

Rim of Madness - Bones
Criarino 6. aug. 2021 kl. 16.09
Skull throne bug when rotated
Skull throne sprite gets bugged when rotated sideways: https://i.imgur.com/o9JFgrw.jpg
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Viser 13 av 3 kommentarer
Jeff 5. okt. 2022 kl. 11.51 
Same problem here
Balthazad 17. feb. 2023 kl. 12.21 
same here

if zoomed in, the bug changes to "full size, but easier to see through than a wet white shirt"
Balthazad 17. feb. 2023 kl. 21.38 
after taking a look into it, i see 3 possible reasons for the issue.

but first things first, you find the textures in :\\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1180573408\Textures\Things\Building\Furniture\BoneThroneErok

the 3 things i see there:
a) different background colors
b) black+white instead of the usual NotGreen-/NotRed-/NotBlue- background colors
c) weird naming of the last one

after seeing these things and checking again ingame, i'm pretty sure the game is messing up some mirroring, trying to use 2/4 of each picture

if you're changing those files, the mod won't be automatically updated anymore until you unsub & resub, which will then cause your changes to disappear. there is a way to do local modding of mods without causing that, but idk how. i'll try with the original files and if i make a progress i'll tell jec about it, probably right here.
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