

Rim of Madness - Bones
Criarino 6 Aug, 2021 @ 4:09pm
Skull throne bug when rotated
Skull throne sprite gets bugged when rotated sideways: https://i.imgur.com/o9JFgrw.jpg
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Jeff 5 Oct, 2022 @ 11:51am 
Same problem here
Balthazad 17 Feb, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
same here

if zoomed in, the bug changes to "full size, but easier to see through than a wet white shirt"
Balthazad 17 Feb, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
after taking a look into it, i see 3 possible reasons for the issue.

but first things first, you find the textures in :\\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1180573408\Textures\Things\Building\Furniture\BoneThroneErok

the 3 things i see there:
a) different background colors
b) black+white instead of the usual NotGreen-/NotRed-/NotBlue- background colors
c) weird naming of the last one

after seeing these things and checking again ingame, i'm pretty sure the game is messing up some mirroring, trying to use 2/4 of each picture

if you're changing those files, the mod won't be automatically updated anymore until you unsub & resub, which will then cause your changes to disappear. there is a way to do local modding of mods without causing that, but idk how. i'll try with the original files and if i make a progress i'll tell jec about it, probably right here.
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