilities that do not rely on a melee weapon, such as Blitz Kick.
The original attack still counts as a Crit. Additional strikes always hit, but never crit.
Works with Dual Wielding. If the primary sword slash crits, the target will receive 4 attacks in total, two from each weapon.
Critical hits from Obsession attacks can become Cross Strikes.

### Windcaller's Fury ###
Melee attacks always cost 1 Action Point and do not end turn.

### GTS Perk - Martial Arts ###
Deal +1 melee damage to humanoid enemies and with melee attacks that don't require a weapon.

This ability becomes available for purchase in GTS if at least one Stormrider on your crew learns all of the Charger perks. This ability is granted to all Stormriders when purchased.

If used with RPGO, the ability is granted only to the soldier that has learned all of the Charger perks.
Última alteração por Iridar; 1 abr. 2020 às 10:28
Iridar  [developer] 1 abr. 2020 às 10:37 

### Guard ###
Activate to Guard the next incoming attack, reducing its effectiveness. Can be used multiple times to Guard against multiple attacks. Can be used with Move-only actions. When carrying a Ballistic Shield, used automatically if the soldier didn't attack this turn.

Guard reduces the effectiveness of enemy attacks by downgrading their result: if an attack would Crit, it will be downgraded to a regular Hit. Hits are downgraded to Grazes, and Grazes (Dodges) will not hit the soldier at all.

When equipped with a Ballistic Shield, the attack is downgraded twice: Crits become Grazes, and regular Hits and Grazes are Deflected.

Guard will also reduce explosive damage by 50% at the cost of one charge.

This is a cross-class perk.

### Aegis ###
Shield Wall now reduces incoming damage by 33% and redirects any attacks against nearby allies towards you.

Affects Shield Wall granted by Ballistic Shields and W.A.R. Suits.
Aegis affects allies on directly neighboring tiles. Allies on diagonal tiles are not affected.

### Back To Back ###
If this soldier ends turn within 1.5 tiles of an unimpaired allied soldier, enemies will not receive flanking bonuses to Aim and Crit against either of the soldiers during enemy turn."

The effect is lost if one of the soldiers becomes impaired.
1.5 tile range means the effect will be granted if they are on diagonal tiles.

### Riposte ###
Use the primary weapon to counter enemy attacks that would Miss or Graze, or while Guard is active. Passively gain +10% Dodge and resist most impairing effects applied by melee attack hits.

Any attack performed at melee range can be countered, even if it is made with a ranged weapon.
Countering an attack allows to completely avoid it, and automatically respond with a counter attack.
An attack cannot be countered if the enemy is immune to reaction fire.
Counterattack counts as a reaction attack; it suffers aim penalties and normally cannot crit.
Counterattack deals damage only from the primary weapon, even if dual wielding, and it cannot activate Cross Strike.
Learning Riposte will make the soldier permanently immune to impairing effects of melee attacks performed by Stun Lancers, Mutons and Berserkers.
If Guard s active, its charge will be used to counter the enemy attack, if possible.

### Galvanized Armor ###
Gain +1 Armor that cannot be shredded, and also reduce enemy Shred by 1 against this unit.

### Rout ###
Unitl the start of your next turn, Intercept all enemy movement within your line of sight and 1 AP move distance.

### GTS Perk - Indomitable ###
Armor can now reduce incoming damage to zero.

This ability becomes available for purchase in GTS if at least one Stormrider on your crew learns all of the Stalwart perks. This ability is granted to all Stormriders when purchased.

If used with RPGO, the ability is granted only to the soldier that has learned all of the Stalwart perks.
Última alteração por Iridar; 1 abr. 2020 às 10:42
Iridar  [developer] 1 abr. 2020 às 10:47 

### Ghost Rider ###
Become undetectable and gain +3 Mobility bonus during Interception. Gain +10 bonus Aim to all reaction attacks.

This ability allows the soldier to avoid enemy reaction fire and otherwise draw unwanted attention from inactive enemies.

### Haymaker ###
A mainhand melee attack that removes many positive effects from the enemy and deals critical electric damage.

With default configuration, Haymaker will remove these positive effects from the target: ADVENT Shieldbearers' Energy Shield, Berserkers' Rage, Archons' Frenzy and ADVENT Priests' Holy Warrior. The effects are removed before the damage is applied.

### Sunder Armor ###
Activate to make your next primary weapon attack this turn Shred armor instead of dealing damage. The amount of Shred is equal to 50% of the damage the attack would normally deal.

The attack can still Crit, shredding even more armor.

This is a cross-class perk.

### Shockwave ###
Stomp the ground, dealing electrical damage in a cone, bypassing armor and disorienting. It also has a 10% chance to Stun.
This ability is affected by Windcaller's Legacy as if it was a melee attack.

### Circuit Breaker ###
Activate to deal a small amount of electrical damage and shutdown target robotic unit for 2 Actions.

### Thunderdome ###
Mark an area with a 6.67 Tile radius. Until the end of turn, killing enemies in that area refunds Action Points for you and your squadmembers.

Allies can benefit from Action Point refund only once. 6 Turn cooldown.

### GTS Perk - Rolling Thunder ###
Whenever you deal Electrical damage, detect enemy presence in a 18 tile radius.

This ability becomes available for purchase in GTS if at least one Stormrider on your crew learns all of the Breaker perks. This ability is granted to all Stormriders when purchased.

If used with RPGO, the ability is granted only to the soldier that has learned all of the Breaker perks.
Última alteração por Iridar; 1 abr. 2020 às 10:48
Iridar  [developer] 1 abr. 2020 às 10:52 

This is a fifth row of perks. You need to scroll down on the promotion screen in order to see them. Several perks from this list are chosen randomly for each Stormrider. They can learn these perks even without the Training Center.

  • Tactical Rigging
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Volatile Mix
  • Untouchable
  • Shadowstep
  • Shadowstrike
  • Phantom
  • Deep Cover
  • Guardian
  • Covering Fire
  • Cool Under Pressure

Overwatch-related perks in this list will work with Intercept and other reaction attacks, where relevant.
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