ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Poker After Ark
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
reinerSCT  [developer] 24 Jul, 2019 @ 12:41pm
Post suggestions for the mod. Pls don't suggest common poker games and tournament types.
It's already being considered. Thank you!
Last edited by reinerSCT; 11 Aug, 2019 @ 3:33pm
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
ToothedJaw 24 Jul, 2019 @ 4:08pm 
Would this mod work in single player? If not please add NPCs or something.

Also, currency is a question of mine. Do the chips have actual value in the game like could you trade them for metal/quality tools at a terminal or something. IDK. need to test this.
reinerSCT  [developer] 24 Jul, 2019 @ 4:47pm 
It doesn't work in singleplayer. The game only starts when atleast two valid players are on the table.
But they can still be used for decorative purposes. :)
I don't think i'm capable of making a poker npc, but never say never.

There's no real usage atm for the poker chips. An accessoire shop is planned, with all kinds of stuff, like clothing, trophys, emotes and decoration.
Owner of seasonal servers, can make the chips more valueable, by hiding the ChipsVendor engram and giving out a fixed amount of chips to each character once and see who is the best player, in the end of the season. Could also get interesting on PVP servers.

A gambling machine for quality blueprints is a nice idea. Maybe similar to the wheel of fortune from Rust, or something like that.
{SC} LadyAriel 29 Jul, 2019 @ 1:55pm 
It would be awesome if you could make it so we can config what "currrency" to play with
Ex. "Arc's" - TC's Auto Rewards
Cryocaustic 4 Aug, 2019 @ 9:06am 
Hello reinerSCT! My buddy and I are enjoying the mod as we both love Hold'Em and it's great to past time sitting in front of a Lystro while cooking narcotics!

Our suggestion is the ability to craft the poker chips back into metal ingots as to have a fun way for tribes/players to have another avenue to get more ingots and enjoy themselves in the process. I can see the chips to ingots as being a bit cheating in the idea that you can store all your ingots in chip form for reduced weight. Perhaps have another chip box that is admin locked/spawned so chip conversion can be controlled. This does open up the possibility of using chips to trade/buy with other tribes as carrying 3200 chips is easier than 3200 ingots.

For the accessory shop, if all the locked/time specific dino and player skins could be purchased from there, that would be awesome for new to ark players who would otherwise miss out on the Rex Stomp glasses and the bionic skins.

Thank you for creating a great addition to mix up the grind that is Ark!
reinerSCT  [developer] 5 Aug, 2019 @ 4:49am 
@{WNRQ} LadyAriel It is possible to override the crafting recipe of the chips. Afaik, even modded items can be used as ingredients.

@Cryocaustic You can now convert the chips back into metal ingots. I tried to limit the weight abuse with a long crafting time, but i feel this could be pretty annoying when you want to convert larger amounts. It's a temp solution right now.
Admin spawnable vendors is a good idea.
Not sure if i want the skins to be purchaseable, or optained through archievments/milestones. Like "Play 100 Hands", "Win a pot with 72" and so on.
But it is planned, that players can get all the skins somehow.
Valykai Hyena 6 Aug, 2019 @ 12:36pm 
Could you add a message to show which player won the hand? Then make the message that says you won like a green background so you know faster that you were the winner?
reinerSCT  [developer] 6 Aug, 2019 @ 1:01pm 
@V𐌰L𐍅𐍂𐍅M I've actually added a whole villain panel on the left of the screen, with all informations
needed about your opponents. It even shows the hole cards and hand strength of the winning opponent. But for some reason it doesn't show up in the live game. Working on a fix right now.
Loco Cubano 9 Sep, 2019 @ 3:51pm 
Any plans to add other forms of poker like basic draw power or 5 card stud poker? for that mater any other sorts of card games like blackjack?
Last edited by Loco Cubano; 9 Sep, 2019 @ 3:51pm
The Exemplar 11 Mar, 2020 @ 2:18am 
Howdy there, currently I play on a server which we use your poker after ark mod (SilvertonRp) and we were wondering if you could add some wooden slot machines so we can do slots. Maybe to a complete remaster and add some more tables also. Roulette, 3 card poker, etc
Acccountess 2 Apr, 2021 @ 7:33am 
Blackjack? Craps? Love this mod!
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