ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 18 Oct, 2019 @ 5:55am
Bug Reports
Bugs or other issues can be reported here.

Please see the "known issues" in the description before posting.
Last edited by Professor Cupcake; 19 Oct, 2019 @ 11:52am
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
Liliouf 21 Oct, 2019 @ 1:30pm 
It doesn't work with the wheel wisthle menu,
if i open it when aiming with the binoculars, i can't get out of it
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 23 Oct, 2019 @ 12:30pm 
Thanks for the report.

After a bit of testing, it seems there is a workaround: you can close the menu if you put the binoculars away.

This one may not be fixable. Still, there's a few things I can try.
Scrotbot9000 23 Oct, 2019 @ 5:27pm 
Can't seem to craft this item, it says made in the fabricator but can't seem to get it to show up as craftable anywhere, even used a Mindwipe Tonic and relearned engrams to see if that worked, but it didn't. Does this work on dedicated servers?
Last edited by Scrotbot9000; 23 Oct, 2019 @ 5:28pm
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 24 Oct, 2019 @ 8:35am 
That is odd.

How are you playing (single player, locally-hosted, dedicated)? What other mods are you running?
Scrotbot9000 24 Oct, 2019 @ 3:29pm 
Dedicated server.
current mods are:
Ultra Stacks
Echo's Stacking Storage
Structures Plus
Egg and Poop Collector
Personal Waypoints
Small Forge
Rare Sightings
Wall Clock with Alarm Timer
Hunger Stimulant
Better Reusables
Rare Flowers and Mushrooms Seeds
Dino Patrol System
Marvelous Spyglass (works but annoyingly)
Blueprint Crafter
Valguero Dino and Map Extension
Configurable Charge Nodes
Durable Armor
HG Farming Tools
Cupvision (testing to replace Marvelous Spyglass)
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 24 Oct, 2019 @ 4:58pm 
Was this with every engram? If it was just a few of them, the latest update should've fixed it.
drachenfeles 28 Oct, 2019 @ 1:30pm 
Hello, mod started crashing after last patch, meaning the moment I equip v2 binoculars I've been using, ARK goes CTD with following:

Fatal error!
VERSION: 300.1
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::utclocatvariableO (0x00007tn6d70SSc2) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\runtime\ coreuobject\ private\ uobject\ scrlptcore.cpp:962]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::CallfunctionO (0x00007tn6d703edb) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\engine\source\runtime\ coreuobject\ private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:438)
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcesslnternaiO (0x00007tn6d70423f) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\so urce\runtime\ corouobject\ private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S94)
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::CaiiFunctionO (0x00007tn6d704012) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\engine\source\runtime\ coreuobject\private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S09)
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcesslnternaiO (Ox000071n6d70423f) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\engine\source\Juntime\coreuobject\private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S94)
ShooterGa me.exe!UObject::CallfunctionO (0x00007fn6d704012) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ en gine\source\Juntime\ coreuobject\private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S09]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcesslnternaiO 10x00007ff76d70423f) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\so urce\Juntime\coreuobject\private\uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S94]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::CaiiFunctionO 10x000Q7tn6d704012) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\source\Juntime\ coreuobject\private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S09]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcesslnternaiO 10x000Q7tn6d70423f) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\so urce\Juntime\ coreuobject\private\ uobject\scriptcore.cpp:S94]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::CallfunctionO 10x000Q7tn6d704012) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\source\Junlime\ coreuobject\private\ uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S09]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcesslnternaiO 10x000Q7tn6d70423f) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ en gine\source\Junlime\coreuobject\privale\uobject\scrlptcore.cpp:S94)
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::CaiiFunctionO 10x000Q7tn6d704012) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ en gine\source\Junlime\ coreuobject\priYate\uobject\s<riptcore.cpp:S09)
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcesslntemaiO 10x00007tn6d70423f) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ en gine\so urce\Junlime\coreuobject\private\ uobject\scriptcore.cpp:S94)
ShooterGame.exe!UFunction::lnvokeO 10x00007tn6d6b966f) • 6 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ en gine\source\Juntime\ coreuobject\private\ uobject\ctass.cpp:3801]
ShooterGame.exe!UObject::ProcessEventO 10x000Q7tn6d70S3a8) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\engine\source\Juntime\ coreuobject\private\uobject\scriptcore.cpp:931)
ShooterGame.exe!AActor.:ProcessEventO 10x000Q7tn6dd40c12) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\engine\source\Juntime\ engine\prival e\actor.cpp:627]
ShooterGame.exe!< lambda_613735cl3d25a~nbt228a3b3d5Gfd>::operatorOO {0x00007ff76<bd01 db) + 0 bytes [h!\livegamehotfixes\p rojects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\primalbuff.cpp:760]
Shoot e rGa me. exe !APri mal6uff:: T i ckO (0x00007ff76c6df 34) • 0 bytes (h:\live 9a me h otfixe s\p ro j e cts\s ho ote r9a me \sou rce\s h oote rga m e\p rivate\p ri mal buff. cp p:946]
ShooterGame.exe!AActor.:TickActorO (0x00007ff76dd4110e) • 0 bytes (h:\live9amehotfixes\ en9ine\ source\ runtime\ engine\privat e\actor.cpp:769)
ShooterGame .exe!TGraphTask < FTic:kTask.Sequencer.: FTick:Function Task>:: ExecuteTaskO {0x00007ff76e124660) + 30 bytes [h:\ livegamehotfixes\ englne\ source\ runtlme\ core\publiC\asynC\taskgraphinterfaces.h:871)
ShooterGame.exe!FNamedTaskThrtad::ProcessTasksNamedThreadO (0x00007ff76d5a08e8) + 0 bytes [h:\ livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\ runtime\ core\prlvate\asynC\taskgraph.cpp:939)
ShooterGame.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntiiQultO (0x00007tn6d59fa9d) • 0 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ en9ine\ source\ runlime\ core\prlvate\asynC\taskgraph.cpp:680)
ShooterGame.exe!FTaskGraphlmplementation::WaltUntiiTasksC.ompleteO (Ox00007ff76dS.a25aO) + 0 bytes [h,:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\ runtime\ core\ prlvate\asyne\taskgraph.cpp:1777]
ShooterGame.exe!FTaskGraphlntertace::WaitUntiiTaskCompletesO (0x00007tn6d650662) • 0 bytes (h:\live9omehotfixes\ en9ine\ source\runtime\ core\ pubiiC\asynC\task9raphinter1aces.h:320)
ShooterGame.exe!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroupO (0X00007ff76t0e88c4) + 298 bytes [h:\ livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\ runtime\ engine\ prlvate\ tlcktaskmanager.cpp:188)
ShooterGame.exe!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroupQ (0x00007tn6e0ed1ec) + 0 bytes [h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\ runtime\ engine\ private\ tlcktaskmanager.cpp:867)
ShooterGame.exe!UWorld::RunTickGroupO (0lc00007 ff76df287ab) + 0 bytes [h;\livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\ runtime\ engine\ private\ leveltlck.cpp:697)
Shoot erG am e. exe! UWo rl d:: Ti ckO (0x00007ff7 6df29c3 5) • 0 bytes (h :\I ive 9 am e h otfixe s\ e n 9 in e\ s o u rc e\ru nti m.e\ e n 9 in e\ p rival e \levelti ck. cp p: 1207]
ShooterGame.exe!UGameEngine::TickO (0x00007ff76de527 d2) + 0 bytes (h:\ livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\runtime\ engine\ private\gameengine .cpp: 1170)
ShooterGame.exe!FEngineloop::TickO (0x00007ff76c5b9e75) • 0 bytes (h:\ live9amehotfixes\ en9ine\ source\runtime\launch\ private\launchengineloop.cpp:2421)
ShooterGame.exe!GuardedMainO (0x00007ft'76cSb42ac) + 0 bytes (h:\ livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\ runtime\launch\ private\ launch.cpp:140)
ShooterGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapperO (0X00007ff76c5bb3da) + 5 bytes (h:\livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\runtime\ launch\ private\windows\launchwlndows.cpp:1 25)
ShooterGame.exe!WinMainO (0x00007ff76c5bb508) + 8 bytes (h:\ livegamehotfixes\ engine\ source\runtime\launch\ private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209)
ShooterGame.exe!_ tmainCRTStartupO (0x00007ff7611 639a 1) • 21 bytes (f:\dd\vctools\ crt\ crtw32\dllstufl\crt exe.c:618)
KERNEL32.Dll!Unknownfunction (0x00007flbca4f7bd4) • 0 bytes (Unknownfile:O)
ntdll.dii!Unknownfunction (0x00007ffbcb7ccee1) • 0 bytes (Unknownfile:O)
ntdll.dii!Unknownfunction (0x00007ffbcb7ccee1) • 0 bytes (Unknownfile:O)
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 29 Oct, 2019 @ 6:54am 
Is that on a dedicated server? If so, all I can think might cause it is if the server's version of the mod hasn't been updated.

It looks more like it's a problem with your game, though. Maybe the patch broke something? Have you tried verifying the game files?
drachenfeles 29 Oct, 2019 @ 1:16pm 
single player, and since nobody here reported anything similar I suspect something went wrong during update, game works fine otherwise, I have source mod (super spyglass) installed too and nothing crashes, do you know any way of fixing such issue without braking save?
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 30 Oct, 2019 @ 5:17am 
As I said above, try verifying your Steam files for the game. Right-click on ARK in your steam library, click on "properties", then the "local files" tab, and "verify integrity of game files".
drachenfeles 2 Nov, 2019 @ 4:45am 
sorry for late answer, but it didn't help
I even scratched saves and restarted map clean without cupvision, saved and then added mod, but once I click hotbar with binoculars ark goes CTD
That Guy 9 Nov, 2019 @ 3:41pm 
I had the same issue as Scrototems, except I'm playing in Single Player. I managed to fix it by moving from the bottom of my load order to the top. I don't know exactly what was conflicting with it (I only have 2 other mods) or if I'll have future issues with another mod, but thought I'd put the solution here. My current load order is:
Stargate world's V3.0
Chair of the Impatient - MP/SP
Professor Cupcake  [developer] 10 Nov, 2019 @ 4:24am 
Do both of your other mods still add their engrams to crafting stations just fine?
That Guy 10 Nov, 2019 @ 1:16pm 
Yes, but one of them using a custom crafting station. The other one only adds items that are crafted in your inventory. I haven't run into any issues yet with any of the mods working with this load order, but I'll let you know if I do. If there's anything in particular you need tested, feel free to ask. Great mod btw! It's exactly what I was looking for, plus some. :lunar2019grinningpig:
JotZet 3 Dec, 2019 @ 5:10pm 
hey. I dont have the stat window anymore since this last update. I tried the binoculars v2 and the advance scope. Further, when I hit shift P there is no stat ui to chooose from. Its a great mod, so can you pls have a look into it again. thx

Last edited by JotZet; 3 Dec, 2019 @ 5:11pm
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